Ideas and Suggestions


Ancient Alien
Dec 15, 2010
good old germany
Please post your ideas and suggestions here.

Feel free to post what ever idea you have, this will also count for your suggestions, like the title says:D
is the original call to power game you could build cities on and underwater is that possible in civ5?

also i posted this b4 but there only needs to be one way to get a science victory in the current version there are 2: the original and at the end of the science tech tree to build that wonder thing. the wonder thing isn't possible to get though because the ai always tries to go for the one before it.

and can you start in other eras other than ancient i played for 8 hours last night and still couldn't get to the end of the science tech tree.
For the water cities, this was one of the things D: (decimatus), was looking for.
Also Chrome will include this into CCTP. But if i remember correctly, we need the dll to to this.
I agree with the problem of the science victory, this need some overwork.
Maybe remove the apollo programm from the victory condition.
Or if this would possible create a new victory condition.:)
Maybe remove the apollo programm from the victory condition.
Or if this would possible create a new victory condition.

yeah also i think there's way too many techs in the eras before industrial i can never get to the end of the tech tree or even past the modern era even playing 8 hours straight!
Hey bladex, one of the ideas behind CCTP is that you each era should really feel like an era. Many were lengthened to meet that goal. I'll admit that there were also plenty of techs added to just flesh out a particular era in a tech tree (these are mostly the techs with only one effect). Right now, Fires is working on a new tech tree with different grouping themes, so some of those "filler" techs may be merged together. :D
I would like to suggest that we need more beliefs for religion. When i play i always think there should be more possibilitys to choice from. I know there are a lots of mods out there who adds a lot of beliefs, but we need a general for CCTP overworked belief /religion system. In fact the vanilla beliefs feel a little bit to weak with the CCTP system.
At least there was a great mod created by one cool dude called horem. This nice guy created some new religios buildings and units maybe this could be intregated into CCTP by some way.
Got to go my ferrets are goin crazy:crazyeye:
Fish are not herded. Change the name on fish herder to "fishing wharf".
Kind of like the name change. Will do :D
At least there was a great mod created by one cool dude called horem. This nice guy created some new religios buildings and units maybe this could be intregated into CCTP by some way.

I stoped developing that system any further due to the limited way the Faith system works. I could go back to it if there is enough reason too :)
maybe there is a way for a better science victory
I have al little Suggestions for it:

at first a realistic goal a Mars colony not a Spaceship to Alpha Centauri.
Now we can spread this a little more out with a lot of preconditions and milestones,

1. apollo program
2. first satellite (Sputnik)
3. first animal in space
4. first human in space
5. moon landing
6. fist Space station (MIR or ISS)
7. mars mission
8. first mars colony

and maybe some more.

each condition needs some techs to get it, eventually there is a possibility to get this techs in a separated page in the new tech tree? Preconditions like the satellite, moon landings, Space Station and so on needs additional parts to build like the original Spaceship.

I think that this is a more realistic science victory condition with more complexity as the original on. But I have no idea if this is even possible to take this in.
Another idea for a somewhat-science victory could be a Contact Victory, in which the player contacts extraterrestrial intelligence and gains access to alien tech tree and social policy pages, with radically different technologies and social organization than what is there presently. These should eventually converge on a victory project.

Alien contact should become possible first with the Arecibo Observatory wonder (not scientifically accurate but an icon of SETI) and progress through other wonders like the ATA, SKA, and larger and larger radio telescopes. Other search methods for extraterrestrial intelligence, as well as Space Victory parts, should also increase one's chances of alien contact.

The Alpha Centauri mission seems feasible when you extend the tech tree to warp field theory, but should obviously come after the Mars Mission. Also, the Information Era should be split into the Nanotech Era and the Celestial Era, the latter being the era of the Alpha Centauri spacecraft.

Also, tile yield importation.
If possible, GPs should be allowed to become super specialists within a city, as in Civ IV. This could provide a smaller bonus than settling a GP on a tile, but obviously not waste a tile.
@3335d: I like the contact part and the new techs; not so sure about the new policies. Might make for an interesting Victory. The only issue is how often do you expect civs to get to that late stage? Maybe on a Large or Huge (the LEM would work here too) a player can get that far. On a Standard sized map though, I can "win" by the Industrial (conquest is really too dominant right now). As for the GPs, I feel as though they are never used for anything but their special ability anyway (except maybe the artist with Landmarks).

