GGF4: French

The save at 1780AD

Pre-turn: Looks good, as stated earlier, Sumeria is about done with.

IBT- One Sumerian town rioting

Turn 1 (1762) Tula is hit with artillery and captured by cav army. Bergen is captured with Knights Templar by tanks. Vikes lose a couple rifles and a zerk. Bodo is captured by cav army. Stavanger and Aarhus also fall.

IBT- Persia tries to take Teayo, the last Sumer city, and fails. Many tank builds.

Turn 2 (1764) We succeed, and collect 98 gold as Sumeria falls. :D

IBT- With Sumeria now gone, the Persians sneak attack us. :eek: We lose the cav army along with Stavanger, Teayo and Aarhus. We lose a number of cav and several workers.

Turn 3 (1766) Destroy Birka and recover all our lost cities. Science to 50%, flight in 1. Burn Sardis for 4 gold.

IBT- Zerks kill a cav army in retaking Bodo. Flight in, sci to 0%, scientist has AW in 50.

Turn 4 (1768) Sink the Bodo galleons, drop off a tank army next to Bodo. Nagsu and Alesund captured from Vikings. Burn Zohak and Gordium. Hurry army in Paris.

IBT- Zerks kill a tank, Persian cav trying to get behind us.

Turn 5 (1770) Raze Tromso for a few gold, capture Tyre, Odense and Jinjan. Hurry airport at Kuara.


Turn 6 (1772) Burn Reykjavik. Capture Ergili. Raze Karasjok. Hurry airport in Bodo. Disband some transports, we just need airports for the most part and enough transports for the marines.

Turn 7 (1774) Capture Pasargardae and Shakespeare’s. :D Raze Stockholm. Rush some airports. Airlift tanks to Bodo.

IBT- Airports finishing, more tanks now. Persians want to talk. :lol:

Turn 8 (1776) Raze Samaria. Capture Trondheim and the Great Wall. Lose a cav/knight army at Oslo. Hurry Army in Paris.

IBT- Zerks kill about 4 tanks. :(

Turn 9 (1778) Capture Antioch, Tepexpan, Cempoala and Arabela. We kill the zerks that killed our tanks. :)

IBT- Lose our supply of furs.

Turn 10 (1780) Crank sci back up, so AW now in 4. I want to rush an airport in Tepexpan, but the city is in resistance. No problem. Sell the harbor, abandon the city and re-build it as New Poitiers. Then rush the airport for about 1300g. :p We can airlift all the marines we need there, then put them on transports to clean up the northern island chain. Put some workers on a fur tile by Aarhus. The road can be built next turn. We don’t need cheap Mayan imitation furs anyways. ;)

Post turn: There are a bunch of boxed in Mayan infantry that we’ll deal with later. Vikings are down to a couple zerks with rifles defending. None of the AI civs will make it to tanks, and Vikings and Persians should be rolled over in the next couple turn sets, then we can finish off Maya. I’m not even moving all the units at this point. Plenty of cash to rush whatever we need. We may simply turn off research after Amphibious Warfare comes in.
i'll get to this tonight. nice work :)

edit: rl got in the way, and since M60 can't play till Friday, i needed to hold off last night.
I took a look at the results of the Persian sneak attack. Now I know why they wanted to talk. Nice work.

To lighten our load...
I would automate a crew of workers in the homeland to take care of pollution and set darn near every city not making big material contributions to the war effort to generating cash.

I like the line of infantry keeping the Persians out of our backyard. I must confess that before M60 came aboard I played this game to it's conclusion and had a horrible time w/ the Persians sacking the lightly defended cities. But then, in my version I somehow helped them grow much, much stronger than we see in this variant.

Nice job! :goodjob:
Off the subject

My boys have downloaded the Desert Combat mod for their Battlefield 1942 game. We're all having fun w/ the M1's and BFV's.

A good friends nephew is on leave from Iraq where he's an M1 driver. I hope I get the opportunity to meet him and shake his hand before he heads back.

@M60 - how many years where you in the service?
Twelve, but it seems like a lifetime ago. BTW, I will be travelling on business and won't have access to the game until Friday night, so you guys can take your time.
T1: 1782AD Take Bactra, Hamadan, Sidon, Huexotia

T2: 1784AD Take Ghulaman and Dariush Kabir. Persians now off the main island

T3: 1786AD Take Boston and Philly from Vikings, take Tepetlaoxtoc from Persians and rename Tep

AW -> Radio (for Computers)

T4: 1788AD Destroy Vadso, take NY (Vikings)

T5: 1790AD Destroy Tamuin, Bampur, and Chalco (Persian), Take Washington (Vikings) and they are down to an OCC.

