Funny Screenshots: Part Deux

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Seems like an oxymoron.

No, you just have to water the jungle trees now and then.

Changing climate is not an option for Rainforest Map.
Do you need a mod for that?

Sorry, my fault: It is indeed impossible to change the climate on that map. However, that map is extremely abundant on Amazon-like long rivers, and if they flow through a desert region, they get automatically FP-ed, giving situations like this:

Spoiler :

Or even better:

Spoiler :

It's a pity my saves got deleted once, the particular game I played had three rivers stretching over 20 tiles of desert. Go figure...
wow, nice. didn't know that. Time to experiment, my thx for the info.
You will remain to have those problems, if you follow rigid rules ;)

Everything in CIV depends, most times, it's best to Cottage Floodplains, sometimes they need to be farmed, and in long rounds and with the right Civics, Workshops and Watermills are the most powerful there is (besides full grown Towns) .
Depending on river/FP configuration, I usually go a mix of cot's and WM's, then just wait until TGD becomes available and wham! To quote Lymond (at least I think it was Lymond, my bad if not), WM FP's with TGD are just sick :)

And yes Seraiel, I know most of your games never get that far :rolleyes:, but for those of us who do, well... BTW bro, grats on the HOF high score :hatsoff:
The AI builds the Great Wall even when it is a No Barbs game. :lol:

You do realise that the greatest thing about the Great Wall is the +100% faster great general generation within cultural borders?

It might not seem like a big deal, but if Monty shows up at your doorstep it becomes really handy.
Depending on river/FP configuration, I usually go a mix of cot's and WM's, then just wait until TGD becomes available and wham! To quote Lymond (at least I think it was Lymond, my bad if not), WM FP's with TGD are just sick :)

And yes Seraiel, I know most of your games never get that far :rolleyes:, but for those of us who do, well... BTW bro, grats on the HOF high score :hatsoff:

WTF is TGD? :D "The Great Deal?" :D

Regarding the current game: Thx! If you're talking about game I think though (the 1355 AD Conquest on Huge / Epic) , it's the finish-date that makes it so good, 300k highscore isn't too good, I already got over 3M and WastinTime atm. is attempting for 7M ... :D

If you're interested btw., there's a writeup about the 3.5M game and just atm., there's a writeup still in progress about the latest game I submitted. I'm gonna share my whole knowledge, the best CIV players of the world are following and commenting, and it's gonna be one big party!

You can find it by either going to the HoF forums, or by clicking the link in my signature.

You do realise that the greatest thing about the Great Wall is the +100% faster great general generation within cultural borders?

It might not seem like a big deal, but if Monty shows up at your doorstep it becomes really handy.

Greatest thing about the GW are the Great Spy Points. +100% GG-points if combating in cultural borders is nice, but the better you get, the less you'll be attacked, but be the one attacking. Then, only chance to fight in cultural borders, would be a counter-attack of the AI after having taken the 1st city. That's something rare though.
TGD = Three Gorges Dam.

Appreciate the invite, but I'll just stick to my own way of having fun. I will check out the write up though, my thx.
I said nowhere that I wanted to change the way you're having fun, I invited you to some... :eek:

TGD: Building Coal-Plants btw. is usually more effective than building the TGD, because they're very cheap, and they come a lot earlier than the Dam. It may be a good choice to still build the Dam afterwards for healthiness, but the boost in production one misses if not building Coal Plants in before, is tremendous, just as info.

Continue having fun now :D .
+100% GG-points if combating in cultural borders is nice, but the better you get, the less you'll be attacked, but be the one attacking.

In my opinion a couple of early GG's are crucial in Immortal and Deity games. Since you'll most likely fall behind in the tech race, the best way to keep the momentum is to be able to produce highly promoted units.

Also, the aggressive AI's are quite good at launching these naval sneak attacks, where they land 16 knights and 8 trebs near your capital. Getting rid of these stacks will generate a fair amount of GG points.
There are great differences in our 2 playstyles. The only times I remember attacking me, were counter-attacks when I was too lazy or had no units to find out where the enemy's Stack was located. It's actually just been in the last game, that I saw a naval sneak attack of the AI, it was absolutely hillarious, as the one I saw before that has been about a year ago. To me, they're so rare, that I take screens of them. And I usually don't settle the first 3 GGs anymore. 1st has to become a Supermedic, 2nd often get's a super-defender, and 3rd again becomes Supermedic or Guerrilla III + Tactics (80% withdrawl) super-fighta.

In that time, the GW has generated at least 1 Great Spy, and that one either gives me Scotland Yard, or thousands of EP transfering into multiple techs, and that's way more to me, than even the 20 GG-points from your example.

P.S.: Really don't want to derail this thread to earnesty, maybe we should continue that discussion via PM.

Hey guys… this is the Funny Screenshots thread. If you want to discuss strategy, please open a thread on the one you are discussing. [offtopic] :thanx:
With only 4 minutes between Seraiel and s.bernbaum's posts, there's a reasonable likelihood s.b didn't even see S's post due to timing issues.

Huh? There's half an hour inbetween.
It was a polite request to a group of people discussing a strategy, not directed at any individual nor intended to attack, insult, etc. Can't be helped if someone has a chip on his shoulder. Enough of this discussion of requesting getting back on topic, yes? Perhaps we can get back on topic?
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