My Little Pony

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Jun 11, 2003
What the hell is the deal with this?

It's a cartoon targeted at prepubescent girls, based on a child's toy, again for prepubescent girls, and there are adults who unashamedly watch this?

Am I the only one who finds this at best moronic, and at worst completely and horifically creepy?

What's the appeal here? :confused:
Gooood question. I've wondered this myself, but I haven't actually been curious enough to sit down and watch an episode of it. Maybe if I gave it a fair shake I'd understand, but it just looks like a fad TBH.
I think it's mostly based on adolescents who have just dicovered irony and aren't aware that they can overkill on it

I've never seen an episode but I'm probably still right.
I don't think so, even if you venture into A&E here, you're getting members posting fanart and such.

It's insane, these people are old enough to know better?
That show is like 30 years old. You telling me it's still in syndication somewhere??
I try not to judge people by their preferences as long as they don't hurt anybody. :mischief:
Well I assume it's like Michael Jackson, where he just really really wanted to be a kid again and live in never never land with fairies and stuff. Yeah, I guess these dudes who watch TV shows for 7 year old girls are probably just like Michael Jackson. It's just harmless fun.
I don't think so, even if you venture into A&E here, you're getting members posting fanart and such.

It's insane, these people are old enough to know better?

Teenagers without enough social cop-on are exactly the type of people to post fan art.
I've never watched it and agree it looks slightly odd, but there are a lot of shows targeted at children that have a large periphery demographic (and justifiably so), so I won't think anything of it.
Okay, apologies. I didn't realize they were remaking it. Per Wiki...

The show has been critically praised for its humor and moral outlook. Despite the target demographic of young girls, the show has gained a large following of predominantly male teenagers and adults, calling themselves "bronies".

Yeah okay, fine, but I'm chalking up that group to folks I have no desire to hang out with...
Come on, where is the love?
A few days ago i watched one episode, for the first time. I laughed a few times, but it's more of a mediocre show. It's just so funny because both the show and the concept of a grown man watching a girls' show is incredibly stupid. It's like watching Spongebob Squarepants times ten.
I don't see a difference between this and Harry Potter quite frankly. Both are intended for children but are enjoyed by adults.
@Vr: So Harry Potter is unisex, whereas My Little Pony is for girls. Harry Potter is for 12-14 yr olds whereas My Little Poony is for 6-7 year olds. HP is dramatic whereas MLP is whimsical. Big whoop! They're both for children but adults watch them. If there's nothing weird about Harry Potter then there shouldn't be anything weird about My Little Porny.
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