NOTW L: The Immortals [Game Thread]

I do want to say with regards to my play choices:

1) When Takhisis died, we were down to two weaklings as our entire team. We could gain strength over time but what we really needed was +1 strength mana. My play was to gather strength boosting mana like death mana.

2) When I had my second death mana stolen, I knew hoarding mana would be impossible. My next plan was to create more death mana and hand it to edse (the black knigh) in secret. This required me some metamagic mana and some raw mana. Managed to get one of those. Was bartering pretty well and getting a whole slough of people to trust me with mana exchanges.

3) I managed to get people to reveal their mana to TBK as a way of locating sensitive mana we might need to have, by destroying the person holding it.

4) Visor got frustrated with the lack of progress and even though he had just promised me I'd live for a while, he randomly demanded my head on a platter one day.

5) I figured someone had a detective scan on me and played it cool, so I approached Visor with my saving throw: Unrequited Lover claim, which I had been planning for a while.

6) This saving throw could have worked but, town was a little bit not all there. Many folks were not very active. And obviously, any lead was worth pushing. It didn't generate enough votes to kill me.

7) The strength hit was pretty devastating, but wounds heal. My next plan, not so much a saving throw, but a hail mary: Confess to being scum but continue lying to the town to make it seem like our team was no threat. I mean, we weren't, but if I returned to full strength and town weakened, then yeah.

8) Claiming Usurper actually caused Visor to order people to stop attacking me. If only Visor was lord almighty, I would have lived. I actually got invited to the town's inner sanctum, basically, and through my control of my "inactive" partner's murder ability, I was a "scanner" and a "vigilante" in one. A deal too good to be true, and I had surrendered to the town and was going to do their bidding.

9) Obviously my partner was not inactive at all. And my plan was to feed in his stead, while he did the team kill murder, which would be impressive. Then, his alibi was he was not there when the Usurpers did their thing. So all he could be was a demon.... AND..... I was "scanning" TBK that night to "prove" him innocent of being a demon.

10) With edse locked in as Not Demon and Not Usurper, and me locked in as the town's little pet, slowly feeding and restoring my strength faster than town would drain it, plus having a Death Mana in my possession I could copy....

I still had a viable plan.

11) Unfortunately for me, the mechanics of this game prevented me from pulling this last stunt off. Not only did I not feed and gain the +1 strength I needed to stay alive, but I never fed at all, so TBK had zero alibi. It's a freak coincidence that he was the very next suspect. Had I managed my little ploy, the game outcome may have been very different.

12) I insisted, that I cannot give away the Usurper QT and would never vote to lynch inactives (because I was sure they weren't demons, and I wanted town to think one of them was my partner).

13) I never, ever gave up on my team, (I NEVER SURRENDER) and frankly, I kicked serious ass.

14) I came 1 hit point short of glory. And I used every swindle in the book. Town beat me fair and square. But I honestly gave you all my bestest performance.

You guys got in your shots and they were very lucky/skillful. But I came so close to swindling you guys hard. At least, that's what I tell myself.

The important thing is this is the most fun I've had in a game in years. Honestly.

I will always return for a sequel to this one.
I would also like to return for the sequel - the game was really good!

I thought the inactive players would allow us scum to control the lynch vote more but I think on balance that the inactives benefitted the town more because 1) they weren't likely to be scum an 2) they still added to town's total strength. So they became pseudo-scanned townies by virtue(?) of being absent from the game.
Your liking of death mana ATPG was the one of the things that kept you alive - so BP could steal it from you. You came very close to immolation on more than one night, Winston even saved you for meta reasons once. I had you down as a major threat and would have wiped you out just for being too active and clever at the game, plus I thought you rumbled me on more than one occasion. Visorslash was also in the same position, had we not thought vamps were high strength then he would have been dealt with very early on as well. Hindsight is a great thing!

I am very much looking forward to the sequel, I hope it will be sooner rather than later.
Your liking of death mana ATPG was the one of the things that kept you alive - so BP could steal it from you. You came very close to immolation on more than one night, Winston even saved you for meta reasons once. I had you down as a major threat and would have wiped you out just for being too active and clever at the game, plus I thought you rumbled me on more than one occasion. Visorslash was also in the same position, had we not thought vamps were high strength then he would have been dealt with very early on as well. Hindsight is a great thing!

I am very much looking forward to the sequel, I hope it will be sooner rather than later.

I am famous for having far, far more luck than any pizzaman ever should.

It has saved me from death in the most unlikely of circumstances, some being utterly preposterous unless you were there to witness it firsthand.

In truth, you all just can't bear to live without me. You just want to see what scheme I come up with next.

