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[MOD] Fall from Heaven

Kael said:
I could, I have thought about it. But I don't want to kill the strategy of dominating all the religions if you want to.

How would a person go about making the change so that you could only get one religion founded. If they wanted to do so

Xuenay said:
I dreamt about FFH today! o_O Am I the first one?

In my dream, I was playing 0.9, and Kael had made an addition he hadn't told us about: the Noble specialists. Each citizen assigned as a Noble would affect the experience level and maintenance cost of the units built in the city. Every noble added 5 XP to the unit's starting experience, but also increased its maintenance cost by one gold. Apparently this represented nobles raising armies to the service of the empire: better-trained and equipped, but at the same time more expensive to maintain. Anyway, just thought I'd mention it.

BTW, I loved Loki's ideas for the Military Organization civic.

Nice ideas. Subtle way of telling Kael he should add some nobles.

I'm glad you like the military civics. It seems that no other mods have thought to add them yet (except those lame starting scns) and they would make the game very interesting.
I had an idea for a new resources: Pottery. It is only found on desert spaces and gives +1 sheilds. Then, you put a workshop on it, and all of your cities get +1 trade routes.
Ever since i first saw your hunters (v060) I have been thinking how cool it would be if they could hunt. ie go outside your borders and kill animals for money or resources. when looking at sevo's new mod it talked about 'bandits' being able to leech resouces from outside cultural borders (unfortunately the ai doesn't get it). I have often thought that hunter units should be able to hunt animals for food and gold, or be able to set themselves up as temporary (as in until some one culturally controls the land or kills the hunter in an act of war) camps to extract resources from cows or deer or sheep or beavers etc. it sounds like this is possible.
loki1232 said:
I agree on both accounts. However, at one point I had my mage kill something, and then he stopped being able to cast.

There is one issue that causes three different symptoms:

1. Mages are unable to cast.
2. Spells never wear off.
3. Summoned creatures don't go away.

The reason is that I call a pPlayer.getNumUnits() to get the total amount of units the player has then I run through them to perform the checks. Sometimes a unit gets out of that range. So if I have 4 units they should be unit number 0, 1, 2 and 3. But instead they are unit 0, 1 2 and 12. So that unit that is number 12 is missed in all the checks.

The problem is currently being worked on by the big guns, and will be addressed by the time 1.0 releases (even if I have to hold 1.0 to do it).
Chasaffton said:
How would a person go about making the change so that you could only get one religion founded. If they wanted to do so


You make them unable to research the other religion granting techs if they have a holy city.
svalovec said:
Ever since i first saw your hunters (v060) I have been thinking how cool it would be if they could hunt. ie go outside your borders and kill animals for money or resources. when looking at sevo's new mod it talked about 'bandits' being able to leech resouces from outside cultural borders (unfortunately the ai doesn't get it). I have often thought that hunter units should be able to hunt animals for food and gold, or be able to set themselves up as temporary (as in until some one culturally controls the land or kills the hunter in an act of war) camps to extract resources from cows or deer or sheep or beavers etc. it sounds like this is possible.

Hunters have the ability to build camps, so this idea exists, but implemented differently then you are suggesting.
i appreciate you reply, but why dont you think that being able to extract resources from random animals out side your boundries with hunters is a good idea. i realise that they can make camps within the boarders. but this is not really hunting. is it possible to make wild animals resources through the hunters? it would make the hunters into a multi layered unit. at present they are a blip in the game with a purpose for about a 40 turn window.
ie they could be a hybrid military/worker unit until all the wild land has been claimed and then they get upgraded or forgotten
Kael- I'm having a blast with this mod!
Have you ever thought about about giving the Veil the ability to create skeletons? (Especially since they wander as Barbarians')You could attribute it to the Necromancy' tech since that makes some sense.

You can alternatively make them a free (or cheap?) t1 unit for the founder of the Veil. I can't seem to find any special unit the veil can only create other than diseased corpses, which spread disease to my own units! You could even make a few more mid-level undead to complement the demonic units later in game.

