LK108 - India, Warlord, just win baby


Exterminate, exterminate, exterminate!!!
Aug 15, 2001

Of course, I have to restart, as the first random civ was England. :rolleyes:

I found one way that Civ4 is worse. The delay between switching from the game to word where I type my reports is a longer.

Our random civ turns out to be India.

4000 BC
Delhi is formed in place. Pigs and corn are both nice food bonuses, and will really help the health of our city once

I am going to go right for Polytheism. Being a founder of a religion would be really nice, and we can even be historically accurate and form Hinduism.

3920 BC

3760 BC
We pop a hut, but simply get gold.

3560 BC
Once again we get gold from a hut. :(

3400 BC
(ST) Not unexpected at this level, but we get good news.

Picking a new tech is much harder now. There is no automatic path to follow. Your tech choices really need to be tailored to your terrain. With pigs and corn nearby I am going to start us down that part of the tree next.

A hut finally was worth popping:

3360 BC
(IT) We have contact with Germany and are peaceful for now.

3200 BC
(ST) Bears maul our warrior, but it is still alive.

3000 BC
We comp farming and head for animal husbandry to take advantage of the health bonus of the pigs. If we get the cows, that will another health bonus.


Does anyone have an idea how to get an auto-save for every turn? It appears to be doing it every 4 turns.

Due to the way the date change I am now reporting the time between the player turns as ST (Start turn). I can't easily tell what the previous date was.

I just found my first bug with Civ4. :cry:
If you alt-tab out of the game with the diplomacy screen up, along with some of the other screens, you loose the bottom of the screen. I had to reload for peace with Germany. I almost got stuck in the technology screen.

We have a worker on the way to start improving the lands. We *don't* want a settler next. Sending out a settler without escort is just too dangerous in Civ4.

Signed up:
Methos (currently playing)
MeteorPunch (on deck)

Remember 10 turns per round - STRICT 24 hours got it, total 48 hours to at complete.
What's wrong with England? :lol:

Edit your Config file to change Autosave Interval. (Look for a redirect in your Civ root folder).
LKendter said:
I just found my first bug with Civ4. :cry:
If you alt-tab out of the game with the diplomacy screen up, along with some of the other screens, you loose the bottom of the screen. I had to reload for peace with Germany. I almost got stuck in the technology screen.

:hmm: It must be your computer, as I tried it on mine and had no trouble Alt-Tab'ing back and forth. As you said though, it is a lot slower doing it with CivIV.
I just found my first bug with Civ4.
If you alt-tab out of the game with the diplomacy screen up, along with some of the other screens, you loose the bottom of the screen. I had to reload for peace with Germany. I almost got stuck in the technology screen.

lurker's comment: That happens to me when I open CAII.

Good luck guys! Civ4 looks awesome, I can't wait to get it!
Sirian said:
What's wrong with England? :lol:

MeteorPunch asked that we *not* play it as he is already in a SG as England.
Nice start location - pigs and corn. I think food is still very important.

So far in my experience, I think you're right about researching techs based on your nearby resouces/worker actions. Sometimes you get a resource like wine, for example, that you can't build the "special terrain improvement" for until much later, though.

I haven't found any early civics that I care for, so I don't try for those techs.

City builds and units are the other two things I'm going for, tech wise.

Chopping forest - ie, Bronze working is good too.

...and don't forget about Religions...lots of options really. :crazyeye:
Methos said:
:hmm: It must be your computer, as I tried it on mine and had no trouble Alt-Tab'ing back and forth. As you said though, it is a lot slower doing it with CivIV.

I am suspicious of screen resolution. I haven't confirmed that yet, but that is my gut feeling. I have put this in the Civ4 bug reports thread.
Methos said:
Due to not being able to switch builds as much is there anything specific we are going for? I just finished the worker and was thinking about building a barracks.

I think it is a bit early for a barracks. I would really like a second town. That needs a warrior, and then a settler. Barracks would really slow expansion at this point.
2800 BC (0): Everything looks good.

