Fall Further - Download and Current Changelog

I see.....to be fixed with the next patch ?

....he still has "Hidden Nationality":D !

Thanks for the quick answer :goodjob: !
When is next patch. It has some neat stuff I want to play with.

Make sure to include the tweaks to jotnar, the increased corporation yields, et al. ^^
Hi I just noticed a new Modcomp in the new Civ4 downloads for April on the main page - a feature that lets you examine a newly conquered city before deciding whether you want to keep or raze.

Could you please include this in the next patch? This is one feature I've been missing from day 1 of Civ4! IMHO, they should include it in the vanilla game!
Hi I just noticed a new Modcomp in the new Civ4 downloads for April on the main page - a feature that lets you examine a newly conquered city before deciding whether you want to keep or raze.

Could you please include this in the next patch? This is one feature I've been missing from day 1 of Civ4! IMHO, they should include it in the vanilla game!

Kael has already said the next version of FFH2 will include this, so that probably means it'll propagate to FF after that.
I didn't get an answer about Austrin monument, Vehem. Any reason to ignore me? :)

Something shiny went past and distracted me... :D


Actually I downloaded it to have a play with the textures/reskin it and discovered that the DDS was coming up transparent in paint.net (which is what I use for all my DDS editing). Decided "that's odd", went to check the texture used in NifSkope, which matched the filename, then tried scribbling on the transparency and found that it did indeed overlay the existing texture.

There does appear to be an unnamed texture with "useExternal = 0" on the .nif - is it using an internal texture?


Basically got that far with playing with it as I could see a use as a monument/Tali wayshrine, but then had to head out and proceeded to forget all about it. I was aiming for it to look a little more "run down" - a shrine erected by wanderers from stones they found in the area, possibly by one of their Recon units as a marker for an expedition to find the location.

The base looking something more like
Spoiler :
Changelog for M is up - there's more in it than I thought...
Which color/material do you want the bird?

I didn't include any internal texture and I don't use paint.net. The .dds was made via photoshop plugin and .nif via 3ds max exporting tool. The only reason for some weird things may lay in my bad knowledge of the exporting plugin settings when I did it. However I've tested it in the game and it works fine :).


Malakim+, Doviello+, and Fall Flat are almost obsolete now. FF has just absorbed them all :goodjob:

PS: did you include the new tradeship button?

PPS: One thing I'm not too sure about. Removing death magic from ALL vampires?
I think only the "Vampire" unit, and the Brujah, needed to lose it. It's quite fitting for Vampire lords.
Could you possibly give death magic back to the lords?
Hmm, about this change

13. Reverted the change to keep city defenders in the city when withdrawing - potential exploit to protect cities using high withdrawal chance units

I would say a better solution, is to disable defensive withdrawals entirely when in a city. Why not do that?

When a city is under siege and surrounded, it doesn't really make sense that a group of soldiers can just run off into the forest.
Which color/material do you want the bird?

I didn't include any internal texture and I don't use paint.net. The .dds was made via photoshop plugin and .nif via 3ds max exporting tool. The only reason for some weird things may lay in my bad knowledge of the exporting plugin settings when I did it. However I've tested it in the game and it works fine :).

Having the bird in black is fine - their flag has a black bird on (admittedly more a swallow than an eagle) so it fits nicely.

Not sure what is happening with the texture my end then - I'd assumed you'd used some clever modeling trick but now I really don't know :)

Thanks in anycase - it'll make a nice flavour piece - I think I may actually use it for the "Austrin Settlement" building (the one that grants free distance maintenance - it fits as marker for all Austrin settlements that way)
Current Version Changelog

Patch M (unreleased - will break save games)
(Rev 492)
1. Great Person artwork should be included properly in all patches (not just the ones that I force it to be included).
2. Reduced effect of worldsize on guild yields.
3. Fireballs gain enhanced range and strength from caster promotions as in base FfH again.
4. Hotkeys to cycle cities now zoom to the capital if pressed with no city selected. Work as normal if a city is already selected.
5. Chance Per turn for an event moved to global define instead of using era info and making them all the same (Modders can easily modify the rate at which events occur).
6. Min/Max age Prereq display on promotions no longer adjusts the output based on current gamespeed, since the requirement doesn't adjust (just the speed at which you age).
7. Fix for Global Events so they should be capable of happening again.
8. Fix for Technology weight in scores not being Era based anymore.
9. Fix for Doviello Skuld having no offensive strength.
10. New Troll Models from Deon.
11. No Inflation TXT_KEY fixed.
12. Fix for Archers attacking units that they won't actually hurt.
13. Reverted the change to keep city defenders in the city when withdrawing - potential exploit to protect cities using high withdrawal chance units
14. Included Pearls in the Scions luxury-modifier for awakening rate (was checked before, but not included in the calculation)
15. Added Feral Trait (peace with Animals from start) - from Fall Flat.

