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Full Screen diplomacy, is that really what we wanted?

City Builder

Complicated Complication
Sep 25, 2006
In your moms basement

The full screen diplmoatic screens is something of a burr under my saddle since hearing about it and then seeing it on yesterdays 2 hour gameplay video.

I read an article that quotes this:
"They've been asking for full-screen leader screens for a while. They want to be part of those moments. They want to be part of that realism. They want to believe that they're in the scene. That is definitely fan-driven."

I've just got to ask the fans, us, is this what we really wanted?

After watching the gameplay video, I left it with more of a sence that it was interrupting me and disorienting me rather than bringing me into "a moment' in the game. Plus as a leader of a nation, I think I would not enter into direct negotiations with other leaders without having some of my more trusted advisors around to lend me their experience and knowledge.

But I failed to see that happening in the gameplay video, but rather Greg decided without looking at anything else what to do. Granted he's probably played so much already and is far better player than I'll ever be and may have already gone into negotiations with the other leaders knowing certain things first.

But not being able to see a way to ask my advisors what the big picture is first seems strange to me.

Sorry, I digress, the real thing here is that I am not a big part of the community, and only wondered if this full screen diplomatic screens are really want we wanted in Civ V. Personally, I find it very disorienting to take me away from a battle field that I'm commanding to go see Washington or Ghandi ask me if I wouldn't mind giving them some grapes for a good old friend.
Its funny how "what the fans wanted" turns out to be whatever feature they've decided to invest in.

The fans were just *clamoring* for leaders speaking Aramaic, Russian and Quecha (once we get Incas....).
I don't care.

You made me lol.

Anyway, I think this whole screen diplomacy thingie is a change for good. Leaders look beautiful and I like it. No complaints from me! Much better than those weird webcam-like pop-up screens popping up!
Personally, I don't care what the leader looks like. I just want to know how much gold it will take to stop the war.
Yes. That's exactly what I wanted.
No more interrupting than the smaller diplo popups in civ 4 that stopped you right in your tracks.

I thought it was ironic how they explained that there new notification system stopped annoying popups, and then we saw several in a row. (in the stream)

Congratulations for stopping research and choose production pop ups, now how about sorting out the rest.

Don't half do a job, either have all the stuff popping up, or have none of it.
Yes, the fact that another leader wants to talk to you should be a notification icon too.
I'd just like a little consistency, a lot of things that could be notifications aren't for some reason. And line of site rules contradict each other. I'll still play and enjoy it, but come on.
I wish they could plain old let you ignore the leaders and let that be a factor that determines relations.
:) "You're always ready to talk"
:( "You keep firing at our emissaries!"
I was okay with just the leader head, and small window that comes up. I hope we will still be able to look at other menus while speaking to another leader.
I wish they could plain old let you ignore the leaders and let that be a factor that determines relations.
:) "You're always ready to talk"
:( "You keep firing at our emissaries!"

I'd love to be able to right click on a diplomacy notification and completley ignore them, oh god its ghandi again. IGNORE. much better.
I have wanted a full screen diplomacy view ever since they've removed it in civ3.
No! No we don't want that! At least I don't.

Things like full body leaders talking in their real languages are cool, the first time you experience it. The problem is that civilization is supposed to be played repeatedly. That's one of the main strengths of the game, its replay value. So you're bound to get tired of the "flash" features quickly.

Development effort should be directed towards strengthening the features that enhance replayability, such as increased strategic options, map variety, modability and customizability. Features that helps make every game a new one instead of features that outlive their awesomeness by the third game.

Also, the immersion-factor gained from meeting the leaders of famous civilizations face to face is immediately dispelled by a rudimentary knowledge of international politics. Besides the fact that it's Bismarck talking to Montezuma! :rolleyes:

But that's just my opinion.
it wasn't in civ 3, but it was in Civ 2. It was one of the (many) things people complained about in Civ 3

Edit: Profanity
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