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Multipolarity II - Game Thread


The NPCs are now complete. :cool:

Catalonia wants NAPs and trade with errybuddy, cuz we luv peace an' da mooniez.


The Union reaffirms the sovereignty of our historical and cultural bretheren; namely, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Hubei, Jiangsu, Fujian, Yunnan, Anhui, Weird Manchuria, Shandong, Guangdong, Mongolia, Best Korea, the People's Republic of China, and the Empire of Mainland Japan, as well as the various city-states, and offers economic pacts with each.

Spoiler Dialoglog :
TRAUDL: Should I take that?
FEGELEIN: Definitely. I can't see that backfiring even if christos has a hissy fit.
BURGDORF: And even if it does, it'll be part of a worse alienation than MPR. :p
HITLER: <redacted>, how many <redacted> commies are IN this game, anyhow??
STALIN: Not enough, apparently.
KEITEL: Guys, shut up and let Traudl respond already.
HITLER: Keitel, did you just tell me to shut up??
KEITEL: Nein, mein Führer.
TORNOW: Jus maek surrr is papopiattly wurdy cuz palrys luvv taht
KREBS: Christ, Fritz, you're more hungover than Burgdorf.
TRAUDL: So, what should I say?
FEGELEIN: Something like "Mongolia accepts this agreement, etc. etc."
TRAUDL: OK, um... We happily accept closer trade relations with the Federal Union of China. How was that?
FEGELEIN: You're on your way.

The Republic proposes a trade pact to the following nations: Russia, Formatting Crew, Chinese Union, and Vietnam.

Spoiler Dialoglog :
SAM: I don't see why not.
MAX: I'd trade with them too, but apparently the severed heads of my enemies aren't an acceptable currency in their part of the world.
LINGE: That's just his brand of humour, right?
SAM: Some questions are better left un-answered.

Catalonia wants NAPs and trade with errybuddy, cuz we luv peace an' da mooniez.
Spoiler Dialoglog :
EVA: And a fine day to you too, neighbour!
SQUILLIAM: We look forward to your generous investment in our nation.
FEGELEIN: SUDS will happily take this opportunity to peaceably educate the Catalonians on the finer points of global revolution. That means yes, by the way.
BLONDI: woof :)
DEMOMAN: Bloody hell! LE-E-ET'S DO I-I-IT!
VON ESLING: Deutschland would be happy to take this first step toward European solidarity.
STAVROS: What he said.
BURGDORF: Aw <redacted>, I don't have any ports. :(
MEYER: Yes, u can have Twilight. :love:
BARABAS: we accept.
DE GROOT: With our help, your savings, will grow.
MONTEZILLA: Gimme tribute or I'll send a gazillion axemen!
HITLER: You only have five divisions, <redacted>. :rolleyes:
KHIL: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho!
ALBRECHT: I think this can be arranged.
VERNON: This sounds like a mutually profitable enterprise.
GOEBBELS: We can agree to this.
MONTGOMERY: Alright then.
STALIN: You may be of some use in the future. We will agree for now.
CHUIKOV: Given our neighbours, it'll probably be more lucrative than our regional prospects.
HADDOCK: Here's to a profitable voyage!
GORDON: :yup:
SCHENCK: I'm not really sure what trade pacts do, since I gather we're all roped together at the start, but I might as well accept.
HALE: Even if you're not Australian, son, I think you're man enough for a NAP+trade!
VON GREIM: For what good it'll do, alright.
M: We can accept this.
NADIA: Not at this time, no.
WEIDLING: We're probably too remote to be an effective trading partner, but we can pledge non-aggression.
BURGDORF: Oh, well, sure, I can take a NAP.
FEGELEIN: Hangover again?
BURGDORF: <redacted> you.
KHATAMI: If we can find a secure route, we'd be happy to.
GREENGRASS: I-I-I-I have some contacts that might-might-might be of interest to you.
BLAKETON: Oh? And what sort of business do they provide?
GREENGRASS: None of yours, Blaketon. Go-go-go-go catch some speeders or something.
BLAKETON: I've got my eye on you, Greengrass.
GREENGRASS: And a fine how-d'you-do right back at you. C'mon, Alfred.
MAX: I'm always happy to accept tribute from loyal vassals.
AGUINALDO: We accept what will hopefully prove to be a long and peaceable relationship.
SPEER: We most graciously accept.
MISCH: Consider it done.
GÜNSCHE: We are agreed.
SAM: Sure thing.
VEERS: Maybe at some future date.
HEWEL: I can't think of a pressing need not to.
LINGE: Alright.
MacARTHUR: Your support will not go to waste.
REITSCH: May this be the first step on a long road of friendship.
GERDA: With pleasure.
TRAUDL: Absolutely!
HIMMLER: Might as well.
DUKE: Hell yeah.
MAGDA: I think we can arrange this.
HAASE: A mutual exchange of this nature should help bring the world closer together.
KOLLER: Trade at this time would be of minimal benefit, but a pledge to peace is fully possible.
KHIL: :yeah:
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Spoiler :
We offered Economic Pacts to all Chinese states. Who will post the NPC's reply?
Mandatum has been thiking... the Empire of China is sure all threatening against Mandatum. So we have a little declaration: we offer the services of 3 of our spies next turn to who ever declares war on the Empire of China first. This will be fun!
Good luck finding someone so crazy and fool to ally with a terrorist group! You are mere thugs. And once we arrest you, you will be put on trial as mere thugs. Your are nothing more than a child whining and threating in order to gain attention. If you think that you scary us with such empty threats, you are wrong. The more you threat us, the more we will send spies and soldiers to destroy you Clique.
Good luck finding someone so crazy and fool to ally with a terrorist group! You are mere thugs. And once we arrest you, you will be put on trial as mere thugs. Your are nothing more than a child whining and threating in order to gain attention. If you think that you scary us with such empty threats, you are wrong. The more you threat us, the more we will send spies and soldiers to destroy you Clique.

