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Lets talk about Tom MacDonald...

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May 1, 2021
I'm surprised there isn't a thread about this already considering how socially conscious people seem to be here.

This guy popped up sometime around 2017-2018 from what I can tell although I only found out about him this week. He was giving some disgusting interviews about his disgusting newly released video and every sentence and lyric out of his mouth is some white supremacist dog whistle and I'm not kidding about that. He's been showing up on news stations like FOX to propagate insurrection, far-right conspiracy theories, dog whistle about white replacement, and anti-racist activism while trying to (and poorly at that) pose as some sort of fence-sitter when literally everything out of his mouth is garbage spewed from the darkest places of the internet like *****. He's the Jordan Peterson of rap. On steroids. Full stop.

This is just some of the cancer he's producing.

And the icing on this far-right white supremacist cake... he claims to hate hip-hop and gets rich culturally appropriating it while SIMULTANEOUSLY telling everyone how much better he is at it than all of these black rappers who are literally killing kids!

I couldn't even make this up if I tried.

How do we collectively solve the "Tom MacDonald problem" as a civilized society without destroying out own democracy in the process because that is exactly what these types of racist cry bullies want. These dangerous far-right voices cannot be allowed spread their disgusting ideologies further! They've literally moved onto targeting young and impressionable kids!

Moderator Action: No need to promote him with a stage. I removed the videos. -- Birdjaguar
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
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I had never hear of him, and I am not watching the videos.

In answer to your question, one could start by not giving him free publicity.
I see your point, but in all fairness things are already well past that. He's already famous and became a multi-millionaire. He's been rewarded handsomely for perpetuating the systemic racism he seeks to cash in on.

I also think it's equally important for people to be informed about these individuals, what they're saying, why it's wrong, vile, and dangerous. Once these far-right types become famous not watching the videos, or listening to his music isn't going to stop them from spreading their propaganda. We aren't the audience anyway. I think the question is more-so aligned with how do we as a democracy create structures to prevent these types of people from getting publicity and making a living perpetuating systemic inequality, racism, misogyny, transphobia and homophobia in the first place.

The problem with Tom MacDonald is there are structures in place to prevent people like him from becoming famous, but he avoided them quite easily and made a fortune doing it. If he was part of a record label, or preformed on a well-know music station the conversation could be had that this type of dangerous rhetoric isn't going to be tolerated. If he was a employee somewhere you'd have options available to help rehabilitate him with some mandatory courses on critical race theory and sensitivity training. Perhaps there needs to be some sort of nationalized effort in this regard? That's the only way I see this stopping.
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If he is posting on youtube, why are youtube giving him free publicity?

I presume they have a terms of use agreement.
If he is posting on youtube, why are youtube giving him free publicity?

I presume they have a terms of use agreement.
They do, however Google is a for-profit entity and their standards are often applied arbitrarily, if at all. They reserve the right to take action, as is the common wording for most companies nowadays.
Eh, he's hipster shock hip hop. He's trolling you. He's boring. Hick hop is more fun
The problem with Tom MacDonald is there are structures in place to prevent people like him from becoming famous, but he avoided them quite easily and made a fortune doing it. If he was part of a record label, or preformed on a well-know music station the conversation could be had that this type of dangerous rhetoric isn't going to be tolerated. If he was a employee somewhere you'd have options available to help rehabilitate him with some mandatory courses on critical race theory and sensitivity training. Perhaps there needs to be some sort of nationalized effort in this regard? That's the only way I see this stopping.

I'd say the nightmare scenario with someone like Macdonald isn't that he becomes famous but that he becomes mainstream. Because if he's famous, who cares, anyone can get famous if you say something shocking enough, but if he's mainstream, then that's acceptance by the public, and he has longevity. And you are right, those old structures like record label support and radio airplay don't hold as much sway as they used to over who becomes famous, but they're still important if you want to go mainstream. Macdonald is too unpleasant for that sort of thing. I expect he's more likely to live the damselfly life of a meme, albeit a successful one.

