Highlights and Lowlights of C2C

Would you mind giving my pack a look first? It'll be an optional (and humongous) offsite load anyway, but I'd at least like to keep some degree of consistency in Civ IV's tracks; IMHO, music should always reflect period when at all possible, and be instrumental.

Did you post a track list somewhere earlier? I've been meaning to mash up some movie soundtracks, classical music etc. myself, but it'd save me the trouble if you've already compiled a big list yourself.
What i still want for v20-21: Alot more after that even.

I really would like to have all of Thomas' War EVENTs included in C2C, ie tsunami, meteor, plague you can spread to the nearest town, etc.

More Flavor units per civ.

More Leaderheads.

More Civs.

Waaay better quotes (a real must here) with actually someone saying them.

Fix the TXT section (another must).

I want QUESTS also, and alot of them also (if possible).

But this is just a minor tip of my iceberg so to say, there is so much more i really want to do. But for even this above i will have to have two (2) separate downloads or more per version because no one allows for anything above 2 GB of d/l that is FREE and not illegal.

Dont like:

Hate the current way the Barbarians act and the pop situation of their cities, just horrible.
Best thing:
Compatibility saves

Worst thing:
Too addictive ;)

Btw, C2C makes Civ5 look like a beer & brezel game.
What's a "brezel"? And what makes it good with beer?

JosEPh :confused:
- new terrain is simply awesome

- faster turns are always appreciated

- hunting animals and humans and doing sinister things to them is fantastic. ( minor complaint: larger sea animal boni are nearly irrelevant due the mid-/late game nature; probably raise some numbers to make them more attractive).

- more choice in the civics department is always welcome, but...as a usually peaceful trader player i have not much headscratching to do: republic/democracy, patrician and everything corporate are miles above every other choice in my opinion. especially a nerf for patrician in favor of a later civic might be considered.

- cultural heroes are great, but i wish i couldn't insta-sacrifice them. this kills the flavour of the unit.
some ideas:
if my hero kills another unit in war, i could receive x turns of cumulative "golden years" thereby mimicking all the splendour for a warrior hero until he dies.
cultural heroes should be able to erect a build/terrain landmark in x turns with some benefits. the hero has a limited lifespan of y turns. so the player has to decide where e.g. Pericles will spend his efforts during his fruitful lifetime.

- while the multiple culture choice is fine itself the info about what civ needs what to emerge eludes me. it is always: oh, so now i can have spanish culture. cool, but i have clue why... some better in-game information would be appreciated.

- the crapload of new resources is great, but i wish there was an option to show me if a good yields some benefits for me at this point and make them invisible in the trading screen if it doesn't.

- you guys are the best. i spent nearly 400 hours on c2c alone and always have a good time. thank you for that.

1. First and foremost the time, energy, and effort put into C2C by the mods. Most notably, and not in any particular order, StrategyOnly, Koshling, Hydro, DH, and AIAndy. C2C really is an incredible mod and continues to grow and polish due to the creative and skillful efforts of these guys. My thanks for your hard work and dedication. :)

2. Subdue animal mechanics and gameplay. I was a bit too old to get into the Pokemon phenomena that occurred some 10 odd years ago, but damn if C2C doesn't make me want to catch em all! I really enjoy finding and taming animals, then bringing them back to my cities to put them to use. It really gives something for the Player to do in the early game other than exploration.

3. Terrain & Features. Although I think some map scripts can't handle the new terrain perfectly, I really like the addition of new and varied land.

4. Resource Barrier Broken. It's really great to have so many additional resources, particularly ones to find and use on the map.

5. Turn Time and AI efficiency. I haven't reached the late game in awhile so this is lower on my list than it could be. In version 9 I had 20 min waits at EOT during the Modern Age. So far things are looking good, and the improvements ARE noticeable. I'm really hoping it remains as speedy in the late game with Huge/Giant maps almost completely occupied.

Lowlights (or things that could use work)

1. Animal Spawning and AI. Taming animals is great fun, but I think they still spawn a bit too much. Too often I explore new territory only to see tile to tile animals (thus frozen in place) and I have to wade explorers and hunter types through them killing dozens of animals per turn. I also think a better and a diverse AI is needed to control them. This has been discussed in other threads so hoping to see it implemented some day.

2. Obtaining Culture. The numerous cultures are still hard to obtain particularly if your base culture is Africa. It will be nice to have a means to exchange or acquire additional base cultures without having to conquer an enemy city (capture worker, steal culture, trade, etc.) I see so many interesting heroes and units but I haven't been able to make any (as Egypt) even with 22 cities in the medieval age.

3. Game Speed and Year. Starting year and number of turns per "age" need to be adjusted. This is a critique of myself since I've been working on it. Current game is a further test of how long it takes to achieve each age/era.

4. Balancing of Crime Buildings. Places like the Bandit Hideout etc. give quite a lot of gold in exchange for only a small Espionage and Crime Penalty. Espionage points are very low at the beginning, so I wouldn't suggest making the penalty worse, but possibly a % may be considered. Or simply lower the gold bonus. Building the special unit is already a nice perk. Also hoping to see Crime play a larger role in future versions to make that penalty more obvious.

5. Barbarian City Growth. It appears Barbarian Cities are on the same slow growth scale as the Players. But without all the special Civics and Tech etc. it seems they really are stunted. Even on Raging Barbs, they aren't much of a threat because their cities never really grow. I think we need to either exempt them from some of the growth penalties or give them some bonuses. Maybe a Barbarian Leader Trait that grants +100% Growth, +100% Worker Rate, etc etc?? (Just a random thought)
2. Obtaining Culture. The numerous cultures are still hard to obtain particularly if your base culture is Africa. It will be nice to have a means to exchange or acquire additional base cultures without having to conquer an enemy city (capture worker, steal culture, trade, etc.) I see so many interesting heroes and units but I haven't been able to make any (as Egypt) even with 22 cities in the medieval age.

Still being worked on, but my main focus at the moment. So some major improvements in the near future. Around 20 new African civs alone I have planned and nearly 60 civs on my to-do list. 20 of which are being added already (5 of 20 are African).

4. Balancing of Crime Buildings. Places like the Bandit Hideout etc. give quite a lot of gold in exchange for only a small Espionage and Crime Penalty. Espionage points are very low at the beginning, so I wouldn't suggest making the penalty worse, but possibly a % may be considered. Or simply lower the gold bonus. Building the special unit is already a nice perk. Also hoping to see Crime play a larger role in future versions to make that penalty more obvious.

Once the crime events are put in you may think twice before building a crime related building. This should help balance things out.
I would like to first say thanks to the C2C mod team. It is far and away my favorite Civ mod. As for what I would like to see in the future:

1) Brewery should not go obsolete with Globalization. I'll agree with the unhealthiness point, but it should also have a food point. If cinnamon gives one food then so should beer.

2)Zoo and Aquarium should not become obsolete, perhaps they could be an option for subdued animals even when redundant or a revamped butchery.

3)I have played C2C since v14 and have had very few CTDs. This is great, I know you must spend many hours. Thank you and Happy New Year!:p
Still being worked on, but my main focus at the moment. So some major improvements in the near future. Around 20 new African civs alone I have planned and nearly 60 civs on my to-do list. 20 of which are being added already (5 of 20 are African).

Awesome. Your energy and enthusiasm never ceases to amaze me, Hydro :goodjob:

Once the crime events are put in you may think twice before building a crime related building. This should help balance things out.

Sounds good.
Bump for 2013 Opinions.
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