T6: 1792AD Capture Hareid and destroy the “Glorious” Vikings. Capture Herat

T7: 1794AD Take Ixtapaluca, Tlalmanalco, and Molde.

T8: 1796AD Take Borazjan. Use the Marine Army to kill 2 infantry in Persia’s last city (island city) but it holds. Redlined galleon showing.
Lose a privateer attacking a Mayan Galleon.

T9: 1798AD Take Istakhr and we destroy the glorious Persians.

I gotta save here as it’s getting too late for me and this is a nice place to hand it off. You should have plenty of bombers and army’s to swallow Mayan very quickly. Enjoy!

Damn! Only nine turns to kill off the two civs. Nice.

So, do you want to experiment more with marine armies, build a stupid huge force of modern armor and nukes to take out the Mayans in glorious fasion, or just go ahead and kill 'em?

BTW, I played a turn and the Mayans are already trying to settle the former Viking island.

I have a doctor's appointment in the afternnon and will be home early enough to play out my turns this evening.
just kill them off now. use the arty to redline defenders in the close cities and bombers to remove them. then take the empty town/city with cavs, workers can rr up to town, and then place infantry in them to hold. use tanks to take the towns further out. no need to wait, we should be able to wrap this up in 5 to 20 turns, depending on arty/bomber efficiency.
OK, they're dead but I'm not getting a victory notice.

Was gibt?
anyone still in the diplomacy screen? maybe they got the dreaded settler-on-a-boat? otherwise, this will be terribly anti-climatic :lol:
Turn 0 - 1798 AD, Time to kill the Mayans

Turn 1 - 1800 AD, Prep for war. Collect tanks, cavalry, infantry, arty and workers. Decide against a massive backstab and work out points of entry and likely progression.

Turn 2 - 1802 AD, Triggered end of turn somehow so not much happened other than more production

Turn 3 - 1804, DOW and capture of many Mayan cities. The surrounded stack of infantry and ground-pounders was bombed silly and killed.

Turn 4 - 1806, Captured a few more cities but concentrated on eliminating a large number of infantry that came out into the open for counter-attack.

Turn 5 - 1808, Mayan's found city in former Viking territory. We kill it w/ reinforcement that arrived last turn from main continent.
All but one city is killed off. This city is sitting out on a small peninsula with a hills/mountain approach.

Turn 6 - 1810, Arty & bombers moved into range last turn reduce the city to 3 pop and zero defenders. One of our now two marine armies comes storming in from the sea!

Turn ends and...... nothing.

Turn 7 - 1812 AD, Make peace w/ Mayans and demand WM. Can't find them. Try to plant a spy in their capitol, it does not exist. Visually scour the map and... nothing. Turn workers and slaves into towers to uncover all fog of war. Again, nothing. Turn ends and...... nothing.

Turn 8 - 1814 AD, DOW - because I'm pissed. Still can't find the damn city.

I have never experienced the dreaded "settler at sea" but I have heard of it. As this thought bounces in the wide open spaced betweem my ears I decide to hang it up for the night.

The marine army stepping into the undefended city would have been such a glorious ending but I guess we're reduced to finding that damn ship.

If you don't mind I'll search the seas this evening for as many turns as it takes to track down this ghost ship.

I bet if I run the MapStat tool it will show the Mayans in possession of zero tiles. That would be worth a "screen-shot of the day".
jb1964 said:
The marine army stepping into the undefended city would have been such a glorious ending but I guess we're reduced to finding that damn ship.

If you don't mind I'll search the seas this evening for as many turns as it takes to track down this ghost ship.
yeah, that is annoying. i have no problem with you hunting them down. we should be able to assemble a pretty good dragnet with all those transports, destroyers, frigates, etc.

good game jb and m60! :clap: as the only original member of the team, i must say "thanks" for joining and seeing this to the end :salute: look forward to next SG i get to play with you guys :)
Well, it wasn't the first SG I finished but I think it was the first I joined.

I met all my objectives:
1) Have fun
2) Learn
3) Have fun

I look forward to playing with you two again.

Regards, John
1820 AD, Tis over...

I finally located the miscreant ship off the southern boarder of the second main continent. There were two. After we killed the first ship and the game continued I about exploded. But we located the second ship the very next turn.

I loaded the save from last night into MapStat and it didn't register the Mayans as even existing. It would have been entertaining to see that they owned exactly 0% of the available land mass.

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