North African Unit Pack

I dont understand what you mean? The horse moves down so the rider can reach.
Reach what? I don`t think I`ve ever seen this. It just looks like an unnatural movement for a horse to me :confused:

Don`t get me wrong, your horse units are top notch `cept for that detail with the leggs. (And the chubbyness but thats a minor problem). Bebros knights have lousy death anims, otherwise they are realy good. I think :hmm: OK, Kinboat made better horse units. Where did he get that steppe horse model?
In the ancient times all horses were small like that, thats why Utah`s Oscan Companion looks realy weird to me :)

Sorry If I offended you, I didn`t mean to :sad::blush:
At civ scale, the thickness of all limbs, weapons, and parts must be exaggereated or they flicker when moving around.
Some people like different styles of units, but consistancy is important. Utah and Kinboat both set a precedent with their stout poser horses, and either one has more mounted units than anyone else (cept maybe bebro's. his horses are okay, but look a little funny ingame IMO). So I say go with the model you have.
But I agree the horse looks like it has the heebie-jeebies when its legs move about during the attack. I think if you kept its kicks from going sideways at all and make its body move a little it would look better

Edit: the horse's leg movement on the numidian is not bad though
I did a little bit of research, and I can`t find anything wrong with the thin legged horses.

1. a mongol horse, and it looks perfect.
2. another mongol horse, but it is a more modern unit, so it can be a generic horse breed. Looks perfect for an arabian to me.
3. a Rohan horse, looks like a medieval war horse, bred (sp?) in europe. Big, fat, bulky, strong etc.
4. a medieval war horse used by an ancient unit wich had no access to horses of that size.

I know Utah made the horse`s leggs fatter so they can be more visible, but his and kinboats older units don`t use this model, and they still have perfectly visible (and to scale) legs.

I don`t mean to offend anyone or critisize their work, especialy since I haven`t made anything yet, I`m just confused with that horse model :confused:


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Finally someone has come out with a Numidian Cavalry! I have been wanting to see this unit for quite a bit. You know, there is even a chance that this unit might make it into the Gallic War mod, because Caesar did use Numidian Auxiliaries. Good job!
I wonder if anyone else has noticed how selfish we seem to be getting recently. It seems that we are either comparing, complaining about or just hassling all the creative talent we have here in the CivFanatics community. I suggested a Moorish Cavalry, now if Shiro wants to make that or another unit I'll be just as happy. How fat or thin the legs are I don't care... 3 legs are fine with me if that is the way he wants to make it! We should just be thankful that we have so many talented people willing and able to create units, terrain graphics, mods etc. for the rest of us lesser souls to use...
Stormrage - I use the word "we" because in my opinion there has been a growing amount of nit-picking in some of the threads. Ares' latest terrain pack thread is another example. Too much "feedback" can come across as criticism, which can lead to people becoming less interested in wanting to make things or do things.

And by the way if I had wanted to say "Stormrage is acting selfishly," then believe me I would have done so.
Yabanjin, thanks for caring. :)
But don't take it too seriously. I don't have bad dreams just because Stormrage said something about my graphics. In fact, we get along very well - our helmets are pretty massive. ;)

@ Shiro: The Moorish rider looks great. Another gap closed! :)
Ares, again I am not pointing a finger at anyone in particular, but what I take as more general trend - and I used your thread as an example of the sort of pressure I mean. I'm sure that both Stormrage and myself are equally thankful for the great work guys like you, Shiro and many others turn out.
I just remembered I could use that Moorish cavalry (AKA Fatty-Fatty Fat Legs). Do you still plan on making it, Shiro?
Ogedei_the_Mad said:
Has anyone suggested Mamluk Cavalry? :)
In my mod i use the AoE2 one, but the strange thing is the wondersplash shows a cavalryman not a camel rider. :crazyeye:
If it will be done then i will add it to my mod ... but for me the Moorish Cavalry is more important now.
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