LK135 - Dutch, monarchy, Hemispheres map

2 west seems like a stronger city early. I wouldn't want to do 1 off the coast with Wilhelm, a 2 food, 1 hammer, 3 commerce coastal tile with unique building is pretty nice.

I don't know what RP stands for?

And now I'm leaning to 2 west. I'm too easy :lol:

RP is probably FP as in floodplains. R and F are really close to each other, aren't they :p
Here we go :)

2125 BC
Change build from archer to worker.

2100 BC
Whip worker for 2 pop. Settle Utrecht. Hopefully this doesn't cause any wars between our players :) We have plenty of warring ahead of us with Shaka anyway.

1875 BC

Barbarian warrior is wandering near this area. That's why our scouting warrior is fortified. Be cautious when moving.

I built two archers and started settler. Iron Working came in. Here's my suggestions for our next two cities. Hopefully we outsettle Shaka in site #1. Worker just moved to forest hill so we should start chopping it. Feel free to whip settler when possible.

There's another source of iron below our capital.
I prefer to build some chariots before another settler to have some scouts/control around those 2 iron spots.
We need to know what Shaka is doing.
Interesting. There's 2 sources of known metal between us and Shaka. Maybe we can claim both? We can see most of his capital can't have a metal resource inside it. There's where he founded his capital, I've never seen a starting point where you were on metal. 1W is plains, I don't think metal can occur there. (Is this correct?) And south has a forest on it if you zoom in close.

So we could try and race him to both iron sites. There's always a chance he can find it in that island to his east. And a chariot would have good odds against any archer/settler party he sends out. He'd be easy without metal.

I agree with Tatran, more chariots before a settler.
lurker's comment:
not sure if this is common knowledge or not, but your city doesn't necessarily need to be on a river in order to build a dike. since dikes produce +1:hammers: on water tiles as well, you can construct them in coastal cities, too.
gonna keep lurking this game, good luck guys!

edit: alright, missed one post on the previous page, sorry for that.
New Updates
I am completely baffled by our worker actions. IMHO farming over the dyes is major :smoke:
Dyes are major income tiles, and except under very rare circumstances need a farm. We have plenty of regular grasslands. In addition, if any farms are need the regular grasslands should be used. River tiles are the perfect cottage spot.
Please immediately cancel the worker wasting time farming dyes.
Part of the reason LK132 was so painful was major worker actions wasted. Please lets not repeat this.

With the absurd amount of forests we should be doing actions to get rid of the forest to speed up builds.

I forget who said it, but I agree with an immediate swap to chariot. I whip the first one turn after one turn, and put the overflow into another. We need to get two chariots in the south watching Shaka and the iron location. If a setter pair shows up near it, we must immediately declare war.

Njorls (currently playing)
Tatran (on deck)

Remember 15 peace / 10 war turns per round. STRICT 24 hours got it, total 48 hours to complete.

Win target: open

Planned wars - a war with the Zulu is coming soon.
Turn 0: (Turn 90 total) Change Amsterdam to Chariot

Turn 1: Whip Chariot

Turn 2: Chariot heads to iron closest to Shaka
Start 2nd chariot

Turn 4: 2nd chariot heads to city spot 1

Turn 6: Shaka either doesn't have IW or his city placement skills are pretty :smoke:

It'll be a long time before a 2nd border pop claims that iron

Turn 9: Shaka has an archer near Utrecht, just a note for any future war

Turn 11: Writing in, choose Sailing next for trade routes

We're #2 in power, Shaka is 4th

Shaka's 3rd city, not sure when this was put down, just noticed it

Turn 15: Settler and worker are on their way to site 1, chariot is covering worker from wounded barb
Slider lowered to 70% to keep gold above 20
Barb city spotted to our north



  • LK135 BC-1375.CivBeyondSwordSave
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What do people have against the whip? The granary in Utrecht should have been whipped already.

Why didn't we put a road on the goal before mining the next unused and unusable gold? The main reason we took that spot was to increase the happiness cap, and now we are delaying that goal.

We are planning a war against Shaka soon. Can we get more that a single warrior defending that city?

LKendter (on deck)
Tatran (currently playing)

Remember 15 peace / 10 war turns per round. STRICT 24 hours got it, total 48 hours to complete.

Win target: open

Planned wars - a war with the Zulu is coming soon.
New Updates
What do people have against the whip? The granary in Utrecht should have been whipped already.

Why didn't we put a road on the goal before mining the next unused and unusable gold? The main reason we took that spot was to increase the happiness cap, and now we are delaying that goal.

We are planning a war against Shaka soon. Can we get more that a single warrior defending that city?
I wanted to keep Utrecht over 4 pop. 1 working the sheep, 2 working the gold (when the 2nd mine is done in 3 turns) and 1 to work another tile to grow on. Thinking back this was wrong and I should have whipped the granary waiting for 2nd mine.

I don't know why you think the 2nd gold is unusable, it'll come online in 3 turns and I prioritised that. A route wouldn't do any good in Amsterdam until Sailing came in so I prioritised the 2nd gold first.

Fair enough on the defense in Utrecht, I was more worried about barbs and figured I could whip an archer/chariot in an emergency.
I wanted to keep Utrecht over 4 pop. 1 working the sheep, 2 working the gold (when the 2nd mine is done in 3 turns) and 1 to work another tile to grow on. Thinking back this was wrong and I should have whipped the granary waiting for 2nd mine.