Such horrible lies. :p

16. Daracaat becomes Feral instead of Barbarian
17. Doviello become Feral (CivTrait).
18. Added "PrepareExpedition" project - allows an Austrin recon unit to found a city (one shot per time project completed).
19. 3 Stooges get Giantkin promotion.
20. Added Wizards Hall building - from Fall Flat.
21. Reworked Jotnar spawning to scale with GameSpeed, current number of cities and current total Giant Population (quicker start, slower late game rather than the reverse)
22. Kahdi gate creatures adjusted - mostly as in Fall Flat.
23. Honor/Deception blocked for Agnostics - from Fall Flat
24. Malakim more heavily favour desert on FlavourStarts - from Malakim+
25. Removed Nomad Camp, Added Bedouin improvements - from Malakim+
26. Gave Sanctify the ability to remove Haunted Lands - from Fall Flat.
27. Scorch can now alter several other terrain types - mostly as in Malakim+
28. Enabled more "TeamShare" wonders - from Fall Flat.
29. Added Hunters Hall at Tracking - from Fall Flat.
30. Made Imperial Cenotaph into a UB Courthouse - from Fall Flat.
31. Added additional Disciple training rate to several temples/holy cities - from Fall Flat.
32. Added some buildings to Organized and Expansive's build lists - mostly as in Fall Flat.
33. Reduced cost of Kahdi gates - from Fall Flat.
34. Added info for Kahdi gates - from Fall Flat.
35. Doviello gain +1 Hammer on Tundra, +1 food on Snow and +1 food from Camp
36. Added Merchant Trait for Varn - from Malakim+.
37. Malakim get +1 further food from Oases - based on Malakim+ (think that had +2)

Yeah, been meaning to tone that down....

38. Jotnar start with a citizen instead of a worker.
39. Allowed Oases to be improved - they're actually very desirable features for any civ now.
40. Removed Death I from all Vampires - from Fall Flat.
41. Improved Burning Blood (more chance of expiring without betrayal) - from Fall Flat.
42. Dexterous improves ranged attack cap by 10% - based on Fall Flat (15% in FFlat)
43. Forest Stealth grants +1 poison (Svart units in woods) - from Fall Flat
44. Added Cleric unit (Bannor only - grants a "March" promotion to all units on tile) - based on Fall Flat (FFlat's version has an active heal spell rather than passive promotion)
45. Divided Soul now handled through promotions (for upgrades) - from Fall Flat.
46. Crusaders/Paramanders now able to take weapon promotions (strengths reduced to 5+1 and 6 respectively) - from Fall Flat.
47. Jotnar can upgrade Citizens to workers
48. Jotnar TXT_KEYs fixed now include entries for the missing languages (all in English, but should prevent the missing text problem on non-English versions).
49. Jotnar unit upgrade costs adjusted.
50. Jotnar Palace grants +2 :gold: instead of +2 :culture:
51. Jotnar Capital starts with a Monument for free.
52. PyPostCombatWon/Lost exposed to Python (for modders)
53. Jotnar bonuses for Wind/Watermills reduced slightly - they were too much of an "only choice".
54. Hardy III withdrawal rate fixed (should be +20%, was previously +50%).
55. Added Dervish, Malakim Champion and Anubites units to the Malakim - from Malakim+

Very nice lol. Looking forward to seeing just how much was absorbed. :goodjob:
Absolutly great list. I have wanted to play some of the modmodmods but been to lazy to actually do it. Now I dont' have to.

Umm now, about those Amurite changes... I think you left hose off the list :)

What about Jotnar workers gaining xp for nothing? I think they could get xp from spirit guide too, but I am not sure.

Not mentioned here but else where, Workers will promote and be able to take hardy etc... citizens still will not.
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