Journey to Nowhere - Game Thread

I assume sleeping and healing up would be best for me, or what do you think doc?

Maybe someone should start exploring the caves?
OOC: Wow, I'm really good at posting the update on the last post of the page...
Let's wait. No need getting imprudent. Let's say out some traps, catch some animals, maybe. Maybe fortify the entrance a little bit. Wait for the return of the people, and then let's go together.
"Benjamin, thank god we found you. I know you're exhausted, and so are we, but we need to get moving towards the cave to the southwest, the others are waiting for us there.

I gave Selena one of my rations, Thomas, can you spare a days rations for Benjie this time?"
OOC: I managed to completely forget about US Daylight Savings, so it turns out that the deadline is really 7:59 PM EDT on the 10th... It's still 11:59 PM GMT though.
Yeah, I can spare some.

If you don't mind, i'm going to use this time away from everyone to hunt a bit, to replenish our food supply.

ORders: hunt, as well as keep an eye out for anything potentially harmful to the group
OOC: Thomas and Dickie, you are not in the same party at the moment. Charles, please refrain from stating that your character is faster than the others. It is not something we know for sure, and if anyone should decide that, it is Splime.

"I have no problem with you hunting, Thomas, as long as you do not get lost and we can leave for the caves as soon as possible."
OOC: Damn straight, you go hunt for those birds who are nesting in trees that grow inside caves.
*Dickie wakes up with a start.*

Eh? What? Where am I?

Oh, how strange... I had the most vivid dream that me and Daz were out huntin' with Thomas.

Still, rabbit catching sounds a good idea. Whadja say boy?

*Dazzler is not listening.*


*The dog gets up and edges forward, eyes focused on Ricky.*

Stop it, Daz!

*Dazzler looks up guiltily. Dickie shakes his head.

I'm disappointed, boy. You know better than that...

Ferret meat is all tough and stringy. No sense eatin' such muck when there's rabbit to be had!
OOC: My unique power is recognition of many animal and plant species as a Ecologist, so I think I might be faster :).

OOC: I'll be the judge of that... and of course, as GM, I'm obligated to not say who's faster, since it can reveal parts of a character that some may wish to keep hidden.
Journey to Nowhere – 0600 hrs, 27.05.00 (Update 6)

The next morning, the group woke up in the shelter of the caves. As soon as the sun was up, Terni Hans left the cave to go hunting. Dr. Richard administered drugs to Selena, whose condition began to improve. After administering these drugs, Dr. Richard went deeper into the caves. Mike Hammer began fortifying the entrance to the caves. Everyone else used the time to rest, and wait for the scout party to arrive.

At around this time, the scout party, along with Benjamin Cook, began the long journey back. While it would have taken the group two days, the scout party had already travelled half of the route twice, and knew all the shortcuts. They were set to make it to the caves shortly after nightfall. Every hour, Ninosca contacted Alen via the radio that Benjamin Cook had.

About an hour into Terni Hans’s hunt, the group heard the squealing of a pig, followed by gunshots and shouts. Most of the group quickly ran into a defensible position, only to see that it was just Terni Hans hunting. His ferret was chasing after a squirrel, when a wild boar saw it, ran towards it, and ate it in one bite. Terni Hans shouted at the boar to spit him back out, but it was in vain, and the ferret was dead. Terni Hans then shot a full clip of his hunting rifle at the boar, and the result was two days of ham, bacon, and sausage for everyone in the cave. In the scout party, Thomas had some success hunting, enough to give everyone in the party one day’s rations.

Towards the end of the day, the group began to settle in to the caves, preparing for the night. Dr. Richard came back from his cave trip, and got his share of the meat harvested from the wild boar incident. He then reported that the cave goes on much further, and may even have another exit.

When the sun began to set, the scout party was still a good distance away, and Ninosca was concerned about being able to see possible threats. That was when Jeremy Bentham pulled out a lighter from his backpack, and lit some sticks on fire, giving everyone a torch. With this extra light, they pressed forward, eventually making it to the cave at midnight.

It is now 0600 hrs, the 27th of Blooming, Year 00. Each person has 8 days of rations left (w/ exceptions). The next turn will last ~24 game hours, and the deadline for orders is Friday March 13th at 11:59 PM GMT (7:59 PM EDT – Daylight Savings).

Status Report:


Everyone is back together, so there is free communication. The cave goes on further, and reportedly exits elsewhere.
Selenia was feeling much better. She was at least able to move about by herself, even if she couldn't do anything exessive.

Where are we going? What are our goals? I need to make me something else to fight with, if nothing else to be able to defend against wild animals / scrounge for food... Anyone i can borrow some sharp object from(like a knife) to cut some trees / plants? Also some spare clothest would be nice... Anyone have any material or anything spare? Ninosca?
Miss Demas, it's good to see that you're feeling better. There will be no need for you to borrow a knife to make yourself something to fight with, unless you happen to be an actual weaponsmith.

Mike Hammer realizes that he's never actually given her an introduction. Feeling remiss, he heeds the call of his upbringing and the gentility of the area he was brought up with. He makes an absentminded grab at the hat he's not wearing to take it off.

My name's Mike Hammer, and I'm an engineer, though I do specialize in wood. So, not to sound presumptuous, ma'am, but the construction of items falls under my purview. I'll gladly craft you something to defend yourself with.
Exploring the caves is as good guess as any unless anyone have any ideas of what else we can do?

Mike: Maybe we can cooperate? We might both be able to learn a thing or two from each other. I might not be a weaponsmith or an engineer but i sure can make weapons... Now a gun might be a bit hard seeing as we don't have any iron or a forge but maybe i'll be able to make a blowpipe or a sling and at least a spear imeadiatly, and maybe we'll manage to find enough minerals in the caves to make makeshift grenades. Any help from The Brewer in figuring out that would be helpful as well.
"Selena, I am sorry, I don't have any clothes to spare.

I have something else, though, which might render your concerns about minerals and spears unimportant. Take good care of it."

With those words, Ninosca finds forth her small handgun, hidden in her jacket. "I've repaired it myself, from scratch. It works as well as any gun ever will, but it fires small bullets, so you'd do well to put several of them into anything you want dead."

She hands over the handgun and whatever ammunition she has for it to Selena aswell.
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