Minor Features, your hopes?

I think the patch is actually going to do this.
I'd like the ability to eject foreign units from my borders when not at war as well as attack units without declaring war. Both actions would immediately lead to a diplomatic visit from the other civ either declaring war or compensation.

There are times when units get in the way during open borders. There are also moments when I want to eliminate a unit without going so far as to declare war such as a settler wandering over and ignoring my request not to settle near me.
Advanced game options remembered.

YES! Not only that, but fix the weirdness where checking a box or pushing a button clears the victory settings.

Also, in the game, the UI in the upper left that has a drop down list for monitoring research and great people, change it from a drop down to just having the buttons laid out horizontally above that area.
I hope the expansion allows you to immediately skip the intro movie, and just have a normal loading screen instead.

I know you can change it in the .ini or whatever, but it is just so dumb to have to watch the first 15-30 seconds of the video every time.

If I recall, when the forth-coming patch was accidentally released it had a specific new loading screen that people saw; it seems pretty likely to me that they will have an option in the game to skip it properly. The fact that they have thought about what to replace it with and then organised it seems as close to cast-iron proof as we can get before it appears.
1) Trading Post improvement

2) Instant-heal promotion removed or redesigned (making it a level 3 promotion, perhaps after Medic II or entail some negative consequences)

3) Capital and City State cities can be razed.

4) Ability to Rename a conquered city to the name of the next city you would build.

5) AI Pillages tile improvements as per leader flavor and builds Citadel and Forts accordingly.


Oh yeah, forgot one of my favorites:

+ Forests and Jungles spread randomly to the adjacent tiles every now and then (quite rarely, especially the jungles, perhaps like one tile every 10-20 turns)
Marduk, I think in the PAX demo instaheal gives only 50% health to Austrian swordmen when used.

And what I would REALLY love, is when configuring a game you could set besides the starting era, also a final era after which techns wont advance anymore.

Like personally I'd like to try a game that wont go beyond Great War techs and units. :)
A cannon-style animation for cities in industrial age (instead of rockets!!!!)
AI telling me why they declare war and what they want. Concrete war goals would solve many frustrated wars.

Also, auto-white peace if there is no combat for x years. It's silly that the AI declares war and then sits on the other side of the continent for 3000 years without attacking and only demanding that I hand over all my cities and resources.
AI telling me why they declare war and what they want. Concrete war goals would solve many frustrated wars.

When the AI eventually offers peace in certain situations and they make outrageous demands, such as requiring the surrender of all cities but the capital, particularly for small empires, this is unfortunately its idea of a "concrete war goal".

I'd welcome making it more transparent at any time during the game, but there's also a lot of work to be done in terms of teaching the AI what is reasonable and likely.
I hope that the Great Prophet has a tile improvement, as well as the Great Admiral. I also hope that the UA of England is more useful, and less dependant upon using ocean maps.
A cannon-style animation for cities in industrial age (instead of rockets!!!!)

Why? Rockets fit the industrial age perfectly, and would also be a better fit for the renaissance age than boulders.

AI telling me why they declare war and what they want. Concrete war goals would solve many frustrated wars.

I know it's been said before, but I really think a simplified version of the casus belli system in the more recent Paradox games would really do a world of good for civ.

Just set it so that you declare targets at the start of a war (Declare War -> Select cities or hexes you are fighting for control of, or other objectives [forced religious conversion, forced military disbandment, hand over technologies or gold, etc]) with some options having bigger diplo penalties than others. Demanding the liberation of a city that was taken from you, for example, could actually give you a bonus to diplo with other civs, whereas demanding half of a peaceful civ's empire would result in massive (but still time-constrained) warmonger diplo penalties.
Options at the end of the war would be:
1) Target civ gives in to demands (but any other conquered cities or territory unrelated to the demand are returned to their respective original owners)
2) Return to status quo
3) Attacking civ must pay war reparations (and any conquered [but not liberated] cities are returned to their respective original owners).

I also hope that the UA of England is more useful, and less dependant upon using ocean maps.

Having an extra spy should be useful for any map with city states, at the very least, even on multiplayer.
Why? Rockets fit the industrial age perfectly, and would also be a better fit for the renaissance age than boulders.

Having an extra spy should be useful for any map with city states, at the very least, even on multiplayer.

I swear I heard that English lost the extra spy.. nto sure where, but I heard they removed it.

ALSO, I don't think rockets are as realistic as you think, something that would be used in siegie in Industrial Times maybe? I don't think they had rockets before Flight/Steam Power was discovered -.-
They had rockets since at least 1800. The United States's anthem has the line "the Rocket's Red Glare" referring to the rockets launched from British ships to bombard Fort McHenry in order to get the city of Baltimore to surrender. They were wildly inaccurate so artillery was often better (they usually had better range, though), but they did exist.
What I want :)

[1] The ability to open the city view from the economics screen.
[2] Trades to be renewable on their final turn rather than the turn after (when it gives you 4 unappiness for a turn).
[3] Golden Ages to run their full course rather than end 1 turn early (when the city view indicates a bonus but you don't actually get it).
[4] The option of a wider area view in 4000bc.
[5] Ruins not to reveal barbarian camps when there aren't any, or maps when you have already explored those tiles.
[6] Research Agreements to give a continuous research bonus (so you need to invest in research to get research, rather than to make many tedious calculations to optimize timing).
[7] Great Scientists to give a free tech only once per era (so you won't race from electricity to spacefaring in 1 turn).
[8] Units-en-route to remember their target tile (as said before).
[9] Far better city governors (so I won't need to micromanage every city every turn).
[10] The AI to take into account trades and research agreements before declaring war.

And, of course, music and speech to work on my system (all I get during the game are the sound effects, while the music runs just fine at the menu).
What I want :)

[5] Ruins not to reveal barbarian camps when there aren't any

Actually, that's not so bad. It's good to know there are no barbarians nearby. It sucks when they reveal on you already knew about -_-
It may seem like a strange thing to hope for, but I'm really hoping they get the original narrator back for the expansion. It was really annoying (at least to me) in the Civ IV expansions to have Leonard Nimoy's wonderful narration during the game, and then all of a sudden you discover Aesthetics and it's Sid's voice instead.
Being able to zoom in the mini map, once you get the full world view sometimes its really hard to focus on small areas.

Im also all for a simple casus belli system, being able to fight wars for specific goals should aliviate the ridiculous demands from the AI, like, "give us all your cities" and such.

better trading post graphics, and great improvements that change with eras, its really odd to see a factory in classical age for example.
It may seem like a strange thing to hope for, but I'm really hoping they get the original narrator back for the expansion.

I'm hopeful that they thought ahead this time, either having him prepare many civs and potential tech quotes in advance, or contracted him to come back. Only basing that on him being in the DLC though, which isn't exactly concrete evidence.
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