Favorite Shows/Books

Just gonna have a nerd-gasm here...


heroes - duh!
firefly - double-duh!
buffy the vampire slayer - brilliant at the time it was produced, still is actually
gilmore girls - best dialogue in the past decade in season 1-3
friends - were they on a break? weren't they? also: hugh laurie's first US tv appearance iirc which brings me to
house - hugh laurie and SRL, why didn't the latter become a huge star after dead poet's society again?
battlestar galactica - mainly because katee sackhoff owns that show
californication - it takes a great show to make me remotely like david duchovny and I did
west wing - arguably better dialogue than gilmore girls, definitely better plots
drive - cancelled? why?
studio 60 - again, why?
flight of the conchords - this one needs no explanation

george r r martin's song of ice and fire series - if you haven't read it, please do
douglas coupland, girlfriend in a coma - read it 6-7 times by now, love it, one of the best books of the last 25 years imho
stella duffy, singling out the couples - not quite neill gaiman but still good
nick hornby, about a boy - I am Ibiza!
robert cramins, a sort of homecoming - the Less Than Zero of the 90s
neill gaiman and terry pratchett, good omens - just look at who wrote it...
bill bryson, a short history of nearly everything - science for the science-impaired geek, as always with bill bryson an average of 4 chuckles a page and you get to annoy your roommates/spouses by quoting whole paragraphs at a time to them while they do useless stuff like... dunno... cook, do the dishes, write their dissertations, watch their favourite tv show... who doesn't love that?

I feel so dirty and relieved at the same time... I will hide now
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle( a must read)
Angels and Demons by Dan Brown
Choose your own adventure series
Ugly Betty
the Simpsons
Family guy
king of the hill
America's Next Top Model
My favorite tv show is Futurama and the Simpsons. My favorite books is the Island of the Day Before and Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco. Eco's other books however are perhaps some of my least favorite books I have ever read..
Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevksy
The Brothers Karamazov - Dostoyevksy
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas
Les Miserables - Victor Hugo
The Things They Carried - Tim O'Brien
The Mayor of Casterbridge - Thomas Hardy
CARDINAL of the Kremlin - Tom Clancy
Red Storm Rising - Clancy
Patriot Games - Clancy
The Hunt for Red October - Clancy
KJV Bible. Did I need to say it?

12 Jump Street
The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
The Dukes of Hazzard
Starsky and Hutch
Miami Vice
Mission: Impossible
Monty Python's Flying Circus
Robot Chicken
Fawlty Towers
Enders game
The island of doctor moreau
war of the worlds
the invisible man
brave new world
starship troopers
the martian chronicles

I dont watch tv so........
Well I only own a few books:
Catcher in the Rye - nice classic I can relate to.
Elegant Universe - nice science book that opens my mind when I get a little too molested by mainstream mediocrity.

TV Shows:
not much of anything, maybe random stuff off educational channels. I'll go with Mythbusters for now.

Donnie Darko, American Beauty, ... anything with a twist or that makes you stop and think.
Favorite TV Shows: 30 Rock, The Office, Daily Show, SportsCenter, Man vs. Wild, and Seinfeld.
all of terry pratchets..
Hitchhickers guide to the galaxy

the office
almost all of adult swim
the simpsons
history's mysteries

the picture of dorian grey - oscar wilde
another day in paradise - eddie little
letters to a young poet - rainer maria rilke
I have an eclectic taste, so:

Favorite TV show (still running in US): Heroes, How I Met Your Mother, The Office, Human Weapon, CSI
Other TV shows: Everybody Loves Raymond, Rome, Veronica Mars, Hercule Poirot (BBC series) and others that I cannot recall atm

Favorite books:
Curtain by Agatha Christie
Full Metal Alchemist manga series
Just gonna have a nerd-gasm here...

studio 60 - again, why?


I liked the show up to about mid season and I could think of 3 things why it never caught on:
1. Every main character talked very fast in almost every situation.. this made the show harder to follow for average viewer
2. The romance was forced and moved in the speed of light
3. NBC move the air time around before it got any good amount of viewers

My own reason for not liking it past mid season (even though I still watched every episode):
They focused more on the romance in the show (which should have been done at slower pace, IMHO) and not enough on the behind the scenes of SNL type production..
yeah I guess I kinda see the romance issue, point taken. as far as talking fast goes I am a bit stumped... I'm not a native speaker and I had no problems "getting it" at all.

personally, I was surprised a show like that even made it to post-production. the cadre of actors they had on alone must have cost a fortune.
Futurama (been watching the marathon on CN all week)
Firefly (saw it for the first time over Thanksgiving, fell in love immediately)

Anything by CS Lewis, Terry Pratchett, or JRR Tolkien (especially his Fir4st Age stuff)
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