Fear, Loathing, and Gumbo on the Campaign Night - [Gamethread]

Unvote; Vote Tolni
Advocating for no lynch lessens information and only helps the wolves.

I am not particularly fond of lynching a first timer day 1. Especially as it's a common fallacy he's advocating. He could certainly be smoke screening and playing up the newb card, but that will keep for later.
I really doubt that's his angle.
There is the occasionally day 1 bag based off real character/post deconstruction, but it's not the default expectation certainly.

*remains unconvinced*
*remains unconvinced*


Spoiler Off topic nonsense :
I've day 1 fingered most of the wolf team. And not, vague inclination, but serious suspicion. It's not routine sadly, but it's not that weird for a people to grab someone, especially once they've got a good handle on meta. And I've seen more impressive from players really geared for the early start.

The idea that day 1 is never anything but luck was obliterated from my mind after day 1 of playing this game way back when I was starting out.

Ops didn't realise that the game had started. Should I read the first few pages or are we just mucking about?

Any way Red Spy because his redness indicates either a communist (and would this game have a commie third faction perchance?) or a republican. Oh and a spy.
unvote, vote: snerk for implying he's in a townie faction on D1
I am not particularly fond of lynching a first timer day 1. Especially as it's a common fallacy he's advocating. He could certainly be smoke screening and playing up the newb card, but that will keep for later.

Agreed I've played Werewolf/Mafia IRL, so i'm not new, normally I'd vote to lynch for anyone advocating to not lynch anyone, but in this case, since I don't think tolni has played any before I'd rather not turn one kill him.
It feels rather random to me. I mean, it's my first-time mafia-ing, but we just decide to lynch someone for no apparent reason.

Maybe we should just wait until one of the Rummies attacks.

and if they kill someone random then what?

Also, the pace of the Martin Luther wagon looks decidedly non-random from my perspective. He accumulated 2 votes immediately after my tally revealed SouthernKing was in danger.

unvote: vote SouthernKing

There's an 80%-90% chance we kill a townie, but I (and everyone else I know) is pretty okay with that. It leaves one less place for them to hide. When a rummy kills someone, there's a 0% chance they're scum.

remember, since this IS a split town, there's a pretty good chance hitting at random that you'll hit someone from the opposite party.

Or you might hit your own party boss and doom your party from the start :p
I'm okay with a 4% chance of donking up if also have a 4% chance of hilarious victory
Bit wolfy to post previous games on day 1 eh? Legato.

A bit yes. Perhaps not enough for my purposes...we'll see. Although scummy in my case. 'Wolfy' rankles me something fierce.

Any way Red Spy because his redness indicates either a communist (and would this game have a commie third faction perchance?) or a republican.

Unlikely. The setting seems weird for an explicitly communist faction given the establishment nature of things.

and if they kill someone random then what?

Also, the pace of the Martin Luther wagon looks decidedly non-random from my perspective. He accumulated 2 votes immediately after my tally revealed SouthernKing was in danger.

Martin is the definition of null, so I'll switch off for someone else before day's end.
Growing up in a cuban american household you know there are two parties -- the republicans and thr communists

--paraphrase of Rafael "Ted" cruz

Anyways tolni probably one of them independents and has no idea what to do. That's why you should ask yourself, "What would Jesus do"

After all this is America
Hmm. Jesus would spend a day with his apostles, then visit some children to tell them some parables, which inevitably will be twisted by some crazy asshat 2000 years later, being the last thing we ever hear of the said asshat right before he blows up a building full of trained lab hamsters.
Yea I've just been lazy reverting back my avatar & sig. I mean i had it for at least 5 years or so
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