(Although I note from Wikipedia that he is popular enough in Hungary to reach a top chart position of #15. We need to send Hungary some better rappers.)
Ehhhh, theres also kind of the thing where South Park says something as a joke (maybe) but all the sharpest edgelords you know say it as well (ambiguously as a joke), and should you point out that this is the weekly departmental catchup, they all slap each other on the ass and performatively complain about how people just don't have a sense of humour these days.

I could do with less of that.
I'd say the nightmare scenario with someone like Macdonald isn't that he becomes famous but that he becomes mainstream. Because if he's famous, who cares, anyone can get famous if you say something shocking enough, but if he's mainstream, then that's acceptance by the public, and he has longevity. And you are right, those old structures like record label support and radio airplay don't hold as much sway as they used to over who becomes famous, but they're still important if you want to go mainstream. Macdonald is too unpleasant for that sort of thing. I expect he's more likely to live the damselfly life of a meme, albeit a successful one.

(Although I note from Wikipedia that he is popular enough in Hungary to reach a top chart position of #15. We need to send Hungary some better rappers.)

I believe he hit #1 last week or so in the US then went down to #4 and I think he's sitting around #7 at the moment...
I think he has a sort of stick to him, he's just not fun.
There are much funnier Macdonald’s out there, like

Spoiler you guessed it :
Frank Stallone.
I believe he hit #1 last week or so in the US then went down to #4 and I think he's sitting around #7 at the moment...

Well not on the (Billboard) Hot 100 I can assure you that much. He's only had one song make that chart ('Fake Woke', peaked at #96, was only on the chart for one week I believe). Maybe a sales chart? He seems like the sort of artist that would do well on digital sales, as opposed to streaming or radioplay.
I see your point, but in all fairness things are already well past that. He's already famous and became a multi-millionaire. He's been rewarded handsomely for perpetuating the systemic racism he seeks to cash in on.

I also think it's equally important for people to be informed about these individuals, what they're saying, why it's wrong, vile, and dangerous. Once these far-right types become famous not watching the videos, or listening to his music isn't going to stop them from spreading their propaganda. We aren't the audience anyway. I think the question is more-so aligned with how do we as a democracy create structures to prevent these types of people from getting publicity and making a living perpetuating systemic inequality, racism, misogyny, transphobia and homophobia in the first place.

The problem with Tom MacDonald is there are structures in place to prevent people like him from becoming famous, but he avoided them quite easily and made a fortune doing it. If he was part of a record label, or preformed on a well-know music station the conversation could be had that this type of dangerous rhetoric isn't going to be tolerated. If he was a employee somewhere you'd have options available to help rehabilitate him with some mandatory courses on critical race theory and sensitivity training. Perhaps there needs to be some sort of nationalized effort in this regard? That's the only way I see this stopping.

that sounds like a good plan to destroy democracy
The meta in me has me needing to question if a sub 10 post count account that really wants to talk about Tom MacDonald has to be Tom MacDonald.
I'm surprised there isn't a thread about this already considering how socially conscious people seem to be here.
I have no intention of watching these videos. I suspect they might be the sort that are supposed to be spoilered and marked NSFW at least. I'm not up on the current forum rules about posting hate videos, even if it's just for discussion purposes.

My suggestion: Report them to YouTube as hate speech. They supposedly have rules about that.

Reposting them is not going to help. You're just giving him more views.
Which part? I'm not seeing where RED.RED suggests removing everybody's right to vote for an elected representative.

a national effort to get people fired sounds like a plan out of Tailgunner Joe's arsenal

If he was a employee somewhere you'd have options available to help rehabilitate him with some mandatory courses on critical race theory and sensitivity training.

or Mao... The King is dead, long live the King
The problem with Tom MacDonald is there are structures in place to prevent people like him from becoming famous, but he avoided them quite easily and made a fortune doing it. If he was part of a record label, or preformed on a well-know music station the conversation could be had that this type of dangerous rhetoric isn't going to be tolerated. If he was a employee somewhere you'd have options available to help rehabilitate him with some mandatory courses on critical race theory and sensitivity training. Perhaps there needs to be some sort of nationalized effort in this regard? That's the only way I see this stopping.
Can't tell if this is serious or tounge-in-cheek...
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