Help me find the correct English word

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Mar 5, 2003
I am writing an operating instruction, and have problems finding the correct English word. I want to write something like ”Push the green button when the red lamp...” and then I need a word for when the lamp starts to emit light. My dictionary suggests ”catches fire”, but that can’t be right? :hmm:

What word would you use here, or would you maybe suggest a different formulation instead?
When the red lamp lights up
When the red light comes on
When the red light shines
When the red light illuminates
Great! Suddenly my problem changed completely. How am I supposed to choose between all these great suggestions? I guess I just have to go with the first one. So the instructions are: “Push the green button when the red lamp lights up.” That sounds great! Thanks a lot to you all! :)

"Catches fire" can be acceptable in some sense that imply a metaphorical expression.
"goes 'zap' "
"emits photons with a wavelength of 700 nanometers."

But really, I think you went with the best option.
"Push the green button when the red lamp turns into a radioactive monkey and bites your head off!"

This could be some sort of cheesy internet "Finish this sentence!" game, you know.
Great! Suddenly my problem changed completely. How am I supposed to choose between all these great suggestions? I guess I just have to go with the first one. So the instructions are: “Push the green button when the red lamp lights up.” That sounds great! Thanks a lot to you all! :)

I don't like it. I like this one better.

Push the green button when the red lamp turns on.
Lights up .
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