But have you not called for the UN to send in spies because you fear sending in your own spies? We made you afraid. We already won.
Mandatum has been thiking... the Empire of China is sure all threatening against Mandatum. So we have a little declaration: we offer the services of 3 of our spies next turn to who ever declares war on the Empire of China first. This will be fun!

Indeed. And pray tell, why is your terrorist group correct, and a formed nation evil? Give good reasons, rather than bribery.

We deny Mandatum's offer.
I've read like five posts in this whole thread.
Indeed. And pray tell, why is your terrorist group correct, and a formed nation evil? Give good reasons, rather than bribery.

The Empire in the past demonstrated aggression to other Chinese states, especilly the Union of China. The aggression is unpolite. We of Mandatum wish to teach the world manners. We will not oppress but rather free the oppress.
The American Empire does not see how this conflict in China concerns it. The Chinese states are, after all, far away.

The Empire would like to state that it is the Emperor's will for the nations of America to come together as trading partners and allies in this time of mystery. Accordingly, all the nations of the northern American continent, from Lousinana to this '501st Legion' to the minor city-states are requested to sign a free-trade pact and affirm mutual defensive treaties with the Empire and with each other. It is the will of God, perchance, that a united coalition of American states led by the successor to Old America will rise to replace that long-destroyed order. What say you?

The American Empire does not see how this conflict in China concerns it. The Chinese states are, after all, far away.

What conflict?! There is no war, there is no conflict!! We just dont recognize the Chinese Union as China.

ooc: Seriously Guys? By you logic, Greece will invade FYROM.

Government: Orwellian Nightmare Direct democracy.
Motto: The Mastermind is supreme.
Language: Newspeak, no one shall talk the oldspeak.
Currency: Pubal
Economy: What? Confidential.
Leader: "The Mastermind", no one had never seen him.
Religion: State Atheism.
Ministries: Minipubal (Ministry of Economy), Minipax (Ministry of War Peace), Minitrue ( Ministry of THE TRUTH), Miniosm (Ministry of ||||||| CONFIDENTIAL).

History ( copied from an unknown newspaper):

Spoiler :
As the people of Peru was getting upset, nearly forming a revolution against the Emperor Osmowstroyer, he decided to pay a private military corporation known as PUBACORP a great sum of money to stop the rebel sentiment. Two years after the "Repression of the Masses" the PUBACORP together with a new commercial corporation OSMOWCORP, that sold hi-tech weaponry to different countries such as the Republic of south America, decided to form a single corporation known as the O.P.D.

It was bad news to the Imperial Authority because they bought every single company of Peru, it was an error of the Emperor writing in the "11th Contract" that the corporation which helped them would be free of taxes for 50 years . After turning the peruvian economy into a monopoly, they started selling thousands of newspapers to all the people, saying horrible things about the government. Then, subliminal messages were found in TV commercials. 30 years later, the people of Empire of Peru revolutionated and let all the power to a Rebel Party known as the "Frente Comunista del Peru" ( most of its memebers were descendants of the old Movimiento Comunista del Peru).

The FCP, after 3 years of governing Peru with a democratic constitution,a party known as the Partido Buen Gobierno Peruano won the elections. And then |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Army Organization:


- Truesoldats: main branch of the Terrarmy, formed by mindcontrolled voluntaries, who fight to mantain peace in the world. Equipment: Woguns and a pretty uniform.

-Glaksomers: formed by soldiers with AT and AA weaponry with a black uniform.

-Heavformers: the Armored Vehicles Branch, with tanks and such.


-Clouders: pilots of the so-called jets.

-Stormers: specially trained pilots experts in dogfighting.

-Rainers: pilots who drive planes that drop bombs.


-Marigs: patrol division

-Troyers: destroyer and frigates division

-Krakens: battleship and so on division

-C.T.H.U.L.H.U: submarine divison

ULTRAIMPORTANTNOTE: read it, if you don't do it, Big Bro will kill a kitten.
What is Spanish. :p

I assume he means Catalan has suppressed Castilian as the primary language of the Iberian peninsula... of course that's also implying Catalan is a dialect of Spanish so this could be either exalting or insulting. :p

We offered Economic Pacts to all Chinese states. Who will post the NPC's reply?

I don't really detail the NPCs but I can only assume they would all accept, having signed trade pacts with both Chinas.
The American Empire does not see how this conflict in China concerns it. The Chinese states are, after all, far away.

The Empire would like to state that it is the Emperor's will for the nations of America to come together as trading partners and allies in this time of mystery. Accordingly, all the nations of the northern American continent, from Lousinana to this '501st Legion' to the minor city-states are requested to sign a free-trade pact and affirm mutual defensive treaties with the Empire and with each other. It is the will of God, perchance, that a united coalition of American states led by the successor to Old America will rise to replace that long-destroyed order. What say you?


Despite the lack of cultural ties to the old United States of America, we might have said yes, if this offending article was left out. As it stands, we must reject your offer.

We would, however, be more than willing to sign a Pact of Nonaggression, and to offer special trading rights to American businesses in the 501st Legion, assuming, of course, that 501st businesses get the same privileges in the American Empire.
I will lock orders in 48 hours. To give players more time to get orders in(I understand the hectic nature of schoolwork) I will be sending out warnings. Players without orders are:

-Formatting Crew
I mean Catalanian has taken over Spanish as the main language, and now the two are interchangable...
I just want to sign a defense pact.

Would Catalonia like to sign a defense pact with NB? We acknowledge that Catalonia has a superior language. :D
No we don't. Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs is overwhelmed with all of the trade treaties and NAPs from all of the other countries.
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