Final Frontier and Afterworld storyline??


Angel of Junil
Sep 23, 2010
Well, I really want to know what happens later in the game in FF and afterworld, but I feel too lazy to play it just to find out the storyline. So I would be glad if someone could tell me the storyline. Thanks in advance:)
I've never finished Afterworld, but I just recently did a playthrough of Final Frontier so I'll expand on that.

In final frontier, it is assumed that there was a massive cataclysmic event on Earth and various extra-solar colonies were left stranded. A few starships went in search of answers, but similarly vanished without a trace. The colonies are small and diverse, ranging from the tyrannical Astrotech corporation, to the communist Red Syndicate, to the idealist Paradise. (I played through as the technocrat "Brotherhood") The game opens explaining the scene and puts you directly in the shoes of this colonial overseer saying "How do we proceed?"

From what I inferred, the various colonies were formed in response to the rapidly deteriorating Earth and a failing ...PDE (I think that was the acronym) was set to mediate disputes between the colonies and nations on earth. This was in response to hundreds of years from 2000 to 2300 of infighting, resource depletion, and general poverty amongst the proletariat of the earth. Throughout the game you get little data logs from periods in this alternate timeline that, when pieced together explain the history of this earth but never really explain why you were left stranded.

The game is won by conquest (killing your enemies or domination style), having your colony ascend through astral gates (space race style), or diplomatically with the United Planets naming you the successor to the PDE.

Looking back on it, the plot is pretty ambiguous and might make good material for a story... :hmm:
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