Loyalist Colonies


🔥Hail Satan!🔥
Jul 21, 2016
currently presiding over Hell
The revolution mechanic in colonization is interesting, but the one thing it seems to lack is loyalist colonies. When the war of independence happens, you are only fighting your own king's forces and nothing else. During the American War of Independence not all of the British North American colonies joined in the rebellion, the colonies of Upper and Lower Canada were at war with the newly born United States.

Right now when you decide to rebel all of your settlements join your side regardless of how much independence support exists within them. You only need a general 50% civ wide support to declare independence without any regard to whether or not each individual settlement actually wants to go through this with you.

Therefore I propose that you only need 33% civ wide support to declare independence, but lose each settlement that has less than 50% support to the king's civ at the war's start. Each of these loyalist settlements would then gain loyalist militias as a defensive garrison. Furthermore, loyalist militias would spawn from time to time around your settlements that have less than 65% support throughout the war.

In order to account for the fact that the United States never succeeded in conquering Canada and that British troops were still occupying New York City at the time of Cornwallis' surrender, the win condition for the war of independence should be changed to how many royal generals you end up defeating on land since they will eventually be a new addition to the mod and I think this would give them a bit more meaning. So perhaps after defeating 10 royal generals you will win the war.

The concept exists since almost 10 years already.
Just never had enough time to implement it and most likely never will.

So if this should ever be realized some other modder needs to start working on it.
Of course the modder that implements it will most likely implement his own concept and not my version.

See here the overview of all the stuff I had concepts for and wanted to implement:
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