Moran Sergeant discharged for birtherism

It sounds like Moran has been creating much of the controversy himself by claiming he was AWOL on various internet sites and expecting to be arrested for it. It even confused the Air Force Times until they discovered he was on approved administrative leave:

August 16th:

AWOL staff sergeant doubts Obama’s citizenship

Staff Sgt. Daryn Moran, in an email that has circulated among adherents of the birther movement, said he stopped reporting for work at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany, on Aug. 11 and said he won’t return until Obama “provides a birth certificate which stands up to professional examination.”

“I did not go to work in the Air Force yesterday,” Moran said in a Friday interview posted at “I did not go to work in the Air Force today. If someone asks me why, I’ll say, ‘Well, I’m sorry, but I’ve read the reports about President Obama. His birth certificate has been proven, to my satisfaction, proven false, fraudulent and a forgery.”

“Even if B. Obama is an illegal President, God still allows him to sit in the Oval Office, and both the Air Force and B. Obama may yet arrest me at any day,” he wrote. “I submit to my God in these matters.”

August 17th:

[Birther staff sgt. not AWOL, leaving Air Force

A Germany-based noncommissioned officer who claimed he went absent without leave amid doubts about President Obama’s citizenship isn’t actually AWOL — but he is leaving the Air Force.

Staff Sgt. Daryn Moran had called for a citizen’s arrest of Obama, taunted Air Force officials to arrest him for going AWOL and demanded the president provide “a birth certificate which stands up to professional examination” in an audio interview and in several emails that have been posted on websites aligned with the birther movement, which believes the president isn’t a U.S. citizen.

There’s just one hitch: Moran, an ophthalmology technician assigned to the 86th Airlift Wing at Ramstein Air Base, is actually on an approved leave status, according to a statement released by U.S. Air Forces in Europe.

“He is currently outprocessing for discharge from the Air Force which was previously approved by his commander on August 4th,” the statement reads. “While we are aware of the comments that appear on various Web sites attributed to Staff Sgt. Moran, officials with United States Air Forces in Europe will not discuss nor characterize those comments."

Moran appeared to believe he was AWOL and thought arrest would be imminent.

"His birth certificate is a proven forgery. I will also not support any other military person who turns a blind eye to this fact," he wrote on The Blaze, a conservative website founded by former Fox News personality Glenn Beck. "It’s simple. Arrest B. Obama or arrest me.”

n a follow-up email posted Tuesday on and attributed to Moran, the NCO wrote a discharge is imminent and “basically paperwork.”

He wrote in a letter posted Aug. 15 on The Post & Email website that he was a "high priority" for being discharged after meeting with mental-health evaluators. Moran wrote on The Blaze that he would soon receive an "administrative and honorable discharge for a 'personality disorder'" because he told his leadership that homosexuality is a sin.

He wrote a letter to the following day that his discharge was "basically paperwork."

His first sergeant “passed on the advice to refrain from more internet activity,” Moran wrote. “She knows I cannot do that, because I want to end this crisis. For my family, and for the Constitution and my country, and for B. Obama”

“My conscience is violated,” he said. “I feel like I’m supporting the flag of whatever those Islamic countries are and the rainbow flag and not the red, white and blue. That’s not the kind of people I want to be associated with.”
Based on what Form just supplied I think I got it.

This guy was on terminal leave and pending discharge, and then started mouthing off once on terminal leave.

Terminal leave is where you use up the remainder of your earned vacation days prior to leaving the service. Undoubtedly, he thinking was he was already leaving service, why hold back now?

And to be honest we see a lot of soldiers on terminal leave do misconduct on the way out. Sometimes they do something about it, sometimes they just let the person go - it kinda depends on what they've done.
In all seriousness though, I feel people in the military should be able to believe whatever they want.

They are.

This. The military shouldn't be able to dictate their soldiers' personal beliefs.

It doesn't. How did both of you reach such asinine conclusions from this article?

Terminal leave is where you use up the remainder of your earned vacation days prior to leaving the service. Undoubtedly, he thinking was he was already leaving service, why hold back now?

And to be honest we see a lot of soldiers on terminal leave do misconduct on the way out. Sometimes they do something about it, sometimes they just let the person go it kinda depends on what they've done.

That's interesting, thanks for the info Mobby. Sounds like a plausible scenario. If you're on the way out as it is, I guess you might as well let loose the crazy.
It was more from the thread title than the article...

So you didn't even bother reading anything before cluttering up the thread with nonsensical posts? Wow. Do you just lack awareness of how disrespectful that is everyone else, or do you just not care?
So you didn't even bother reading anything before cluttering up the thread with nonsensical posts? Wow. Do you just lack awareness of how disrespectful that is everyone else, or do you just not care?

I explained myself before. After reading the entire thing, I thought he got booted for being a birther, and that his other comments were just icing on the cake. I was wrong.
What if they do?

Well, in order to serve in the military one has to take an oath to protect the consitution and obey the orders of the President and officers appointed over them.

Can they do that? If not, then they have no business getting in the military.
Well, in order to serve in the military one has to take an oath to protect the consitution and obey the orders of the President and officers appointed over them.

Can they do that? If not, then they have no business getting in the military.

Much like a person who does not recognise the legitimacy of the President, as in this case?

(though is the oath specifically to obey the CiC? Isn't one of the lines "all enemies, foreign and domestic"?
Well, in order to serve in the military one has to take an oath to protect the consitution and obey the orders of the President and officers appointed over them.

Can they do that? If not, then they have no business getting in the military.

That's a good point, MobBoss. Does this kind of thing happen in the Army very often - not birtherism specifically, but servicemembers questioning their responsibility to the current President?
Since the title is misleading and the OP is adding fire, are there many relative post? My question to MobBoss: Can terminal leave be honorable? Or is that not the same as "your fired"?
Much like a person who does not recognise the legitimacy of the President, as in this case?

(though is the oath specifically to obey the CiC? Isn't one of the lines "all enemies, foreign and domestic"?

US military Oath of Enlistment said:
I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
(and the "So help me God" part can be left out if the enlistee desires.)
This is roughly A Good Thing. Birthers are certainly questionable within the armed services, for the same reasons the UK does not permit BNP members to serve in the police force.

Or the armed services, actually. In fact, back in the day you couldn't be a member of any political party, but I think that's changed now

So what's the deal if the President is the "domestic enemy"?

Surely the President is the good guy by default, being head of state? In the same way that Her Majesty could never be a traitor, because she's, well, Her Majesty.
Or the armed services, actually. In fact, back in the day you couldn't be a member of any political party, but I think that's changed now

Surely the President is the good guy by default, being head of state? In the same way that Her Majesty could never be a traitor, because she's, well, Her Majesty.

Even if "Her Majesty" was born "anywhere" in Africa?
Surely the President is the good guy by default, being head of state? In the same way that Her Majesty could never be a traitor, because she's, well, Her Majesty.

Basic logic doesn't really fly with birthers.
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