Admit it.
Your absolutely right, it's always entertaining to have a pizza scheme going on even if were only watching. When there are inactives ruining a well thought out game then it seems unfair to off an active player such as yourself or visor etc, but the other side of that is like playing with fire - fun to do but very very risky.
Yes, the problem with inactivity is that most strategies are dependent on normal gameplay and presence. If I try to convince people of something and spend hours posting and messaging when the vote is decided by five or six lumps who'll show up an hour before the end of the phase and post a vote for whoever was voted in the post above them then it's no use.

I wanna play the sequel if possible.
5) I figured someone had a detective scan on me and played it cool, so I approached Visor with my saving throw: Unrequited Lover claim, which I had been planning for a while.
As I pointed out, this roleclaim was simply not believable. It would be such a poorly designed role, no self-respecting GM would put such a role into a game. Especially when you said it was "perhaps my favorite role of all time," I knew you were full of it - a role such as the one you claimed would be pretty crappy (all you care about is some random guy surviving, something which that person is not aware of and you have absolutely no control over? that's not a fun role to play).
I do want to say with regards to my play choices:

1) When Takhisis died, we were down to two weaklings as our entire team. We could gain strength over time but what we really needed was +1 strength mana. My play was to gather strength boosting mana like death mana.

2) When I had my second death mana stolen, I knew hoarding mana would be impossible. My next plan was to create more death mana and hand it to edse (the black knigh) in secret. This required me some metamagic mana and some raw mana. Managed to get one of those. Was bartering pretty well and getting a whole slough of people to trust me with mana exchanges.

3) I managed to get people to reveal their mana to TBK as a way of locating sensitive mana we might need to have, by destroying the person holding it.

4) Visor got frustrated with the lack of progress and even though he had just promised me I'd live for a while, he randomly demanded my head on a platter one day.

5) I figured someone had a detective scan on me and played it cool, so I approached Visor with my saving throw: Unrequited Lover claim, which I had been planning for a while.

6) This saving throw could have worked but, town was a little bit not all there. Many folks were not very active. And obviously, any lead was worth pushing. It didn't generate enough votes to kill me.

7) The strength hit was pretty devastating, but wounds heal. My next plan, not so much a saving throw, but a hail mary: Confess to being scum but continue lying to the town to make it seem like our team was no threat. I mean, we weren't, but if I returned to full strength and town weakened, then yeah.

8) Claiming Usurper actually caused Visor to order people to stop attacking me. If only Visor was lord almighty, I would have lived. I actually got invited to the town's inner sanctum, basically, and through my control of my "inactive" partner's murder ability, I was a "scanner" and a "vigilante" in one. A deal too good to be true, and I had surrendered to the town and was going to do their bidding.

9) Obviously my partner was not inactive at all. And my plan was to feed in his stead, while he did the team kill murder, which would be impressive. Then, his alibi was he was not there when the Usurpers did their thing. So all he could be was a demon.... AND..... I was "scanning" TBK that night to "prove" him innocent of being a demon.

10) With edse locked in as Not Demon and Not Usurper, and me locked in as the town's little pet, slowly feeding and restoring my strength faster than town would drain it, plus having a Death Mana in my possession I could copy....

I still had a viable plan.

11) Unfortunately for me, the mechanics of this game prevented me from pulling this last stunt off. Not only did I not feed and gain the +1 strength I needed to stay alive, but I never fed at all, so TBK had zero alibi. It's a freak coincidence that he was the very next suspect. Had I managed my little ploy, the game outcome may have been very different.

12) I insisted, that I cannot give away the Usurper QT and would never vote to lynch inactives (because I was sure they weren't demons, and I wanted town to think one of them was my partner).

13) I never, ever gave up on my team, (I NEVER SURRENDER) and frankly, I kicked serious ass.

14) I came 1 hit point short of glory. And I used every swindle in the book. Town beat me fair and square. But I honestly gave you all my bestest performance.

You guys got in your shots and they were very lucky/skillful. But I came so close to swindling you guys hard. At least, that's what I tell myself.

The important thing is this is the most fun I've had in a game in years. Honestly.

I will always return for a sequel to this one.

This (bolded in red) is the one part which I disagree with. We got TBK because we gathered information on who everyone fed on, and his story did not add up (because he was not feeding). Still confused as to why you could not feed
Some stuff from me: Here was the conversation between me and Visor that revealed the truth abt Pizza and from which I would quote for much of the game
Visorslash said:
spaceman98 said:
Visorslash said:
spaceman98 said:
Visorslash said:
spaceman98 said:
Visorslash said:
spaceman98 said:
Visorslash said:
spaceman98 said:
Visorslash said:
spaceman98 said:
Visorslash said:
spaceman98 said:
Visorslash said:
spaceman98 said:
What is your case against Bad Player? His claims of the metamagic mana are suspicious to me as well, but I'm not sure that that is sufficient reason to lynch him.
His unwilligness to give me information until I threatened him, and I've found what he said to be generally scummy.
Was the claim he made after he got threatened interesting/testable in any way?
Not really. He just told me Auto shared his secondary, what mana he had, what it did, what his pg was, etc.
Would you be comfortable telling me what his claimed secondary and PG are?
Autolycus was meant to be my partner which is why he voted me earth mana (even though I couldn't use it). I have affinities for meta magic, life, and spirit mana. I gave my mana to Pizza because there is someone who can do stuff with it that Pizza wants done. My goals are eliminate all threats, get the war mongering vampires lynched and get 3 life mana. I have been forgoing my goals to help the town I hope you will see.

