• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

None Shall Pass [Game Thread - Concluded]

It is clear that the SW Town should [REDACTED] while the LotR Town should [REDACTED] and that would force the SW Cult to [REDACTED] in order to [REDACTED].
Moderator Action: Final warning before I start handing out infractions and deleting posts.

Seriously... stop with the spam!
Moderator Action: Final warning before I start handing out infractions and deleting posts.

Seriously... stop with the spam!

someone felt the power :mischief:

And, on the subject: I think suggestion of getting days shorter is a good one. As we can see, there is no much focused discussion anyway, as there is almost nothing left to discuss...
Unofficial Tally:
Stuck in Pi: 6 - Spaceman, Azzaman, Arakhor, topsecret, Darth Feather, Buddhafish
Arakhor: 5 - Stuck in Pi, sirtommygunn, dcmort, Jarrema, G3TC

Not voting: 1 - SouthernKing
Unofficial Tally:
Stuck in Pi: 6 - Spaceman, Azzaman, Arakhor, topsecret, Darth Feather, Buddhafish
Arakhor: 5 - Stuck in Pi, sirtommygunn, dcmort, Jarrema, G3TC

Not voting: 1 - SouthernKing

This is the same tally I have.

[TIMER=11/30/2013 11:59 PM EST; Day Twelve Over][/TIMER]


"Uh, Zaccino?"


"Hey, it's MY job to make bad jokes about the victim's name, damn it!"


"I can't take this, anymore."

Zack turned to execute Stuck in Pi, but hesitated when the accused began his righteous plea.

"Think of the children..."

"I despise children."

"Think of saying rude things to children..."

"Well, when you put it that way. Hmm. Should I kill you?"


"If you're a killer, and we kill you -- are we any better than you?"


"It would make you even worse than the children!"

"Who are we to destroy life, anyways? Shouldn't every soul be cherished and nurtured, protected - no matter how vile?"

"Especially mine!"

"You know, after considering the moral ramifications, I-"




"He's stuck in-"

"Don't say it. Don't you ****ing dare say it."


"Stuck in pi."



The joke was so awful, Stuck in Pi's head exploded.

Spoiler :

Stuck in Pi was Qui-Gon Jinn!

Spoiler :
...But he was really Darth Vader, a member of the Star Wars Cult!

After Stuck in Pi's death, two people from the crowd sprung forward to grieve at their master's side.



"He was so young!"

"He was still at least 50% human!"

Unwilling to face a world in which their master was dead, the two killed themselves.

Spoiler :

Gone 3 the Celt was Padmé Amidala!

Spoiler :
He was a member of the Star Wars Cult!

Spoiler :

sirtommygunn was Boba Fett!

Spoiler :
He was a member of the Star Wars Cult!

Spoiler :
The Star Wars Cult has been eliminated!


Spoiler :


9 / 33

Darth Feather


24 / 33

Kennigit - Admiral Ackbar

Dumanios - Han Solo

The Black Knigh - Samwise Gamgee

Autolycus - Lando Calrissian

Red_Spy - Éomer

robbiecon - Jabba the Hutt

Sprig - Arwen

Verarde - Théoden

Askthepizzaguy - Mace Windu / COUNT DOOKU

choxorn - Galadriel

BSmith1068 - Pippin

Visorslash - Aragorn / GANONDORF

Nintz - Anakin Skywalker

Backwards Logic - Yoda / DARTH MAUL

Camikaze - Obi-Wan Kenobi / EMPEROR PALPATINE

Double A - Legolas

Takhisis - Faramir / SAURON

SamSniped - Gollum / WITCH-KING

KingMorgan - Merry

Frozen In Ice - Princess Leia / MOUTH OF SAURON

JoanK - Gimli / SARUMAN

Stuck in Pi - Qui-Gon Jinn / DARTH VADER

Gone 3 the Celt - PADMÉ AMIDALA

sirtommygunn - BOBA FETT

Serial Killer has been eliminated.

LOTR Cult has been eliminated.

Star Wars Cult has been eliminated.

You must read these new rules before proceeding.

It is a radical overhaul of the game.

1. You now know, with 100% certainty, the identities of your fellow team members. Their name, alignment, and character are contained on the front page (post #4).

2. I will create a QuickTopic for each town to use for communication purposes. You can also give orders here by using the <b>Order: Target</b> format.

3. You are NOT allowed to communicate to ANYONE about the game outside of the QuickTopics I create for you. This includes IMs, PMs, email, etc. Dead players are still held to the same rules as before.

4. All injuries have been healed, and all prior abilities are gone.

5. I will send a PM to each town with more details of what they can do during this phase.

6. LOTR Town wins if it maintains its numerical advantage. Star Wars Town wins otherwise.

Silence envelopes the room.

The rebellious factions have been eliminated.

Each side stands united, trusting in each other. Distrusting the other side.

They had worked together to defeat the ever-growing rebels, reasoning that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

But when the enemy of my enemy dies, all that remains is...

My enemy.

It all ends in...

[TIMER=12/2/2013 10:00 PM EST; Game End][/TIMER]


9 / 33

Arakhor - Éowyn

azzaman333 - Boromir

Darth Feather - Elrond

spaceman98 - Gandalf the White

topsecret - Frodo


Buddhafish - Chewbacca

dcmort93 - R2-D2

Jarrema - Luke Skywalker

SouthernKing - C-3PO


24 / 33

Kennigit - Admiral Ackbar

Dumanios - Han Solo

The Black Knigh - Samwise Gamgee

Autolycus - Lando Calrissian

Red_Spy - Éomer

robbiecon - Jabba the Hutt

Sprig - Arwen

Verarde - Théoden

Askthepizzaguy - Mace Windu / COUNT DOOKU

choxorn - Galadriel

BSmith1068 - Pippin

Visorslash - Aragorn / GANONDORF

Nintz - Anakin Skywalker

Backwards Logic - Yoda / DARTH MAUL

Camikaze - Obi-Wan Kenobi / EMPEROR PALPATINE

Double A - Legolas

Takhisis - Faramir / SAURON

SamSniped - Gollum / WITCH-KING

KingMorgan - Merry

Frozen In Ice - Princess Leia / MOUTH OF SAURON

JoanK - Gimli / SARUMAN

Stuck in Pi - Qui-Gon Jinn / DARTH VADER

Gone 3 the Celt - PADMÉ AMIDALA

sirtommygunn - BOBA FETT

Serial Killer has been eliminated.

LOTR Cult has been eliminated.

Star Wars Cult has been eliminated.
So x-citing! :D
I told you sirtommygunn was SW cult.
Okay, I have had enough.

The dead CANNOT POST ANYTHING, AT ALL, until the game is over.

The rules were so easy to follow.
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