New PBEM adaptation of TGW-Div 1.6: Playtesting!

gps Cyc

Week 34, 1915

Ottoman Empire:

French Semi-Dreadnought near the Dardanelles shelled by Turkish CAs (3) then sunk by 4th CA generating survivors who were then interned in Gallipoli. French BB that was reduced to 1HP sunk by Turkish Mine. No survivors.

Jerusalem - Army defeats British Cavalry and Rifle defeats the other British Cavalry.

British Transport sunk near Crete by Turkish DD Flotilla.


Austrian Counter Battery guns destroy 1 Italian CB and 1 Italian Light Artillery near Venice. 2 Russian Rifles defeated near Lemberg by Austrian Armies. Another Russian Rifle defeated near Krakow. (I can't remember if I shelled them or not first. Sorry)


Essen - After another terrific artillery bombardment of the French positions in South West Essen (all units redlined) German armies and a Flame Thrower move in and kill; 4 French Rifle A, 11 Rifle R, and 1 Colonial Infantry.

Cologne - French Colonial attacked by German Rifle A. German dies, but another Rifle A kills Colonial troops generating a general! New army formed. A Belgian Infantry is also killed near Cologne.

New army attacks and kills Russian Rifle R near Koenigsberg.
Again, not much action in Mother Russia this week. Some Austrian Roads pillaged by Russian troops.

At Metz, 155mm shell the German A-Inf. 1st fails, 2nd hits for 2HP, 3rd hits for 1HP, 4th hits for 1HP, 5th fails, 6th hits for 1HP, Colonial dies against it - which promotes the A-Inf to Elite and it receives 3HP, just as the one before it did. 155mm hits for 2HP, 155mm hits for 1HP, Colonial kills it and promotes.

A Corbet Class sinks an unknown by Galipolli and promotes.

gps to Tigranes.
British Transport sunk near Crete by Turkish DD Flotilla.


900 shield worth Corps was in it!!! I was so sure French fleet controls Aegean sea I had no escort for that super important transport :wallbash:
:) Should have clued the French Navy into your plans. A French Field Engineer saw that Flotilla off the coast of Lybia this week. So if you're looking for it, they went due South.
The sinking of that transport then probably makes this the most largest loss of life at sea in this war. One of Turkey's fears has been averted. :whew:
Final countdown:
Centrals: 319,410 VPs (+8,610)
Entente: 227,810 VPs (+3,180)


The day of mourning was announced in Britain after General Edmund Allenby was drawn with his Corps on his way to take command of Egypt Army. Entire plan of operation near Jerusalem has come to the halt. As a result the only notable event during this turn was the distraction of railroad near Jerusalem by British planes.


Nothing much to report here either. Cb has killed another CB, plus LA shelled Austrian MG for 1 HP.
gps Cyc

Week 34, 1915

Ottoman Empire:

French Transport sunk near!!

Al Jawf falls! Two Turkish armies march right in and kill a Special Fort and 2 Arab Rebels. This being the first of the hated Arab enemies cities to fall was cause for much celebration. The citizens of the city were rounded up and segregated by age and gender. Babies were then thrown into the air and caught by Turkish bayonets. Then the mens throats were cut while they witnessed their wives being ravaged. Let the Arabs know now the vengeance of Talaat Pasha.


Russian Rifle R outside of Tarnopol was shelled by 2 Trench Artillery before a brave Austrian Rifle A lost his life trying to kill the wounded Russian who was down to 2HP.

On the Venice front Austro-Hungarian artillery continues to shell the Italian positions outside of Venice.


In the German Bight a Russian Gangut is shelled by two CLs. Then a U-boot finishes off the stricken Russian. The U-boot captain brushes his beard with the oil from the out of place Russian ship before sailing off. Nearby a French Pre-dreadnought is shelled by a German BB.

An unknown was sunk near Rotterdam while a German DD Flotilla was attempting to pickup some French girlies on a life-raft. The captain of the destroyer went to bed with a lot of company and a huge grin on his face.

