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Feb, 14th is fine and all, but I admit I'm a bit disappointed because I was hoping for a christmas opportunity. And for a major patch this year..
Oh, btw. the livestream seems to have settled with about 1k watchers... Not too bad for a loong marketing stunt like this...
First thing I did this morning was check in on the clouds!

That's what I did. Okay I did check my emails first.

The city seems generally unbothered by the massive tornado.

Must be a German city, that superior German engineering and all.

So they are going with that Feb 14 release date it seems. Strange to release on Valentine's day. Not that it matters to me all that much, unless something changes in the next 2 months for me (I'm not looking).
Feb, 14th is fine and all, but I admit I'm a bit disappointed because I was hoping for a christmas opportunity. And for a major patch this year..
Oh, btw. the livestream seems to have settled with about 1k watchers... Not too bad for a loong marketing stunt like this...
If they are doing 1 First Look a week, the expansion would have to have been announced much earlier in order to be released in time for Christmas. 8 Civs + 1 leader = at least 9 weeks of build-up.
Feb, 14th is fine and all, but I admit I'm a bit disappointed because I was hoping for a christmas opportunity. And for a major patch this year..
Oh, btw. the livestream seems to have settled with about 1k watchers... Not too bad for a loong marketing stunt like this...

Eh, if they were gunning for a christmas period launch, the announcement would probably have been in July.
Oh, btw. the livestream seems to have settled with about 1k watchers...

I was surprised there were so many when I woke up and turned on the comp. But I suppose it is getting to be morning on the East Coast U.S. The others I suppose are Europeans and Asians. I wake up early because I normally go to work very early (I'm off today).
I'm no meteorologist, but personally, if I was in charge, I would have activated the sirens when the first two tornadoes formed.
After those sirens Im expecting to hear „Holla if ya hear me!” and to see Scott Steiner revealed as a new Great Mathematician in the game (wrestling refference).
Weather, Clouds, Hurricans, Sirens, ... I´m so happy. Thats a great 12 hour lasting Announcement - Firaxis!
I am a little worried about this game becoming like Sim City. I really hope they don't go in that direction. Sim City 4 I only have 19 hours played. It's very easy to get bored of those types of games. It's why I haven't bought Cities: Skylines even though it looks a little interesting.
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The might also name some features to chew on

I hope so. I'm probably the oddity here, but I find new features, districts, buildings, units, and wonders far more interesting than new civilizations. Not that I don't enjoy new civilizations, but they're self-contained experiences whereas the features and buildings and such impact the way we play with every civ in the game.

and announce an actual livestream on thursday. I think that was it for R&F?

This Thursday? Not likely considering it's a national holiday in the US.

I am a little worried about this game becoming like Sim City. I really hope they don't go in that direction. Sim City 4 I only have 19 hours played. It's very easy to get bored of those types of games. It's why I haven't bought Cities: Skylines even though it looks a little interesting.

The sheer number of tornadoes and emphasis on natural disasters in this tease has me a bit worried too. I'm all for disasters, but I don't want them to dominate the game. They should be rare in occurrence and limited in scope, not major defining features that drive the experience. And they're certainly not acceptable substitutes for a robust diplomacy system and world-shaping modern ideologies.
Next 24 hours will probably wildfires

Might be a little insensitive given what is happening in California. I never seen one that bad. Pretty scary.

It's possible this video was put together last week ahead of time. I'm not sure how long it takes to animate something like this. It isn't exactly high quality animation (the city is still perfectly intact).
Might be a little insensitive given what is happening in California. I never seen one that bad. Pretty scary.

It's possible this video was put together last week ahead of time. I'm not sure how long it takes to animate something like this. It isn't exactly high quality animation (the city is still perfectly intact).

There's natural disasters almost every day, they just dont happen every day in the US. People die every day, every hour, every minute and every second...
There's natural disasters almost every day, they just dont happen every day in the US. People die every day, every hour, every minute and every second...
Yes, but Firaxis is a US company. And the California wildfires - rightly or wrongly - have generated a lot of publicity. Firaxis have to be sensitive to that.

I don't think we're going to get a firestorm, not with that amount of rain. We should get some visible destruction, though, and some flooding.
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