New Native Nations: Chinook, Tlingit, Putun, ... [ACCEPTED]


Civ4Col Modder
Jan 24, 2011
Stuttgart, Germany
Hi guys,

@modmod sent me a link to these graphics of @Sword_Of_Geddon :

Cocomly, Leader of the Chinook

One of the biggest issues in creating a new Native Nation is thus taken.
(Finding good Leaderhead graphics for Native Nations is infact not that easy.)

Otherwise I will need these things.

1. Some inspiration how the flag of the "Chinook" could look like.
2. Somebody helping me find a good pedia entry for the "Chinook".

After that I would set up the "basic configuration" for the Chinook to have them in the game.
This will make it much easier for us to create and test these UnitArtStyles:

1. Native Warrior
2. Armed Native Warrior
3. Mounted Native Warrior
4. Armed and Mounted Native Warrior

I will need help from a really skilled graphical modder for that though.
But there are still a few of these around so maybe we will be able to add that new Native Nation ... :dunno:

All help is greatly appreciated. :thumbsup:
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"the Chinook Indian Nation, a confederation of the Cathlamet, Clatsop, Lower Chinook, Wahkiakum and Willapa Indians"

Historically Comcomly was the leader of just the Lower Chinook, but since then other tribes joined.


Shrewd diplomat and skilled trader. Traditionally maintained very good relationships with the French, British, and the US.
Was succesful to create marriage ties with Euro-Americans, and with them prosperous contacts with trading companies.

Hunters and fishermans - in some source their name means "Fish Eaters" their main diet is salmon, also their flag is a sematical fish. They often do trading with Europeans/ trading companies mainly offered fish and furs for Euro-American items. They did gladly agree when Europeans proposed to open trade post in their territory.
The Chinook lived in a class system where shamans, warriors and traders were the upper class which are practiced flattening the head in childhood to make themselves distinct from the lower classes and the reason why the first explorers called them "Flathead Indians." The Chinook indians practiced slavery and slaves were the lowest class.
Chinook resided in longhouses. More than fifty people, related through extended kinship, often resided in one longhouse. Their longhouses were made of planks made from red cedar trees.

Is it fit for colopedia? :dunno:

Best source:
Is it fit for colopedia? :dunno:
It is definitely a good start. :hug:

After I have implmented the new Native Leader and the new Native Nation,
our specialists for atmospheric texts (@Kendon and @Fürstbischof) will take over anyways.
Well, there are a few more nice leaderheads @Sword_Of_Geddon has created.

However for the next months I will personally be too busy to start working on new Nations.
But still, just in case any other modder should be interested in creating a new Native Nation himself:

Another representive of the Pacific Northwest Cultures of America.

This time Skeiyksh of the Tlingit.

Download Here:

Olosohpa of Nan Madol, an ancient civilization in what is now Micronesia.

Tabscoob, Leader of the Putun, a seafaring culture related to the Mayans that traded all along the Caribbean.

Download Here:
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