Liege - About 70% of all German artillery forces ride on rails to French positions outside of Liege. They are then pounded heavily but no units are redlined. Then the German armies, flamethrower, Rifle A, Rifle R, and 2 Armored Cars do their work. 8 French Rifle R, 1 Rifle A, 1 MG, and 9 155mm guns fall silent on the Western front. There were no German losses. Many French girls who were helping deliver water and food to the troops were captured and sent to the rear. There they laughed, loved, and went to work building roads for the Germans.

Cologne - 2 Belgian Infantry were defeated by VII Army Bluecker. Then a German Rifle R defeats the weakened French Colonial. Before the French Colonial was attacked he was shelled by 4 Trench Artillery and finally one 210mm gun.

Russians are riding German railroads!!! Well they were anyway. One Russian killed by an army that was created from a General that rose during the battle around Liege! The other Russian near Lodz was first shelled to the red by Trench Artillery and 1 210mm gun before he was killed by the German Marines.
I'll take whatever it was that Moff Jerjerrod had! :lmao: Just kidding, my friend. Good Report. Just a quick note to inform you that those girlies around Liege were actually the French Transvestite Company. :thumbsup: Have fun, no rush sending them back....
I was pretty sure that all the French units were fallen back on the safe distance as was discussed and agreed... 9 155s -- man, we really cannot afford such losses at this point in war ... Will we ever take our revenge? :(
I'll take whatever it was that Moff Jerjerrod had! :lmao: Just kidding, my friend. Good Report. Just a quick note to inform you that those girlies around Liege were actually the French Transvestite Company. :thumbsup: Have fun, no rush sending them back....

Yeah I was in a good mood today, must have been the mild sunny day we had. :D

But now that we know about the Transvestite Company our troops are using copious amounts of mouthwash, toothpaste, and chewing gum while taking steaming hot showers with bleach as soap! :lol:

Tigranes said:
Will we ever take our revenge?

I know how you feel, however that's what I'm loving about this particular PBEM we are engaged in. It seems that due to all of our abilities, none of us are able to get the upper hand. This totally feels what must have been the case during the real WW1. No wonder why after the Great War was over the Allied Powers were so quick to appease Germany just prior to the Second World War. No one wanted to repeat the misery of the Great War.
I was pretty sure that all the French units were fallen back on the safe distance as was discussed and agreed... 9 155s -- man, we really cannot afford such losses at this point in war ... Will we ever take our revenge? :(

I'm not sure how Moff got Artillery in there and fired them too, I was going to check that out, but...

I played the Russians just fine, then started the French. Finished a Tech, read up on governments, then proceeded through the city list. A couple of cities went by and then the game crshed on Asyut - it was rioting of course.

What do you want me to do? Send Tigranes the save Moff sent me? Go back in and start the last turn of the Russians and save that to send to Tigranes? :dunno: Tell me what you want.
Sorry guys, still not done with debuging. It's a first time France crashed, and the problem is not Asyut. And I still hate to say that I have no idea of WHY this random crashes occur.
Yes, Cyc has a file and will play it soon (he was worried I sent him something dangerous ;) )
Yes, Cyc has a file and will play it soon (he was worried I sent him something dangerous ;) )

You never answered my email, Tigranes. Please tell me what you did to make the file 12.5 times as larger as what I sent you. Shouldn't we know as play-testers? :dunno:

EDIT: Ok, just got your email about no file compression. Will play in a bit.
East of Lublin, 3 LAs redline (1 failed) an Austrian R-Inf and an R-Inf kills it.

East of Memel LA takes out the road across the border.

R-Inf captures two Worker POWs East of Mosul, close to the Coal Colony.

Hearing of the People's Movement back home, a lot of Russian troops stop fighting and turn to pillaging roads in Austria.

LA takes HP from Landehr East of Konigsberg.

War is starting to take it's toll on the French people:
13 French cities riot with the news that scientists have researched the 1917 tech!
Workers on a River Grassland tile next to starving Besancon refuse to irigate for the second week in a row!

Observation Planes spot a minimum of 7 German Army Groups East of the Liege/Metz area.

@ Liege, 2 155mm redline R_inf . R-Inf kills it and promotes.

@ Metz, LA hits R-Inf for 2HP, 2 155mm fail, 155mm hits for 1HP.

@ Nancy, LA hits A-Inf for 2HP, 155mm hits for 1HP, 155mm hits for 2HP.

@ Iceland, Sub sinks German Transport.

