HOF V4 - Totalize


Ju-88 destroys coal mine S of Liverpool
2 planes are shot down over Britain

North Sea:

U-Boat (5/5) > CLAA Phoebe (4/4) = CLAA Phoebe (3/4)
U-Boat (3/3) > CLAA Phoebe (3/4) = U-Boat (3/4)
U-Boat (4/4) > BB Duke of York (2/2) = BB Duke of York (2/2)

Coast of Newfoundland:

U-Boat (4/4) > DD Wilson (3/3) = DD Wilson (4/4)
U-Boat (4/4) > DD Wilson (3/3) = U-Boat (1/4)
U-Boat (3/3) > DD Roper (3/3) = U-Boat (2/4)

Coast of Ireland:

U-Boat (4/4) > DD Iforgotitsname (3/3) = U-Boat (4/4)
U-Boat (5/5) > Allied Sea Transport (3/3) = U-Boat (1/5)

Shetland Islands (north of Scapa):

U-Boat (3/3) > DD Hesperus (4/4) = U-Boat (3/4)

Total: 3 U-Boats in exchange for a CLAA, 4 DDs and a transport. Not bad! :thumbsup:


Stuka sinks a British ship in harbour at Malta
Ju-88 and Stuka are shot down by British air defences in Malta
West of Tobruk: Afrika Korps (8/12) > 10 NZ = Afrika Korps (8/12)


Two citizens are killed by aerial bombardment in Tula
A partisan is executed northeast of Minsk

GPS to Juriel and his Russians
Do you want me to go back and edit it all? :eek: I'll use black next time, but I don't really want to go back and change it all.

You should be able to see it if you select it, I would think.
This what I see.

CH...might be a problem on your end. I see the grey tinted text lighter than the others but my background is white just like how Bow posted it. So it's still readable to me. But what you've posted is nearly unreadable to be sure. Looks like an issue on your end. However if not fixable you should at least be getting the posting by email where the color doesn't matter....Right???:crazyeye:
And actually....I like the way Bow used the colors by nation to show the results. A lot of extra work to be sure...but pretty fancy nevertheless! I'm too lazy to do it myself so Kudos to Bow for his creative abilities!!! :hatsoff:
And actually....I like the way Bow used the colors by nation to show the results. A lot of extra work to be sure...but pretty fancy nevertheless! I'm too lazy to do it myself so Kudos to Bow for his creative abilities!!! :hatsoff:

This style I actually "borrowed" from Calis because of how nice it looks. Of course, half of the time I'm too lazy or there are too many battles to keep track of so I don't use it. :mischief:
And actually....I like the way Bow used the colors by nation to show the results. A lot of extra work to be sure...but pretty fancy nevertheless! I'm too lazy to do it myself so Kudos to Bow for his creative abilities!!! :hatsoff:

I did the same thing on my last turn report but mine was not as nice as Bows but I did use the Red for Russia and the Grey for Germany. I will use a different color for Germany on my next post.

I have the save and will play it today.
CH...might be a problem on your end. I see the grey tinted text lighter than the others but my background is white just like how Bow posted it. So it's still readable to me. But what you've posted is nearly unreadable to be sure. Looks like an issue on your end. However if not fixable you should at least be getting the posting by email where the color doesn't matter....Right???:crazyeye:

It's definitely not a problem on his end -- I see the same thing in the dark blue theme (or the turnip green theme, for that matter). It looks great in the Black CFC theme though!
The Eastern Front

Первый период Великой Отечественной войны


January 1942, it is yet again another harsh winter in the Soviet Union as many civilians and soldiers perish due to the extreme harsh weather conditions.

Comrade Stalin decides to use the "Great Russian Winter" to his advantage and orders several massive counter attacks against the unprepared German Wehrmacht.

The first assault takes place three tiles Southwest of Tula at the Airfield defended by the 299th Infantry Division supported by a German Fortress Division.

The attack goes as follows:

Yak-3->4/4 229 Inf. Div. = Hit3/4
Sturmovik->3/3 Fortress Div. = Miss
12th BaD Medium Bomber->3/3 Fortress Div. = Hit2/3
70 BaD Medium Bomber->3/4 229 Inf. Div. = Hit2/4
Sturmovik->2/3 Fortress Div. = Hit1/3
9IAD Yak-3->2/4 229 Inf. Div. = Miss
6IAD Yak-3->2/4 229 Inf. Div. = Miss
3rd BAD Medium Bomber->2/4 229 Inf. Div. = Hit1/4
2/3 Blizzard vs 1/3 Fortress Div. = 1/3 F.D.
3/3 Blizzard vs 1/3 Fortress Div. = 2/4 Blizzard
3/3 110th T-34 Tank Corp vs 1/4 229 Inf. Div. = 4/4 110th