get the war mongering vampires lynched
that partially explains why he was unwilling to share information with you (you are a vampire, after all). However, the fact that he has three affinities seems very odd. I have not encountered anyone else who has, or claims to have, three affinities. Have you (perhaps one of the other mages)?
Someone else did, I can't remember who. It would make sense for a mage to have more affinities.

What are your goals? I have forgotten. I've send around 600 pms this game.
- Primary Victory Condition: Eliminate all threats.
- Secondary Victory Condition: Keep the Calabim/Ljosalfar Peace
Personal Objective:
Don’t let the Ljosalfar diplomacy status reach ‘Hostile’

I see a very real problem in regards to the future.

Soon, vampires are going to be unlynchable.

Give it a few nights, and I'll have 10+ strength. Choxorn already almost has ten strength...

This bodes poorly.

We need to off Pizza tonight. I will get the vampires on Pizza and JHT.
oh... that explains a lot :eek:

Abt jht, remember the following from Catharsis:
Shares my secondary goal, which is, for your information, 'Eliminate demon faction'. I'd feel guilty about sharing john's info if he wasn't completely inactive.

To my mind, john is the least likely person here to be a demon (except myself) and I hope Visor reconsiders his plan to vig him. As to whether he's a usurper, well my other teammate was Takhisis and he WAS a usurper, so we can go two ways here. On one hand, there's proof that people with innocent-sounding secondary VCs can be scums; on the other, do I really get two usurpers as teammates? Really, Sprig?
Obviously, Catharsis could be lying, though defending an inactive partner is a fairly strange move for scum (unless jht is just pretending to be inactive)
What I am about to tell you is in strict confidence. I find you out this information to anyone, then the vampires will come down on you.

ATPG is an Usurper. He has not been killing, to blend in with the town. Their goal is to kill Exar.

Now, they are unlikely to achieve that. ATPG has privately come clean saying that he's pretty much lost. He's going to be lynched tomorrow most likely.

I want the demons to murder him. The usurpers do have a kill, they haven't been using it htough apparently. I will keep a vampire on him to stop him gaining strength.
Huh, I see. I will not reveal this, but why not just send all the vampires after Pizza tonight and finish him off? Wouldn't other usurper vampires also reveal themselves by being skeptical of the mass attack on Pizzaguy?

Also, if you are killed tonight, can I reveal that Pizza is a confirmed usurper, or would you like the information to remain confidential even if you die?

Or have we decided to work with the usurpers to kill our common and much more serious foe, the demons?

I still find the claim that the usurpers have a kill but have not been using it to be very strange and suspicious, but I'm not sure what to think abt it...
One member of the usurpers in compltely inactive apparently, hence why Pizza has told me what he did. I did intend to finish him off, but he wants to kill a demon. So if we use his night kill to help whittle down suspects, demons HAVE to use a kill on him.

Distribute the information to a select few who you trust. Cartharsis si a good one, hs not a usurper or likely demon. Pizza didn't kill to blend in, takhisis was fairly weak.
Oh, and, am I allowed to question Pizza about this, or should my knowledge about this be kept secret from hir as well?
Go ahead and question him.
Visorslash said:
spaceman98 said:
Visorslash said:

I trust you four. Here's my second QT.

My other had BSMith and Kennigit.
Why Ekolite and Bad Player? Especially Ekolite has been fairly inactive so far, so I see little reason to trust him...
His night actions and he's been reasonably active behind the scenes.

I've threatened Bad player with death a lot, and he asked to be shot with the sun mana.
Sign ups for NOTW LI: The Trial of Lilith are now open!

To sign up, please follow this link and join the sign up group I have created. To register for the game, simply post in the Sign Up thread. The game is due to start one week today, on the 19th of November. I am looking for 25 players and an unlimited number of reserves.

Spoiler Policy Towards Inactive Players: :

I have a small list of players from Sprig who he considered to be inactive in his previous game. Inactive players seriously distort game mechanics, especially in relatively smaller games. As a result I reserve the right to deny access to players on this list, unless they can present me with a good reason why they were inactive in the previous game and will not be in the next one.
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