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Journey to Nowhere - Game Thread

What you be wanting your stuff for? Tell us all and we might let you have what you need. Although it seems not even the one who began this little excursion has access to your stuff *Regretfully remembers trying to take Richards stuff the previous night*

I thought it was just sitting there I swear. Didn't know nobody was looking after it. No hard feelings Jeremy?

Does the team agree to let him use some stuff if he tells us what he intends to use it for?
Sure, I have no problem with that. But it's gotta be something we can validate and keep a close eye on to minimize the harm done. Still, it's not like we'll be able to second-check what he does, since he's a doctor, and I'm pretty sure none of us have the equivalent training.

In that case...don't get hurt in the first place.
We should head toward the Lake then check out Charlen before going into the Caves. The lake can let us resupply a little. Charlen can help us replenish some news and then we can either head in and capture it with force or thought to get more supplies.
Is the concensus to send a scouting group to the lake while the rest of us hole up here?
Aye, I'd say a lake scouting party would be a good idea. *Gives a disdainful glance at Benjamin* with less of us we can also move alot faster than we can with all twelve people. Assuming of course that we are all competent ourselfs *Another sideways glance at Benjamin, held long enough for him to notice*.
I will pass a painkiller drug to CCrunner and the scouting party just so you guys now, i need my drugs to sort it out since i'm tied up.
We can't just sit here four days, waitin' for the scouts to come back from the lake. The rest of should go investigate the caves.

We got radios now, so we can figure out where to join up later on. But if we lose contact for some reason, then I reckon we'd be best off meetin' at the caves.
"That's the way I understood the plan aswell. Having the majority of us doing basically nothing but eating rations would be a bad move in my opinion."
Journey to Nowhere – 0200 hrs, 25.05.00 (Update 4)

Note: This update comes from the point of view of the main group. Scouting party, your version of the update will be delivered via PM. In fact, it should have been delivered before this was posted.

Everyone got up fairly easily the next morning, and figured out the day’s plans. Gavin, Ryan Hall, and Benjamin Cook formed another scouting party, this time to head towards the lake. Everyone else would go towards the cave in the southwest. While the discussions went on, Mike Hammer was chopping down some trees in the forest. Once the plan was established, the two groups went their separate ways.

The day was fairly uneventful. Every so often, Ninosca would contact the scouts via radio to transfer information. These transfers went on until night, when both parties agreed it would be best to not exchange information to keep stealth. When night fell, the main group was about halfway to the cave, and the scouts were within half a day of the lake. Benjamin Cook took charge of the night watch for the scouts, and Dickie was in charge of the night watch for the main group.

Everything was quiet throughout the night, until a loud flying noise was heard overhead. A Vlatixan Aerial Personnel Carrier (APC) was slowly gliding overhead, heading to the north. Dickie quickly sprang into action, loading a bullet he had found in the outpost into his rifle, Delilah, and firing at what looked to be the weak spot of the ship. It resulted in a large explosion, throwing pieces of the ship everywhere. It seemed as though Dickie had managed to pick up a Vlatixan prototype explosive bullet.

After the explosion, there was a woman who managed to escape with a parachute, though she was badly burned and injured from the explosion. Dickie went over to find her, as did Alen and Jeremy Bentham, who were awoken quickly by the noise. On the short search for the woman, Jeremy Bentham said that the Vlatixan APCs often carried prisoners, and so this woman may have been a captive of the empire. When the group of three found her, they could see nothing to distinguish her as related to the Vlatixans. In fact, she had no possessions at all, and her clothes were all burnt up. She was badly injured, and needed medical attention immediately. Jeremy Bentham carried her back to camp, and she was able to talk. Her name was Selena Demas, and she was 33 years old.

It is now 0200 hrs, the 25th of Blooming, Year 00. Each person has 8 days of rations left (w/ exceptions). The next turn will last ~24 game hours, and the deadline for orders is Saturday March 7th at 11:59 PM GMT (6:59 PM EST).

Status Report:
I have a lot of personal PMs to send, so please bear with me…


- About one day northeast is the outpost.
- To the west and southwest are mountains.
- Two days southeast (from the main group) is a lake. (Half a day from the scout group)
- Another day southeast of there is the village of Charlen.
- One day southwest is a fairly large cave that seems to lead somewhere.

Keep in mind that you have 8 days of food left (w/ exceptions), and a badly wounded person with no possessions (or food) to deal with.
"We have to untie the doc and let him look at her. Then we need to get the hell out of here. With a ship down there's gonna be Vlax out here soon looking for the wreckage."
Mr. Hall, I've built some bear traps modeled after the ones you have. One of you stealthy-folk should lay these about. Who knows, they might catch someone. I have four right here, but I don't really need them. I figure, once we hole up somewhere, I'll be able to whittle traps to catch animals. These are for people. Here, you can take them.

He hands over four wooden bear traps.
Where... am... i? Who.. are.. you... ?
Her accent was quite similar to the Areville accent.
It is almost impossible to tell her age, somewhere between 20 and 40, rather slender but strong build.
Something like this:
Spoiler :
"Keep still, Selena. Our doctor is on his way to help you."

Ninosca turns around to the others and starts giving orders to noone in particular: "Someone go get the doc, untie him and have him bring some medical drugs. And plenty of water aswell."

She then finds the radio and attempts to message the scouts (whoever is taking guard should hear the radio): "We've shot down a Vlat APC, the sole survivor is seriously injured, and looks to be a prisoner. It's a she, by the way. Thus, we will be moving soon to avoid detection, and we'll free the doctor, for now atleast. Keep on your current course and report once you reacht he lakeshore."
OOC: I'm going to assume I'm still on watch here

Roger that. Saw the epic fireworks from here. We should be switching watches soon - and packing up to move just before dawn.
*Dickie is sitting on the ground, polishing his rifle, and looking rather pleased with himself. He addresses his words to a bored-looking Dazzler, though they're obviously intended for the whole group.*

You know, Daz... She don't look like much, but I wouldn't trade Delilah for any of them fancy modern weapons. Good old-fashioned simplicity - they don't make 'em like that no more.

I tell ya, them Imperials in their shiny new skyships - ha! - they ain't no match for old Delilah here. One shot and down they come. Just like shootin' pigeons!

*Dazzler's ears prick up.*

Ah, sorry boy... No pigeon for breakfast today. Maybe we can go catch a couple more bunnies later on, eh?

*Dazzler slumps back down, looking dejected.*
OOC: Just a heads up, there'll be a midturn update in an hour or two. It does not need any orders, but may, uh, "clarify" a few things. :mischief:
Journey to Nowhere – 0300 hrs, 25.05.00 (Mid-Turn Update 4.1)

As the rebels began to prepare for the next day of their journey after the shock of the APC explosion, Ninosca heard the radio start making funny noises. However, she soon realized that it wasn’t a malfunction—this was a real transmission:

Artillery and explosions could be heard, as Benjamin Cook was shouting, “They’re everywhere! Shells keep hitti—” A particularly loud explosion could be heard at that moment. After a few moments, Benjamin began to talk again, “They’ve killed ‘em! Ryan and Gavin! Gone! I was patrolling the area, and a shell came from nowhere and blew up the tents! I’m running back to the outpost; you better damn well meet me there!”

That was all that Benjamin transmitted, and his status is uncertain. Now the group has yet another issue in front of them—the shelling of the scout camp.
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