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New GMR Game - MechForce - Information OCC w/o Nukes


Duke Vector fon Pixel
Apr 3, 2005
New game idea featuring OCC and no nuke policy - emphasizing raw unimproved landscape combat with modern units... maximum raw land, and player capitals as only cities.

Information Era Start
OCC (One City Challenge)
No Nukes rule
GDR allowed
Shuffle Map
Standard Size
quick Speed
Random Civs
8 Players 5 CS
24h turn time limit 7 skips
Conquest/Diplomacy/Time 150 turns Victory (game officially ends at 150th turn and highest score wins)
In-Game / In-Thread only Diplomacy

game is up at GMR
Can you win diplomacy on Standard with 5 CS? I'm an MP noob: Will human players vote for a clear winner to end game?

thats a point.... to make Diplo victory one need:
1. to have few players eliminated (less voters) and/or
2. have someone voting for him as for clear winner. (not mandatory if too few players left in game)
in addition to 5 CS votes.

diplowin could just speed more-less obvious victories, as you said, and it could be possible only after few players being eliminated :)
again: Civs are random, pls join as random, thanks!
More 2 players required
6/8 currently
We are starting in few minutes ! (ive already created and have save, some problem with GMR / Steam though )
Seems GMR have some problem
I rolled Iroquois
We have :
England, Japan , Celts, Austria, Inca (thats what i remember from civ list)
I'll need to go soon, so perhaps i will upload the file only tomorrow if during this hour problem will persist
Ok here we go, save is up!
Good luck and have fun everyone! :D
Reminding you - its OCC, and no nukes allowed, But GDRs allowed!
PS: we have also Persia and Ethiopia
I am taking my turn and it says Faith is turned off.

Edit: Due to late starting age, my bad.

Yeah, late age..
I know you are playing Celts, but thats it , enjoy Ceilidh Hall though :) extra 3 happiness L:)
its my turn but i havent been bale to get the game loaded. sorry im new to this giant multiplayer robot thing.

when i click "play turn," civ loads, but the game doesnt load. then if i click it again it gives me an error message. is there somewhere i am supposed to load the game from> how does this work?
OK. I figured it out and I think i successfully played my turn and submitted the ave game. let me know if there are any problems!
Mighty Iroquis People greet fellow Incan people! Alloha!
Greetings, people of the forest. We, people of the hills, welcome you on our lands. May the ancient spirits bring you good fortune.
(sorry for the late reply, I didn't came on this forum for a while)
since NWO quit, we need sub for Celts in this game
post/pm me
Its quite early in the game
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