2760 BC (1):
IT: Cultural boundary expands

2640 BC (4):
IT: Delhi Fast Worker>Barracks

2600 BC (5): Warrior spots brown border east of him.

2560 BC (6): We meet Kublai Khan (Mongols). It happens to me [LK's bug]. I end up having to highlight the “We’ll put your head on a stick” and than arrowing down to get the peace option. Looks like doing a turn log is going to be rather troublesome.

2480 BC (8): Set science at 80%
IT: A bear comes into our view directly south [4 tiles] of Delhi.

2440 BC (9): Set science at 70%
IT: Animal Husbandry>Masonry

2400 BC (10): Set science at 100%. Worker begins a pasture for the pigs.

-I went the route of Masonry so we could build a quarry on the marble.
-As you can see from the pic below we have quite a few resources around us.

Here's the save.
LKendter said:
I think it is a bit early for a barracks. I would really like a second town. That needs a warrior, and then a settler. Barracks would really slow expansion at this point.

Whoops, my bad. Next player needs to switch the build than. We might want to use the wheat tile than to speed up our growth. Are you suggesting building the settler at size 3, 4, or when?
Methos said:
Whoops, my bad. Next player needs to switch the build than. We might want to use the wheat tile than to speed up our growth. Are you suggesting building the settler at size 3, 4, or when?

The way growth works in Civ4 it appears to be better to build workers and settlers from smaller cities.

I hate delaying expansion 30 turns just to build a warrior with a promotion. Once better units arrive I will be more concerned. Our second city could become a heavy military city.

LKendter said:
The way growth works in Civ4 it appears to be better to build workers and settlers from smaller cities.
I've been building workers at size 3 and settlers at 4 or 6. I think there could be advantages to either way, but it's too early to tell.

Queing up builds is awesome. Start on something that you'll need later to pass the time during growth and switch builds back and forth at leasure - I love it.
India: Not a fan of this UU. A 3-move worker? I'm not impressed.

Civics: Seeing that we founded Hinduism, I like Organized Religion -- that +25% production in cities with state religion is pretty nice. Not that I'm suggesting we make a beeline to it, just throwing it out there.

Marble: I'd like to get it, as it speeds up the production of quite a few wonders -- will give us options if nothing else.

Resources: As far as I can tell, happiness bonuses are more important than food bonuses (with some exceptions) because an unhealthy city just wastes some food, whereas an unhappy city wastes an entire tile. The exception is lots of jungle, which can prevent growth completely without health bonuses hooked up. I think flood plains have the same effect, but since they produce so much food it balances out.

LKendter said:
The way growth works in Civ4 it appears to be better to build workers and settlers from smaller cities.
Why do you say this? Since workers and settlers don't remove population from the citites that build them, there isn't a recovery period where you lose the production of 1 or 2 tiles after popping the unit. You can get right back to working all your improved tiles. And there is the obvious point that better-developed cities build faster. And larger cities often don't need to be in a hurry to grow, depending on the happiness situation, so stopping the accumulation of food is not as painful as it is for small, growing cities. Those are the reasons I can think of to build workers and settlers in bigger cities -- why do you say smaller cities makes more sense?
Well we are all learning, so at this point this really is not clear answer on what size to build workers / settlers. My comment we because growth appear to slow down the larger the city gets. I didn't think about a city that isn't worth growing.:blush:
2400 switch barracks to worker to try for more contacts. leave barracks in the queue.
2240 someone founds Judaism.
2080 build warrior.
2100 learn masonry.

- build a settler at size 4? always leave barracks in queue, until built...
- zero science has been put towards the next tech. I'd go for bronze working or pottery.
- turns go by a lot faster in 4.

:ack: one of our brave warriors:
Methos said:
2480 BC (8): Set science at 80%
2440 BC (9): Set science at 70%
IT: Animal Husbandry>Masonry
2400 BC (10): Set science at 100%.

In Civ 4 you no longer have to do this as all the left-over beakers are automatically used for your next research. In fact, you won't probably have to touch the slider for a very long time.

This is true for shields too, the extra ones are used for your next build.
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