JFD and Janboruta's Civilisations

It would be much more trouble to have a single download link, because the whole ~80GB file would have to be re-downloaded each time a single civ is updated with a small fix - which is not at all worth the trouble.
I... don't know if I should feel proud or ashamed of that.

What the hell was drinking last night?

(not that my point wasn't valid)
If I'm honest I prefer the [REDACTED] civ, because it gives the feeling of a new civ out the nowwhere like for 1-2 years ago.
Jan has passed a bill allowing the JFD and Janboruta Empire to begin mining [REDACTED], so Philip's administration will now be delayed :p

Apparently the "Send Jan Beer" Decision was not a new version of the Nigerian Scam.
if iJansBeerRemaining < iJansBeerNeededForArtWork then
	bNoMoreArtFromJan = true
if bNoMoreArtFromJan then
	bEmpireIsPlungedIntoNewDarkAge = true
	iTurnLengthOfEmpireNewDarkAge = GetComplexCalculationOfInsufficientBeerAsComparedToCiv6ReleaseDateDaysRemainingAsComparedToJFDsSteamWalletJanBriberyFundsRemaining() or 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
	pPlayerJFDEmpire:SetDarkAgeTurns(iTurnLengthOfEmpireNewDarkAge, bEmpireIsPlungedIntoNewDarkAge)
It's been about a year since I last asked for Franco Spain and/or Republican Spain, so I will mention it kindly, and respect that you'll get to it if and when you decide to :)
Interesting! The army of derpy camels are coming from the Graveyard of Empires.
1. You've got the wrong image in the spoiler -that links to the infographic again
2. Unfortunately, I think you've made a UA more deserving of its name than CL did. *sigh *
Yeah they are similiar, but aren't the Maurya slightly brighter and Afghanistan has a touch of a coffee brown in my opinion. :D
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