What do you think?
Ever watched dwan of the dead? making an armageddon spell based on that would be really cool, start with one 'dead' unit, every unit he kills turns into another 'dead' unit, etc. even if a 'dead' unit loses in combat, it would pass on a promotion of some sort (doomed or cursed or infected) so that when it dies, it will become 'dead'. Perhaps when they raze a city, a certain number of 'dead' units will spawn depending on the population. Of course, you'll likelly have little idea what I'm talking about if you haven't seen dawn of the dead (2004 remake). But it'd make such a cool armagedon!

I'll understand if you don't give this a response, it's a pretty silly idea :D
svalovec said:
i appreciate you reply, but why dont you think that being able to extract resources from random animals out side your boundries with hunters is a good idea. i realise that they can make camps within the boarders. but this is not really hunting. is it possible to make wild animals resources through the hunters? it would make the hunters into a multi layered unit. at present they are a blip in the game with a purpose for about a 40 turn window.

I agree, this is a cool idea. The animals just dissapear so quick. Maybe Ill use the idea for the "Hell" area, give some untis the ability to extract resources from the units they kill.
Zarsynn said:
Kael- I'm having a blast with this mod!
Have you ever thought about about giving the Veil the ability to create skeletons? (Especially since they wander as Barbarians')You could attribute it to the Necromancy' tech since that makes some sense.

You can alternatively make them a free (or cheap?) t1 unit for the founder of the Veil. I can't seem to find any special unit the veil can only create other than diseased corpses, which spread disease to my own units! You could even make a few more mid-level undead to complement the demonic units later in game.

What do you think?

I agree that the Veil needs a little boosting. We had talking about giving them a t4 unit in 1.0. Right now I am working on a unit called the BEast of Agares that is Veil specific, limited to just 3 and you have to sacrifice population from a city to get them.

A Create Skeleton spell is spec'ed for the Death sphere. So I do want it in, but it probably won't be Veil specific.
kevjm said:
Ever watched dwan of the dead? making an armageddon spell based on that would be really cool, start with one 'dead' unit, every unit he kills turns into another 'dead' unit, etc. even if a 'dead' unit loses in combat, it would pass on a promotion of some sort (doomed or cursed or infected) so that when it dies, it will become 'dead'. Perhaps when they raze a city, a certain number of 'dead' units will spawn depending on the population. Of course, you'll likelly have little idea what I'm talking about if you haven't seen dawn of the dead (2004 remake). But it'd make such a cool armagedon!

There is an Armageddon spell spec'ed called 'Knell of Darkness' that causes all living units that are killed in your lands to be raised as skeletons. Its similiar to what you described.

Also some of the flavor you have talked about is used by the Werewolves (they spread lycantropy to anyone they kill).
Yeah I guess, but if you made these zombies powerful enough, it could be a full blown armageddon! Especially if they swarmed every unit they found alive! but yeah, silly idea...
pottery as a resource? shouldnt it be clay? since clay is formed into pottery. othe resorces.

a new type of farm/winery, orchards for farming trees, nuts/fruit/citrus fruit/and olive oil.

Birds a food resource. fruits/citrus fruit/ and nuts food resources that are olive oil as a lluxery with a possible food increaseadded in a. pearl for luxery sea like clams but oysters that produce luxery and money. sea weed a coaastal food resource
Kael said:
I could, I have thought about it. But I don't want to kill the strategy of dominating all the religions if you want to.

Weren't you going to give out religions back when we talked about civs?
Also have another idea... You could make a "Portal" resource that would cause lesser skellie to be summoned there every few turns, the veil could build some improvement (when it's in their land) that would make the lesser skellie their own. Later on with a higher tech they could build another improvement that would make it a stronger skellie (like 4 strength). I'm assuming it would be impossible to require the earlier improvement to build the later improvement...
Deathling said:
Weren't you going to give out religions back when we talked about civs?

What do you mean?
Kael said:
The current civ list according to the design doc...

Alignment: Neutral (Earth)
Race: Dwarf
Enemies: ?Horsemen
Traits: Dwarven, Industrious
UU: Dwarven Soldier
Starting Techs: Dwarven Studies, Mining

I meant that...

About my suggestion earlier, will it be hard to make barbarians spawn in already taken terr? I know it would also require some balance, other religions could build blockades and have it connected with a trade route for +2 culture per turn (and +2 culture if you're working the land) while the veil could get +1 happiness per city or something like that...
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