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News: SGOTM 11 - Results and Congratulations


Mac addict, php monkey
Hall of Fame Staff
GOTM Staff
Jan 9, 2003
SGOTM11 Zulu Domination.

Most teams took this Emperor game in their stride.

All who finished won the required Domination victory, although there were two close races, for the fastest and slowest finish dates. Team Shaka won the laurels, and only 13 turns separated the top four teams. The Psycho Bunnies took the pretty way home, narrowly slower than Godzilla, who nevertheless stole the Wooden Spoons on score:

860 AD: Shaka
900 AD: klarius
950 AD: Team Newbie
990 AD: Smurkz
1390 AD: X-Nuts
1415 AD: tao
1615 AD: Godzilla
1630 AD: Psycho Bunnies

Retired: The Python Gang
Retired: Wotan

The Conquests Laurel for fastest finish is awarded to:-

Team Shaka
I. Larkin

The recipients of The Wooden Spoon for the lowest Jason score are:-

Godzilla is a Monster

Please join me in congratulating everyone who participated, and don't forget to sign up for the next thrilling episode - SGOTM 12 :)

Full results and detailed stats are available here
Congratulations Godzilla is a monster!

You got the only true award!

On behalf of myself and the rest of team "Team Newbie" I would like to offer congratulations to all the teams. Special plaudits go to Shaka for their victory and also to Godzilla for sticking things out and making it through to the end.
:woohoo: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Thanks to everybody and especially to my whole team that fought its way through the most intensive discussions. :mischief: :smug:
What do we learn: Communication solves problems best. :old:

Congrats also to all other competitors and my condolence to team Wotan who suffered a forfeit after being in a very promising position. First time I thought I would allow a reload... :rolleyes:

And thanks to the staff for another challenging variant. Looking forward to #12 :banana:
you can always count on me when it comes to the Wooden spoon...3rd time already :lol:
Godzilla was really consisting of only BeF and myself (and soul for a while).

congrats to the winners...and someone beat klarius :eek:
Congrats to Team Shaka, nice finish!! :goodjob:

And to all who played, it was close at the top. :hatsoff:

Most of all, thanks to the staff for another great game. :trophy:

It was also great to play with some excellent players in our merger!!
:beer: :high5: :cheers:
Bah, 4th place and only 13 turns from 1st, that hurts. :cry: ;)

Huge congratulations to Team Shaka in particular, really well done! :hatsoff:

And :thanx: as always to the staff who just can't seem to stop spitting out fun and interesting games. You guys rock! :worship:

Hmm, looking at the trends here, Smurkz had two wins in a row in PtW (8 and 9), with overall best end dates for all teams both times, before the forced exodus to C3C land. First C3C game (10) didn't go too well, it was a first for most of us. This one went a lot better, but still a few glitches here and there. Can't wait for nr 12... :smug: :evil: ;)
Well done folks, and thanks especially to BeF and ThERat for being our team. (My contribution to the game was to buy a new PC and play Oblivion solidly for 5 months. And then have a baby.)
Godzilla IS STILL a monster

Thanks everyone for this game, congratulation for everyone who managed to outmanoeuver Klarius, props to all the top 4 for the photo finish.

And all praises to ThERat, who really kept us together 'til the end.

I don't know what hurts more, missing first place by a lousy 13 turns or getting beat by a team called "Team Newbie".:mad: :lol:

I definitely repeat the sentiments here, great game variant SGOTM team! Thanks!:worship:
Congrats Shaka and Godzilla! :cheers:

And :thanx: to AlanH and Gyathaar, of course!
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