Imperium Offtopicum II: Chronological Order is For Chumps!

@Owen: Be careful where you expand. The Americans may not fully appreciate you "intruding" on "their" continent.

Also: No one's reconized my map:(

What do you mean?
The Conneticut Valley Republic expands to Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and New Brunswick.
Yeah, you're close enough, so I'll allow you in.

Also, I am breaking any deals I had with S. Korea.

Ulyaoth, any word on APATA?

Thank you for letting me in, and thank you for being the only person to recognize my post! :goodjob:

Any thoughts/negotiation you want to do with me?

Since we are the currently the only nations on the Pacific and becuase you seem to be a very reasonable leader, Australia would like to propose an alliance between our nations or at least closer trade relations.

OOC: Since no one seems to care about making up technology, here goes:

IC: The Australian government has released the findings of its latest research project. They have found a way to better irragate desert land and are beginning to open up the vast Australian deserts to farming. Several planned communities are already in design stages in areas previously uninhabitable. This is expected to greatly increase the Aussie population over the next many years. Of course, this will be a slow process to totally change the Outback. To satisfy environmentalists, there will be large desert preserves throughout the continent to keep the unique species alive.
IC: The Australian government has released the findings of its latest research project. They have found a way to better irragate desert land and are beginning to open up the vast Australian deserts to farming. Several planned communities are already in design stages in areas previously uninhabitable. This is expected to greatly increase the Aussie population over the next many years. Of course, this will be a slow process to totally change the Outback. To satisfy environmentalists, there will be large desert preserves throughout the continent to keep the unique species alive.

Byzantium would like to purchase this technology. and, why bother reserving desert areas? nothing of consequence lives there.
Kangaroos, birds, snakes, and other critters unique to the outback and zoos.
Oranje claims Luxembourg, Southern Suriname, and Bonaire this turn.


King Van Amsterdam is interested in settling on an small uncharted island somewhere in the Mediterranean. Some of the proposed spots are Gozo, Tavolara, Tyre, Naxos, or Lesvos. If these islands are in your sphere of influence and your willing to part with them the King will pay handsomely for them.
King Van Amsterdam is interested in settling on an small uncharted island somewhere in the Mediterranean. Some of the proposed spots are Gozo, Tavolara, Tyre, Naxos, or Lesvos. If these islands are in your sphere of influence and your willing to part with them the King will pay handsomely for them.

Tyre ceased to be an island in 332 BC. Please check your history books/Wikipedia and update your atlas.

In any case, it is core Levantine territory and we shall not part with it under any circumstances.
That's a shame I really think it was better off as an Island, but nevertheless I can understand your possession and respect you territorial integrity.
Oranje claims Luxembourg, Southern Suriname, and Bonaire this turn.


King Van Amsterdam is interested in settling on an small uncharted island somewhere in the Mediterranean. Some of the proposed spots are Gozo, Tavolara, Tyre, Naxos, or Lesvos. If these islands are in your sphere of influence and your willing to part with them the King will pay handsomely for them.

There isn't a single uncharted island in the Med.

And since it's 2015, I doubt there's even a single uncharted island anywhere.
What, I'm supposed to take the few historical Tibetan territories and be content with little land? And, you're first point is not valid. I'm not a European imperialist colonizing Asia. I'm an Asian imperialist colonizing Europe- my capital is in Tibet. Koguryo never included as much land as you have now, but I'm not throwing a fit over it. By dividing land I am trying to prevent conflict. The ideas proposed are suggestions, they're not set in stone.

Send a map via PM please. I am only chasing after the east coast seaborads, as well as some of the lands near the sea, but not actually next to it, but its up for discussion.

I join ATAPA. Need a better name. Linky to social group? Or does it still need to be made?
GM Announcement:

Update soon... unfortunately, I have to calculate Omega's invasions via RA3 simulation.

To avoid massive NPC shenanigans, I have decided that the NPCs can only try to retake each individual territory once per turn, rather than unlimited amounts per turn. Penalties/bonuses for RNG has also been changed to +/- 10, so there's an actual effect.

In the case of Venice, this makes ever more sense: their fleet is in ruins, their entire nation ripped apart, and their armies likely have shed so many troops between defensive and offensive operations. I was tempted to have Bosnia declare independence and abandon a sinking ship.
Russia builds 10 new factories. Location to come later.
As expected, with the large amounts of money being diverted to grants, public housing/development, and the like, the GDP of the Empire of Korea has begun climbing at roughly a rate of 10% a year. Within roughly 10 years, all of North Korea, Manchuria will be a high level, first-class, first-world place.

OOC:Cue population and GDP please. GDP at a rate of 10%, population at 6% yearly in game time, which, from what I understand, is 2 RL days.

This is what a well-known teacher in the University of Pyongyang theorized what Asia would look like in the far future. It is currently unknown if the government of the Empire supports this map as its ideas.

Dare I say welcome to the newest season of Get Your War On? Due to being screenshot heavy, I decided to post this here rather than in the battles thread in the group.


Spoiler :
(Macedon and Byzantium represented by Allies due to the fact Greece/Turkey were NATO states)

The Korean invasion force has arrived. They are en route to Peloponeseus, but there's a nasty surprise: the Byzantines(purple) and Macedonians(orange) have sent a strike force to scuttle them in the ocean. While there are many islands for each side to use in their operations, the result of this battle will determine if the Koreans can land in the Peloponese. The Byzantines and Macedonians have assembled all their air and naval might for this battle, whereas the Koreans have brought a mixture of forces.

Sure enough, Byzantium is the first to build a great weapon...

The Byzantine Navy crushes one of the islands that guarded the entrance to the main northern Korean outpost.

Byzantium's weapons hits the Southern base hard.

Byzantium sends one of its top agents, who eradicates the Korean forward naval base.

Alas, the powergamer fleet is far too much to withstand... Korea is forced to retreat humiliated. Her government and people will be dismayed at the defeat...


Spoiler :
...but the Byzantines will be even more dismayed. While they were busy fighting the naval invasion of Greece, the Koreans slipped an attack force into Constantinople itself.

The Asian side is taken with ease by the Koreans, but thankfully, the more important European side of the city remains firmly in the hands of the Byzantines. usual, the Byzantines - this half led by their royal army commander - are the first to deploy a weapon.

[Screenshot missing]

Eventually, Byzantine tanks overran the Asian side, sealing off the Dardanelles once more. Now, however, the shattered remnants of the Korean Army had one last gamble: the Crimea.


Spoiler :

The coastal assault will spell the fate of Sevestopol and all Crime-

...well ouch. Even one-on-one, the Koreans failed to defeat the Byzantines.


Korea loses all three battles. I suggest if they ever use this method again to switch their faction to Allies...
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