And to steer the conversation (but if you have ideas outside of this topic post those too), how can we bring the other Victory Conditions up to Domination's standard? The Diplo would be alright if it were more than just gold based. Science is still up in the air (though I like the suggestions here). Cultural is just bad. :(
Personally I play on Huge maps, although my computer gets so slow on them by the late game that it becomes a pain and I stop playing by about 1800. And that's on Vanilla. My only experience with the really late game is when I mistakenly make Modern the start era :) . With regard to the GP's, there's no real reason to forbid super specialists unless they'd be extremely hard to code - I just settle my GPs when there is no wonder I need to pop.

Diplo should be changed so that influence is based on average influence throughout the game, times the percentage of turns in which the player and CS were allies or friends, in order to reward long-term relationships versus spamming the 100000-gold treasury one turn before the UN is complete. Liberation should remain the same, as it is a difficult task which involves the taking on of great empires militarily.

Space should be done in stages as mentioned earlier, and could perhaps be accelerated by extraterrestrial contact (although this would make the two victory types so intertwined that the strategy for seeking either would be the same, making Contact eventually worthless).

A possible workaround for this could be a chance that the spaceship fails to reach its destination, due to various factors such as electronic malfunction, unhealthy spaceship politics, impoundment of the craft by extraterrestrial beings, or plain ol' asteroid impacts. This chance of failure, though high at first, could be decreased through alien technologies (in the case of system malfunction) or social policies (in the case of spacecraft politics ruining the mission). The impoundment risk will remain until contact and good relations have been established.

The alien tech and social policy trees should start out each as one core but develop two separate branches, one focused on the Contact Victory and one focused on the Space Victory. It should be impossible for any player who desires to win to pursue both branches at once. The Spaceship branch of the tech and social policy trees should be cheaper than the Contact Victory, but carry a risk of failure, necessitating the need for spare Spaceship Parts which are only affordable to more powerful civilizations. The Contact Victory pathway, however, would cost slightly more but victory would be certain once the project was completed, making it viable for desperate civilizations who will spare no expense in earning victory. In the unlikely event that there is a hyperpower on the planet, the contact project and spaceship parts should not be simultaneously buildable.

After an improvement to Victory Conditions is a need to reduce the attractiveness of the ICS strategy. Will follow up on that later.
Dummy "army" units, with a given amount of defense, should be used in order to circumvent the problems arising from 1UPT, the changing of which will cause the AI to fail. These army units could have a lower amount of defensive strength than their constituent units, and no offensive strength. These armies should have upgraded units with various military techs (ie combined arms) to have more defensive strength, but should never overpower their constituent units. These could be useful in scenarios such as mountain pass/naval chokepoint travel, or travel over uncharted seas where barbarian triremes may pick off at one's leap infantry. In the case of naval travel, "transport ships" should be used. There was once a mod for this, which we could use and simply create new units with the land domains. In addition, allowing 2 UPT would allow for a whole new level of military strategy without the problem of SoDs. Implementing both of these features in tandem would add a completely new dimension to the game.

The thread "Enhancing Logistics" is relevant to this.
What I really don't like is the vanilla city view. I think SNEAKS made a different version for NiGHTS - that city view gives you a much better overview of your buildings. I would love to see a similar thing here as well ;)

I was messing around with the city view while waiting for G&K to land, I do have some ideas on how to improve it. It definitely should be more visual, that little list down the side always bugs me. I haven't looked at nights for a long time so don't know how he improved it.

In the case of naval travel, "transport ships" should be used.

The AI is so bad at anything naval, I think adding something like transport ships would just make them even worse at crossing over water to attack your Islands.

I think the main issue for me with stacking is that you will allow for the ai to have even more units than it does now, which does seem to have quite an impact on game performance. After i carpet bomb the planet with nukes the turn time always speeds up a lot :mischief:

Maybe to combat the slowdown in the later game there could be a way to allow units to be combined together somehow, along with some kind of unit limit :dunno:.
I just wanted to say this is a great mod and I've been really enjoying!

My only suggestion would be something others have stated as well, that is to make some of the ships have ranged attack back. I think all ships from the industrial era up have bombard. Except for subs of course. It's really weird that destroyers have always had ranged attack in real life, and now they don't.

Perhaps the first destroyer could have a slightly bumped range attack from the frigate. With a range of 2.
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