My Little Pony

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I don't see a difference between this and Harry Potter quite frankly. Both are intended for children but are enjoyed by adults.

We are no longer friends.
I think it's mostly based on adolescents who have just dicovered irony and aren't aware that they can overkill on it

I've never seen an episode but I'm probably still right.

This. People do things "ironically" for laughs, like watching little girls' shows. I've been known to do a little "Poker Face" routine even though I prefer classical music. It's the same thing.

This would also help explain the popularity of the "Robot Unicorn Attack" game on Adultswim's website.
It leaves a taste of Diabeetus in my mouth. But at least it's not mind numbing like pre-K shows that leaves adults who babysit their preschoolers in a cationic state.
I don't think a lot of these bronies actually understand irony.

I just use bronyism as a supplement to my gaydar and move on with my life.
Because it's fun to do silly things on the internet! Seriously, it's a predictable show made for little kids, but is quite clever and unique nonetheless. The cuteness factor is overwhelming, and it's more tightly scripted and animated than most of what's on TV right now. I like the fact that it's the polar opposite of grimdark and so anti-cynical. Basically, it's a happy show with a positive message that makes me feel warm inside.
@Vr: So Harry Potter is unisex, whereas My Little Pony is for girls. Harry Potter is for 12-14 yr olds whereas My Little Poony is for 6-7 year olds. HP is dramatic whereas MLP is whimsical. Big whoop! They're both for children but adults watch them. If there's nothing weird about Harry Potter then there shouldn't be anything weird about My Little Porny.

Well both are weird then. :p

Also lol at the spelling. My little Porny. What?
Haters gonna hate, but it saddens me coming from you guys.
Enjoying the show itself is fine. Constantly pushing it in everyone's faces that you enjoy the show is annoying. Pony people tend to take it well beyond the point of annoying, to disturbing.
All over the internet.
Even on TaleWorlds' Mount and Blade site. It's everywhere. I mean, if you see it on a site about a medieval warfare game, you know that it's everywhere.

But I'm really wondering: Where did this all come from? It's like all these fans of the show are springing out of the ground and logging onto websites to post about. :lol: But really, where did this come from? I don't remember ever even hearing of such a thing before this year...
I have to admit I've watched a bit of Telletubies without a child present, mainly because it's just so bizarre and laughable. I've never sat through a whole episode though.
It came from the same place everything else on the internet came from.
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