Now, about losing all thos units East of Liege last turn.
Either railroading into Barbed Wire Trenches eliminates the 2 MP penalty brought on by these improvements, or the Germans are not affected by these panalties. As you can see from the pictures below, Those Trenches were empty during Week 34. During Week 35, the Germans not only brought in the AGs, but many single MP units that all fired upon French troops. I was unaware that RRs eliminated the penalty. Must have missed it in the Civilopedia!


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@ East of Liege... Well, I assume we all talk about the same tile east of Liege which on the picture is right south of Essen. It's a German tile, Cyc! Barbed wires on German soil are supposed to slow down French advance, not German. So surprise here.

Final countdown:
Centrals: 326,550 VPs (+7,140)
Entente: 232,190 VPs (+4,380)​


Yes, you see it right: Royal Navy messed up a big time again. For several turns now we were quietly keeping on our radar the bulk of the High Seas Fleet which was apparently sent to High Seas in order to support blockade runners from Iceland (like the one French sunk last turn). For several turns Royal Navy was locating and moving to the striking distance in order to attack Germans before they attack us. Extra naval MP allows our BBs to have 6 MP while Germans have 5 MP, thus keeping the range was essential. However a turn ago our scouts lost contact with German fleet and when it was way north from the place you see it now. All our ships went the wrong way and nothing is available to itercept Germans! Not only that -- one can see German transports somehow made their way this south completely undetected. First time for the entire game looks like German transport is going to deliver WM to much needed German tiles painted in orange right now.

No action to report except for sinking the infamous Turkish DD, the one that sunk a transport with our Corps bound for Egypt and bombing Bomb Shelter in Jerusalem by our plane.


2 LAs fired on Austria MG for 2 HP damage and 1 CB was destroyed in the gunnery exchange with Austrian LA near Trentino. Italian BB sunk Austrian DD in Otranto straight without any survivors.
gps Cyc

Week 36, 1915

Ottoman Empire:

British mine detected near Haifa was sunk by Turkish Unknown. Our internal security forces also detected a Russian Spy creeping close to Mosul. An Army that was in the area on rest and refit was sent out to question the spy. Somehow during the confusion shots were fired in which the Russian agent was killed.

A Turkish Rifle division was sent to deal with the Russian Rifle R near Ezerum. The Turks lost their lives in a seemingly futile attack against the already redlined Russian!


Near the southern suburbs of Venice a road and mine tile was bombarded and destroyed by an Austrian AC. Further naval activity was conducted off the western edge of Crete where an Austrian AC died while trying to sink a British BC that was in the area.

Austrian counter battery fire destroys an Italian Light Artillery near the Venice while trench mortars and LA bombard the Italian positions there.

Near Lemberg a Hungarian Cavalry group tracks down and kills a Russian Rifle R sent on a pillaging spree. The Russian was redlined first by trench mortars.


A French Pre-Dreadnought is sunk near the Hull area after being bombarded by 2 German CLs. The ship to do the French in was a DD Flotilla. There were no survivors. I'm sure they would have been cross dressers anyway.

French trench on the German side of the border near Cologne was shelled yellow lining 2 of the 4 defenders there. The other two suffered only 1HP each. Then German armies came down and killed all 4 French Rifle As there.

Near Liege a already yellowlined French Rifle R was killed by a German Cavalry unit which liberated the captured German worker there.

In the Lodz area flamethrowers showered the Russian Rifle R there with fire so fierce nothing remain after all was said and done. Trench mortars softened the target first to the red.

Desperately needed WM continues it's crazy journey home. The German people are starving and have resorted to eating grass and I don't mean the kind you smoke. All of Germany prays for a safe trip for the WM.

IF those WM get there I hope you will tell us their tale? If they ever seen any patroling ship for example...

Gangut takes out the road North of Memel.

More Austrian road pillaging.

@ Liege, 155mm hits Cav for 3HP, 155mm hits Cav for 1HP, R-Inf kills Cav.

@ Metz, 155mm hit R-Inf for 1HP, ditto, 155mm hits R-Inf for 2HP, ditto.

@ Iceland Sub sinks unknown. :smoke: No survivors...

Central Powers have increased by 6%. Entente by 4%.

gps to Tigranes.


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