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New Civs that got screwed...

Monty Python Ni

Oct 29, 2005
Out of all the new civs with their UUs, UBs, and leaders, which do you feel got the rawest deal?

I think that the Native Americans got kind of shafted... Their UU is alright, but only effective against melee units. Also, their Totem Pole, gives exp. to archery units, but the only ones you'll probably receive before the building expire are just regular archers. Finally, Sitting Bull's philosophical trait doesn't impress me much either... I never really get used to this trait, and I think he would have been much more well suited with spiritual...

Who do you think needed some more bonuses?
If the reports on the Babylonian Garden are accurate (+1 :health:) that makes it seem kind of weak. Also, Aggressive/Organized doesn't seem to work too well with Hammurabi's UU, the Babylonian archer.
Vietnam got screwed because it is NOT in the game!!!
Babylon, and by a longshot. It has lost most of its personality (one of the most influent cultures of the Ancient world has no cultural advantage or whatsoever in the game), plus a horsehockey UB which grants... one extra health? are you kidding me?
A lot of people will appreciate that extra health bonus. So yes, to people where health is not as important factor to strategy Bablyon won't be that good of a choice, but that's why you don't play as it. But, people whose stlye/strategies often depend on health will find it useful.
I think I got screwed because Oranje's traits are Financial/Creative, this sucks man...I dont know anything about the guy but I'd figure he was a big colonizer or something. I would've wanted Industrious/Financial or Imperialistic/Financial. Damn...But I'm glad the dutch are in! :goodjob:
Fin/Cre is one of my favorite trait combos. i forget who, but someone in vanilla had it and i always played him/her. but Financial combined with their UB = :commerce:
Fin/Cre is a bit schizophrenic, since a cottage spammer doesn't really need all those libraries so much (though I'm sure you could find a good hybrid style). But Financial is fantastic as a trait for a coastal leader, since you can make so much more use out of otherwise neglected water tiles. It's not a bad trait anyway.
Creative is a bit more of an inland trait, but damn good for taking territory early. Also good for choosing perfect city sites, rather than compromising for the sake of being directly next to good tiles - which could be important for making sure that coastal cities are riverside whenever possible (to take advantage of dikes).
I think it's a very nice combo, with a very nice UU and UB
Fin/Cre is one of my favorite trait combos. i forget who, but someone in vanilla had it and i always played him/her. but Financial combined with their UB = :commerce:

Cathy was Fin/Cre in Vanilla I think. Oranje is the new Cathy. I'll definitely being playing it.
I think Khmer has the weakest UU of all. A war elephant that can target mounted units from inside a city is too situational. I think they should have this ability anytime or be able to be build without ivory.
Out of all the new civs with their UUs, UBs, and leaders, which do you feel got the rawest deal?

I think that the Native Americans got kind of shafted... Their UU is alright, but only effective against melee units. Also, their Totem Pole, gives exp. to archery units, but the only ones you'll probably receive before the building expire are just regular archers. Finally, Sitting Bull's philosophical trait doesn't impress me much either... I never really get used to this trait, and I think he would have been much more well suited with spiritual...

Who do you think needed some more bonuses?

Protective+Totem Pole+Barracks= archery units with 6 exp. from the beginning. That means CD III and Drill I. That also means real pain to conquer. You could also get Drill III Crossbows which upgrade to Drill III Grenadiers. UNDERESTIMATE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I think Khmer has the weakest UU of all. A war elephant that can target mounted units from inside a city is too situational. I think they should have this ability anytime or be able to be build without ivory.

NO, they actualy get that ability whenever they fight mounted units OUTSIDE of city walls :p

Very cool UU, i look forward to playing as Khmer.
Fin/Cre is one of my favorite trait combos. i forget who, but someone in vanilla had it and i always played him/her. but Financial combined with their UB = :commerce:

Those traits bore me... I like traits that are worth more than a few $/¢/£ and a bit of :culture: . I like things that help me build wonders while still being the most powerful civ in the world man! Ind/___ My favorite trait is Industrious. :goodjob:
Those traits bore me... I like traits that are worth more than a few $/¢/£ and a bit of :culture: . I like things that help me build wonders while still being the most powerful civ in the world man! Ind/___ My favorite trait is Industrious. :goodjob:

Getting to the tech first is the biggest help in building a wonder, far more so than just a hammer bonus. Financial helps a lot with that. Creative lets you grab masses of land early so you can have a huge empire without fighting for it and diverting hammers from wonders. Also good for grabbing stone and marble.
Babylon, and by a longshot. It has lost most of its personality (one of the most influent cultures of the Ancient world has no cultural advantage or whatsoever in the game), plus a horsehockey UB which grants... one extra health? are you kidding me?

I agree. I think Hammurabi's traits in Civ4 BtS reflects his early career more than the climax of his reign.

I was waiting to see a Philosophical Netherlands, but Creative is acceptable (with Vincent Van Gogh and all those other artists).

Has the BtS team been "stealing" ideas from Age of Empires III? Both the Native American and Mayan UUs come from that game.

I think the Holy Roman Empire is going to be waaayyyy too overpowered. Landsnechkts+Knights will own everybody except for the Spanish and their Conquistadors, and even those can be taken care of by War Elephants!

Portugal looks like a civ for actually exploring and CLAIMING those explored lands rather than just the former as in Civ3 (I never played that game, but I've read info about that game's civs' strengths and weaknesses).

Both the cradle of civilization and the cradle of mankind are included in the game! Yay!

Byzantium also looks very overpowered.

Why isn't Cambodia Industrious?
Why isn't Khmer industrious?
Why do the Mayans have so horrible traits?? (My traits are horrible!!!)
Why the Babylonian UB seems so weak, Byzantium seems to be so overpowered and Sumer lacks of inspiration???

Anyway, these news were probably the best. UBs, UUs, Leaders and Civs are my favorite parts in the game!!!
Mmm... Portugal on a Terra map...

Okay, back on topic, is the Babylonian UB really just a Colosseum that provides a single extra health point, or am I misreading that?

By the way, what's with the ballista elephant? I'm not claiming that an elephant that auto-targets its weakest opponent is necessarily bad (though it's a pretty weird power), but did they seriously mount ballistae on elephants? Okay, as totally awesome as that would look, why would it auto-target mounted units?
The Native American UU is fine, although I'd prefer some kind of Cossack like later era armed cavalry unit, esp. as the leader is a Plains Indian. If I got them in a game, I'd prolly leave them for Knight/Maceman or Cossack rushing as their strength will be resistance to Axe rushing. The UB however really sucks big time. I will still play them though, as UBs don't tend to be that critical for me, and the AI never uses them effectively (think what an intelligent AI could do with the Mongols but never does!); nor indeed does the AI exploit its UUs the way it could, although it will built lots of archery units early game (good for Native Americans) and it certainly does with the Indian UU, which always makes India one of the strongest AIs. UUs and UBs are very much a player thing. I mean, will the AI ever dog warrior rush me as I'm axe-rushing the Mali or Romans? :) The Dutch UB is quite awesome though. Combined with their traits, you could really blow through a game playing these effectively.
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