Hiawatha's Vision: The Iroquois.


On a long nostalgia trip
Aug 11, 2007
The story of the dawn of the Iroquois is a story told through generations, a story steeped in tradition and folklore, a story of adventure for the young and meaning for the old. It is a circle, a song. And it begins with the dawn of Man and the Earth itself.

Chapter one: Hahgwehdiyu

In the beginning day, Atahensic, Sky Woman, Mother of the Spirits, gave birth to two sons, twins divided by but minutes. Their birth was of great suffering to Atahensic, Sky Woman who had not known pain. At the moment of their birth, her life-force depleted, Atahensic, Last Sky Woman, died, blessing the earth, the Lands of the Turtle, and her two sons, that they may have magical powers beyond the realm of mortal man.

In mourning for his mother, Hahgwehdiyu, First Brother, devoted himself to bringing happiness and beauty to the world Atahensic had descended to, the Lands of the Turtle. It was he, Hahgwehdiyu, who created the pleasant valleys, bounteous forests and calm lakes. He created food, food unique to every race of man: for the wild and spirited Plains-men, he created the great bison that wander the plains. For the wiry Desert-men he created the nuts and tough fish. For the seafaring Algonquins he created the clams and crabs. And for the Iroquois he created the deer, and the maple, and the maize, for these foods are what Iroquois men cherish. And he was pleased with his creations all over the earth. And so Hahgwehdiyu became Creator-Spirit, he who men cherish.

But Hahgwehdaetgan, Second Brother, grew jealous of his brother's power, and became spiteful and cruel. It was he, Hahgwehdaetgan, who created the mountains, jungles, and raging oceans to split and confound the races of men. He created thorns on the flowers and sharp stones to cut men's feet. And so he became Destroyer-Spirit, he who men fear and loathe.

All this continued, a circle of creation and destruction, until one morning Hahgwehdaetgan left his Spirit domain and went East, to create strife among the tribes living there. It was now up to Hahgwehdiyu to lead his chosen-people, the Iroquois, to recover the world to beauty and good fortune. Thus was the Iroquois tribe born.
Large Terra map.
Prince (I'm on Emperor, but I've never done anything like this before.)
Barbarians ON.
Choose religions.
Normal Speed.
I've put myself, isolated, on the Americas and heavily edited the map so the Old World doesn't have Corn and I don't have Horse, Wheat, Rice, Pig, etc.
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