The Airfield is captured
1- Me109 and 2- Ju-88's are destroyed

The next attack is against the V.P. point between Minsk and Moscow

Yak-3 Fighter->4/4 57 Korps/II F.D. = Miss

Sturmovik->4/4 57 Korps/II F.D. = Hit3/4

25BAD Med Bomb->5/5 293 Inf. Div.= Hit2/5
Yak-3 Fighter->3/4 57 Korps/II F.D. = Hit2/4
Sturmovik->3/3 339th Inf. Div. = Hit2/3
Heavy Artillery->2/4 57 Korps/II F.D.= Hit1/4

Heavy Artillery->2/3 339th Inf. Div.= Hit1/3
Heavy Artillery->2/5 293 Inf. Div. = Hit1/5
Ground Attack
3/3 Blizzard(H.A. missed) vs 1/4 57 Korp/II F.D. =1/3 Blizzard
2/3 Blizzard(Hit by on the way) vs 1/3 339 Inf.Div. =1/3 Blizzard retreats
10/10 2nd Ukrainian Front(Infantry Army) vs 1/3 339 Inf.Div. =9/10 Front
4/11 West Front(t-34 Tank Army) vs 1/5 293 Inf.Div. =3/11West Front

V.P. Location Captured!
One worker was captured along with German AG Heavy Artillery
Also Unloaded 3rd Panzer Army Destroyed

Other action:
On the hill two Tiles Northwest of Karkov
Yak-3-> 4/5 Romanian 6th Corp Infantry = Hit = 3/5

Medium Bomber Shot down between Kiev and Odessa

East of Thessaloniki 3-DD's miss Road on Rubber Tile
Black Sea Flagship hits and destroys road

Southwest of Leningrad in the Swamp
Yak-3-> 7/7 50 Korps Infantry = Miss
Five Field Artillery-> 7/7 50 Korps Infantry = All Miss
Medium Bomber-> 7/7 50 Korps Infantry = Hit6/7

West off the road to Murmansk
26th BAD Med. Bomb.-> 4/5 11th SS Panzer Grenaders = Hit2/5
10/12 Bryansk Front(T-34 & t-34/85 Tank Armies) vs 2/5 11th SS Panzer Grenaders = 8/12 Bryansk Front(Not sure about this)

West of Moscow
Captured Heavy Artillery-> 4/4 262 F.D. = Hit2/4

Soviet Dive Bomber.jpg

Also while attacking the Airfield in German territory this happened
Ack! War with Japan.jpg

It looks like Germany and Japan signed a Mutual Protection Pact and Japan is now at War with Russia!!!:eek:

Looks like the Japanese are all in on the Axis side so that card has been played!! Very interesting. That hasn't happened this early into the game that I ever recall???? This game has started off unusally with different players which I think is a very good thing!

I just wonder if CH really intended to do this so early...I wonder what he has up his sleeve?????

And a very good turn for the Russians it would seem! Well played Juriel!!!
SE Asia:
SS Tireless sunk in an attack run on CA Haguro (1/4)
Singapore Guns takes 2hp off invading Japanese Inf Div
MB destroys road on Hanoi's Spices
MB destroys road on Canton's Silks

Coastal Def and HA sink Italian sub near Gibraltar.
DD and BB redline defender at Casablanca
Marine Div kills the Inf Div and takes the city! (3/4)
DB destroys Temple in Tunis
CW fighter lost N of Tobruk

2 DDs take 1hp off Italian navy stack N of Malta
2FA take 1hp off 21a corp at Tobruk
DD Napier takes 1hp off 21a corp.
MB pings 21a corp
DB redlines 21a corp
MB pings Ariete Tank Div
7th Armored Div kills 21 Corp (2/4)
1st Armored Div dies in an attack on Ariete Tank Div (1/3)
9th Australian kills Field Arty, no damage taken.


CA Devonshire bombards Dakar
DD St. Laurent sinks enemy sub near St. John's, no damage reported.
W Indies Flotilla sinks enemy sub just off the Mid-Atlantic ridge, due W of Casablanca. No damage reported!

DD Tartar destroys roads in Norway.
TB and DB destroy more roads in Norway.

DDs destroy roads on Horses near Cherbourg.
2 Heavy Bombers destroy roads and rail between Paris and Marseille
TB lost over Antwerp
MB lost over Antwerp
HB destroys roads near Paris
MB destroys rail near Paris
CA Berwick destroys rail SE of Kiel
BC Renown destroys road SE of Kiel
BB Ramillies destroys rail S of Kiel
CA London destroys road S of Kiel

Commando raid takes AF N of Antwerp
Attack on Malta
We destroyed two ships in the city
We bombarded some units Malta fortress 1+2 to 2HP
4/4 Marine Div vs 2/4 Malta fort 1 dead fort and 2/4 marine div :D
We lost one stuka in the attack.
Soon Malta will be ours. Italy will rejoice when that happens.

Black Sea
We bombarded the Black Sea Flagship and DD to 1 HP.

3/3 Inf div vs 5/5 Partisan dead inf and 4/5 Partisan
3/3 Bulgarian 3rd div vs 4/4 Partisan dead Partisan and 1/3 Bulgarian

It might not look like much, but Benito is mightily pleased with the results.

Onto the imperialistic American scum.
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