Jungle Terrain is a pain


Oct 31, 2001
I have started two games on random terrain settings and both times have been placed into continents covered with jungles. It seems like it takes forever to clear out a little land around each city.... Playing on the chieftain level, I have fallen behind the other civs and have played catch-up. In last game, it took 24 turns for a worker to clear a jungle square; 9 turns to build a road through a square. Has anyone found a good strategy for taming the jungle quickly?
Originally posted by PepsiFizz
I have started two games on random terrain settings and both times have been placed into continents covered with jungles.

Pick a dry or mountain world!
during the game set-up...:goodjob:
If you clear up all the jungles, then you will not get any rubber specials later when the technology is obtained.
I put 6 workers on a jungle square to clear it at the same time, add to the fact that I was the Egyptians and therfore industrios skill giving me faster workers... I was clearing them in like 3 turns! Made some nice cities out of a huge jungle, which was critical for me to do, since I was sandwiched in by 2 other civs. I love this game!
I'm not sure this is true. For example, furs appear only in forests and tundras, and in one game I had some on a forest, but when I cleared the forest, it was still there. Due to the way the editor works, it seems clear that the resources are determined at the start even though you can't see them, and at least for furs, removing the "required" terrain did not remove the resource.

Now, if you've cleared a jungle square that did have rubber and it went away, that's something else entirely...
Originally posted by Lefty Scaevola
If you clear up all the jungles, then you will not get any rubber specials later when the technology is obtained.

Originally posted by RobKid
I'm not sure this is true. For example, furs appear only in forests and tundras, and in one game I had some on a forest, but when I cleared the forest, it was still there. Due to the way the editor works, it seems clear that the resources are determined at the start even though you can't see them, and at least for furs, removing the "required" terrain did not remove the resource.

Now, if you've cleared a jungle square that did have rubber and it went away, that's something else entirely...

Has either of you or anyone actually SEEN one of these events occur? For example, if rubber does show up in cleared jungle terrain (because it was originally coded within the map), then clearing is OK. If rubber is randomly generated once the first player discovers the tech, then clearing hurts you.

I have seen that clearing jungle DOES NOT affect the pre-existing spice bonus resource.
Strategic resources are just like luxuries. Their placement is determined at the start. They are always there, you just can't see them. Clearing the terrain does not affect the resource at all.

There was another thread on this, in strategies, I believe, and I confirmed it the other night...cleared a forest in middle ages, and rubber appeared on the grassland in modern.
I know I mentioned this in another thread.

When I played around with the map editor, ALL resources where placed initially. The map already had everything up to Uranium.

The only thing that isn't clear - If a resource is exhausted. I know it will show back up elsewhere. That may require the correction terrain.
Originally posted by Gnarlyhotep
Strategic resources are just like luxuries. Their placement is determined at the start. They are always there, you just can't see them. Clearing the terrain does not affect the resource at all.

There was another thread on this, in strategies, I believe, and I confirmed it the other night...cleared a forest in middle ages, and rubber appeared on the grassland in modern.

Thanks for your answer. Now I'll just clear with abandon.
Two things:

Don't waste time clearing jungle before placing cities. The city square itself is like a free instant jungle clearing (or hill mining or plane irrigatin or whatever - you never need to improve the land under your city).

And yes, I am 100% sure from my own games, seen with my own eyes, that the grasslands revealed by clearing a jungle will spontaneously have rubber on them when you get high enough to see it. The rubber is placed there back when the game starts at 4000BC, and clearing the land doesn't change that.

OK, 3 things:
It has however been speculated that when a new resource randomly pops into the world somewhere that it will depend only on the current state of that terrain, not it's original state. However this is such a rare occurance that I certainly wouldn't adjust any strategy based on it.
I wouldn't say it's a rare occurance for a resource to dissapear. I had it happen 3 times within 100 years in my last game. Coal, oil and oil. Happened 2 times within 50 in my first, oil and rubber.

Seems to be more common in industrial age, and much more common in modern.

At any rate, I'd be careful of wholesale clearing of jungle/forest. You never know when that resource may up and vanish.
In the manual it says units can die in jungle squares. Have any of you seen this happen? I havent. O yes, rescources are prelocated at start. Clearing the forest or jungle will not hurt.:)
And just to reiterate the suggested strategy upthread, if you find yourself in a position where you have to deal with a bunch of jungle, dedicated squads of workers are the only answer I've found. Yeah there may be something else they could be doing, but if you gotta clear the ground, it's the only way to deal with it effectibley. I found myself in that position a couple of times recently and set up squads of 5 or 6 workers to just get it done and out of the way.
Yeap, if you think jungles a pain, wait till you get a game location surrounded by mountains!

I got a game once with that exact terrain and promptly hit the shift-alt-q buttons and restarted after a few turns :D
I forgot about units dieing in the jungle....:eek:

I have a force of 3 groups of 3 units chopping down the rainforest (2 workers + an armed guard) and haven't lost anyone yet.

Here's hoping. :D
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