Imperia Mobiana

As the long wait will tell you, I'm afraid I have bad news.

This game will have to be cancelled. :(

As with Sons of Mars, the complex rule system has done me in.

But alas, this will end with a bang. You are all hereby given 20 nukes to use however you please. Unfortunately, your orders will not be effective until 9 hours from now, when it hits midnight.
aw why cancel it? it was getting interesting...

nuke myself.
Dang... Well now... Save my nukes for retaliatory purposes only ;) dont suppose SoM II will be forthcoming? I'm willing to help with some of the workload
...Wait, am I the only one who notices that Tanny quit on April Fool's?

Oh, you tricky hedgehog. ;)

to be fair, he didnt update the game for several days before. so his reasons for quitting is plausible.

(OOC: damn, i completely forgot its still in effect!)
As the long wait will tell you, I'm afraid I have bad news.

This game will have to be cancelled. :(

As with Sons of Mars, the complex rule system has done me in.

But alas, this will end with a bang. You are all hereby given 20 nukes to use however you please. Unfortunately, your orders will not be effective until 9 hours from now, when it hits midnight.

Heh, this was originally my April Fools plan for Iron and Blood.
Well, now that it's past midnight and I'm well-rested, we can begin the nuking...

All the nukes are duds! A massive Neuralyser erases any memory of this incident in the minds of people everywhere!

Or, rather, it was indeed a big April Fools' prank. ;)

We'll return to your normal programming soon; I just need to calculate Angel Island's conflict and the various wars around the globe(Venom-Shinobi, Catstantinople-Spagonia, Yagyu/Raiju-Dragon Kingdom)
Angel Island

Spoiler Basics :
You can sponsor any of the factions, each having their own benefits/downsides:

-The Brotherhood will use their powers to make your Chaos Emeralds more potent, so they have +0.5% chance of producing a Chaos Crystal for each territory they own. So right now, +8%. The Brotherhood will try to steal your ME shards if they reach 50% of the island's mass. You can't get them back short of conquering the Brotherhood. They also give all Master Shards a flat 10% chance of producing a Chaos Crystal.

-The Dark Legion will put 0.2 points towards your tech per turn based on how much land they own. If they reach 50% of the island, they will look outward, trying to steal the Master Emerald shards, and you can't get them back short of conquering the Legion.

-The Dingos are too stupid to have much use. However, they won't try and steal your emeralds either, and may assist you militarily if they triumph.

Every turn the factions will do war with eachother. You do not need to meddle in the Island's affairs if you don't want to. Every faction receives ten armies per turn, or less if they have fewer than ten territories. Your sponsorship will give them extra armies; you can intervene directly on their behalf or just fund them(5 gold per army).


Completely separate from sponsorship is hunting for goods like gold, gems, etc. which the Island is full of. It costs 1 gold a try to find riches, with a 10% chance of success; success yields either 1-20 gold or 1-5 Chaos Crystals. To make this fair, anybody with a navy can access Angel Island even if they couldn't reach it otherwise. Your success is upped to 25% if you are sponsoring a faction as their forces will assist you(and of course if you request their help), but you will have to split the booty and thus get the greater half.


Emerald Readers: To use a complete Master Emerald, you must recruit either a Legionaire from the Dark Legion or from Albion(the island in the landlocked sea next to Link's nation). You MUST have access to the island to use these.


If the Master Emerald is returned to Angel Island, it will rise into the sky and become inaccessible until the Modern Age; everything will also be reset politically. Your vessels, if in the area, will be teleported back home.


Dark Legion - 5 from Tails
Brotherhood - 5 from Adabat
Dingos -

The Dark Legion gives Tech benefits to Tails - 4.2 gold. Aid will be given next turn as well.

The Brotherhood powers up Adabat's Chaos Emerald; the Emerald not only has two chances to produce a Chaos Crystal, but a 25% base chance + 8.5 from the Brotherhood. So, every turn, two 34% chance of producing a Chaos Crystal. This will carry over into next turn.

Dingos go first, followed by the Brotherhood, then the Legion.

The Dingos only get 9 armies while each of their foes gets 11.

The Dingos only have 17 armies to their foes' much larger numbers, and so they call it quits after taking one territory and losing 2 armies.

The Brotherhood sees the chance to re-unify Angel Island, but their ambitions will be hindered by the Echidnaopolis government. Its three secret leaders - Dimitri, Knuckles, and the mysterious Guardian X, deliberate that the Dingos can't be allowed to fall. It's odd for Knuckles to agree to fight his own family, but he believes he is fighting for every inhabitant of the Island and not the petty factions. As such, two forces are devoted to defending Dingo territory.

The leader of the Brotherhood, Specter, the great-great-great-great-great Grandfather of Knuckles, has let hatred and rage consume his heart, despising the Dark Legion for familial reasons and the Dingos for causing the genocide of 90% of the Echidna race. Perhaps his time in the Twilight Cage - from which he was released following the Cataclysm - has warped his mind. Nothing would please him more than to see the Dingos obliterated entirely, and so, they will be his prime target!

6 8
8 1
2 1
10 5

The Dingos are crushed.

3 Armies are then directed at two provinces.

7 9
10 4
10 5

Once more, the Dingos are ruined. Their capital falls into the hands of the Brotherhood!

Exhausting their troops but demolishing the Dingos, The Brotherhood turns North.

2 7
10 9
2 4

9 6
8 2
3 3
5 1

4 2
9 7
3 1

The Brotherhood, after several smashing offensives, orders its units to stay put. The Brotherhood now controls 22 provinces.

Grandmaster Rutan needs to turn this around NOW. His only claim to succession is through his mother Lien-Da's former leadership, and if he doesn't do good, it won't be long before Moritori Rex, grandson of Dimitri and having recently returned from the Twilight Cage, manages to worm his way in.

2 1

4 armies are ordered to purge the region of 3 Brotherhood forces.

1 3
5 3
5 1
1 9

With few forces on the Western Front, the Legion turns to the East to purge the Island of the Dingos.

1 9
9 10

5 5
6 7

The disaster makes many question Rutan's leadership. Grandmaster Moritori Rex takes the Throne of Dimitri and plans a way to get out of this mess. Rutan is disgraced and retreats; Moritori tries to assassinate his descendent in true Legion tradition, but is told all the assassins were butchered and Rutan was nowhere to be found...


The Council of Colonels decides to take advantage of the weakened Legion frontier. 2 provinces are taken with one army lost.
Only if you don't have an Emerald in your possession. :p
Well, now that it's past midnight and I'm well-rested, we can begin the nuking...

All the nukes are duds! A massive Neuralyser erases any memory of this incident in the minds of people everywhere!

Or, rather, it was indeed a big April Fools' prank. ;)

thank god, i thought you were being serius there for a moment. well then like you said on with the show. (but sersaly though i would be heart broken if you did quit.
good thing you didnt quit. this is such a nice game :)
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