I don't know why you think the 2nd gold is unusable, it'll come online in 3 turns and I prioritised that. A route wouldn't do any good in Amsterdam until Sailing came in so I prioritised the 2nd gold first.
OK, I will give a my bad on the gold. It looked like you were trying to get to size 5, and that gave an unhappy face. I didn't think of swapping the tile worked. However, a plan that that should be mentioned in the summary.

As for sailling, I forget the lack of cultural boundaries along the river. A city close to the capitol would share resources.
I am completely baffled by our worker actions. IMHO farming over the dyes is major :smoke:
Dyes are major income tiles, and except under very rare circumstances need a farm. We have plenty of regular grasslands. In addition, if any farms are need the regular grasslands should be used. River tiles are the perfect cottage spot.

I really have to disagree with this. We are far from Calendar and plantations so dyes won't be online anytime soon. We only have one resource in our capital that provides high food. So by farming over dyes, we get the benefit of quicker growth and are able to work more mines at the same time. Recovering from whips is much faster. When happiness cap comes in, we can always shift tiles to grassland cottages.

Would you have rather cottaged dyes tiles and later replaced them with plantations? I think it's better to grow our cottages in tiles that won't be "erased" later. At least this is how I see it.

EDIT: You didn't think of leaving them unimproved until Calendar, didn't you?

I agree that I shouldn't have started to farm other dyes tile, at least yet.
1375 BC (0)
Whip archer in Utrecht.

1300 BC (3)
's-Gravenhage (alias Den Haag/The Hague), tuin der graven (garden of earls/counts or garden of tombs :lol:), founded.

1250 BC (5)
Research : Sailing is known -> Mathematics
Whip chariot in Amsterdam.

1200 BC (7)
Shaka wants open borders. He has no strategic resources.

1000 BC (15)
It's a bit early, but 's-Gravenhage looks like a good city for the National Park wonder.
The city has 2 food sources and already 9 forests, good enough for 14 specialists.
If we use this city only for building non-stop workers/settlers, all other cities can build
infrastructure/units. Just a thought.

1000 BC
The picture below clearly shows why I complained about the dyes being farmed. The two red dot tiles would have their worker actions redone later for plantations. The exact same effect could have been achieved with the two yellow tiles, and there would have been no need to redo worker actions later.


New Updates
This was a very quite turn with the push going for military. Our first sword is due next turn, and our northern city now has a defending axe.

We want to continue to build up troops, and our next city is coming from Shaka.

Calendar research is in progress to take advantage of all of the happiness resources.

Yena (currently playing)
Meiz (on deck)

Remember 15 peace / 10 war turns per round. STRICT 24 hours got it, total 48 hours to complete.

Win target: open

Planned wars - a war with the Zulu is coming soon. He must be stopped from connecting iron - period.
I continued to build swords and axemen and moving them towards the front line. We have now 5 swords, 2 axes, and 2 chariots close by. Most of them can be promoted before the attack.

I didn't build a workboat to check if Shaka has settled an island, but according to the trade screen he still doesn't have metals or horses :scan:

We got Calendar and I started researching Currency to fund future conquests. With new happiness resources we should be able to grow our cities soon. It would be good to build a road to Zulu land, but I didn't have worker turns to spare for this.

Save: View attachment LK135 BC-0350.CivBeyondSwordSave
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We seem on the right track with another worker on the way, the military to kill the Zulu is increasing, and currency to help the economy is on the way. The next path is code of laws (courts) as we start to fill in the continent. If we take the whole continent for ourselves, we are well on our way to victory.

Meiz (currently playing)
Njorls (on deck)

Remember 15 peace / 10 war turns per round. STRICT 24 hours got it, total 48 hours to complete.

Win target: open

Planned wars - eliminate the Zulu as soon as we have enough troops.
1000 BC
The picture below clearly shows why I complained about the dyes being farmed. The two red dot tiles would have their worker actions redone later for plantations. The exact same effect could have been achieved with the two yellow tiles, and there would have been no need to redo worker actions later.

Not exactly the same effect as red farms will provide commerce. Just to explain my logic. I do this a lot when I have other research priorities than Calendar.

If only I had realized that we are going to research Calendar this soon. Of course it is now obvious but didn't think of it at that time. Sorry about that :blush:

Got it, play later.
This is inherent to a SG.
Some things are already starting to annoy me.
It looks like the team is on the auto-pilot play, one of the reasons
for me to play less civ4.
This game is about long-term planning, thinking 15-20 turns (maybe more) ahead.

Some examples :
- worker actions, 2 of 3 are doing nothing useful.
Amsterdam needs to be improved fast, so the city can grow to max.
- I brought in the idea what to do with 's-Gravenhage -> no reaction, but
2 forests are chopped. If people don't like the idea or have a different or better one, say so.
Why are those hills chopped and mined anyway?
This city needs a lighthouse + library, so it will grow fast + it can hire 2 scientists.
- research, 70% of our commerce goes to research and this won't change much as long Amsterdam + Utrecht keep growing.
Instead of researching Currency + CoL, Drama (cheap theatres) + Construction (cheap colosseums)
are better options IMHO. We need catapults anyway, because Shaka has built some cities on hills.
- I think we have enough military units (except catapults) to go after Shaka, expenses are already getting out of hand.

Now, we have totally ignored the religious path. We will need to go there sooner or later. (Monarchy...->...Banking).
Do we want a religion?

We will fall behind in tech if we don't contact the other civs.
So, Metal Casting...->...Optics is another path we can't ignore.
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