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MP Game - RewriteHistory - 18civ EARTH map historical start position

I just resent the IP info in PM's to everyone....if it does not work, please let me know.

You can also use the hamachi connection if that works for you.
Hi everybody! Please kick me to AI, as i am about to go off for summer vacation, and will have no internet connection always at hand.. Nothing much left to do with russia anyways.. :)
I want to thank you all for nice game and possibility to bring to ruin not just one but TWO civs! As you migh remember i started game originally with Rome that succumbed under iron boot of Portugese conquest after 1000 -years or so of war..
Have a nice summer, and hope to see you again, possibly in autumn it is time for a new game? Cheers!
I cannot connect to the game and i don't have the hamachi network and password for it, since that is how you connect to the game. It is no good for me to have the Hamachi IP without being connected to the network. Is the Network BTS-earth? If so, then I am not getting anything, since I put in a password and it connects, but there is no other users.
@CH, check your PM's please.
I think it is that since it is technically a new program, your firewall might be blocking me. I am finally in.

You think that the upgrade to 3.19 is causing firewall issues? I had not considered that possibility....Information Technology is NOT my forte, at all, :sad:, but I will look into it, and any help would be appreciated!
I think that we should try and see if it is causing a problem when i wake up and hopefully you will be online at about 23:00 GMT on Friday.

Well every time I have updated Civ4 my firewall, Zone Alarm asks for permission for it to use the internet, so that could be a possibility. Actually it is a changed program and thus any firewall exceptions might have been lost upgrading it to 3.19
I cannot connect to the game. I tried 3 times via Hamachi and each time I lost the connection and no it does not even connect. [pissed] The last time I was almost in. So we need to find a way for me to get back in via the direct Ip or i doubt that i can play again.
I am hosting with DSL service, (no cable), and my upload speeds are slower than my download speeds unfortunately.

@ CH, I'm not sure why you can't get in with the Direct IP address that seems to work for everyone else.
Well, I haven't been able to connect via direct IP with the IP address you gave(nor could I back on June 20, before the game went down).

Hamachi has worked fine, though.

Maybe you need to reconfigure the non-hamachi connection like you did at the end of May.
Well some can and some can't which show it is a firewall issue.

@IS, have been in some huge maps before and I have not had the issues I have had with this game. :confused: I had no problem connecting via direct ip, but plenty through hamachi.
All full up. And likely fairly close to the end. (Score leader has Robotics, etc..)
Interest seems very low anyway, lots of people are missing turns and I am very close to the finish line myself...not sure it can be stopped at this point but I guess everything is possible.

@ Classical...strange usually it is the other way around as hamachi resolves connection issues...have you upgrated to vista recently?
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