NOTW L: The Immortals [Game Thread]

Some of my private messages were really good. Here:

Early comms with Kennigit:

Spoiler :
From : Askthepizzaguy
To : Kennigit
Date : 2013-10-09 19:33
Title : Re: Time to fess up.
Kennigit said:
Askthepizzaguy said:
If you're not a demon, you should definitely turn around and walk away now, though, because everything you say sounds pretty shady at the moment.

no I can go in the sun

With spells of protection, no doubt. My walking stick serves in a similar way, but I also prepare protection on myself daily just in case. We vampires are not too fond of the sun, but these day walkers insist on holding their godforsaken meetings when any sane person would be asleep.

Meetings. Discussions. Politics. These are boring games. I much prefer to make my own fun, don't you?

Take that handsome young Gregorian, for example.

On some level, it would be politically wise to gain his favor, by offering him trinkets in exchange for his services.... and I know a man who can provide excellent services when I see one.

And yet, his booming voice, his dramatic flair, his dominating alpha male persona, and his brashness, it is a mighty stallion wrapped in the body of a man.

I am not so cynical in my long-lived age that I cannot simply enjoy the spectacle. And so my champion gets what he wants whether he wishes to help me or not.

If someone were to harm him, I think I'd be quite.... vengeful.

Curious. I don't consider myself a violent man, and even the... dark, seduction that takes place in the shadows, which I am only too happy to offer, it might hurt a little, but it's more the threat of danger which makes it exciting, not the actual dangers. One does not have fun with one's quarry if they are dead, you understand.

Which brings me back to you. On the one hand, if you are a Demon, you are my quarry. And if you are a Demon, I am your quarry.

But that doesn't mean we couldn't enjoy one last goblet of blood to be shared between us like gentleman of the court, now does it?


Why don't you just confess to me. It would make things so much more interesting, and then I wouldn't have to spend the night at your place checking up on you.

Searching you for clues.

Tasting you for signs of being inhuman.

Because I can tell.....

I can tell........

I'll be there tonight, sir Demon, if you are one, I'll know.

And if you are not, then I trust you will be quite satisfied. And there will be no more questions of politics and other unsatisfying things of that nature, I trust.

Is this fully understood?

Response to:
Spoiler :
Catharsis said:

I'd like to ask for your support for the MetaMagic mana if I may. Here's why:

a) my affinity is for this type of mana: +1 strength for the town;
b) I also have in my possession an unused raw mana, which can be turned into MetaMagic: another +1 strength and almost-immediate access to the 1st tier spell.

I can see Bad Player has also claimed affinity to MetaMagic - I haven't spoken to him so can't speak positively or negatively to his trustworthiness. Point b) above is the reason why currently even if I fully trusted BP I'd still vote the mana to myself.

Let me know what you think.

Is contained here:
Spoiler :
From : Askthepizzaguy
To : Catharsis, Sprig
Date : 2013-10-12 12:50
Title : Re: NotW L - mana mana, doo DOO doo doo-doo
The Prespurian Regent looks up as a towering hulk of a man strides into his private office. Immediately, the business he is working on is brushed to the side, and many pieces of parchment with meticulously written words are scattered to the floor.

"My god. I mean, my Gregorian. Uh, I mean my friend. My Gregorian friend. Please, have a.... umm... um..."

The Regent notices that his office has but a single royal chair.

"...Have my seat. Please, do make yourself comfortable. How can I serve you today?"

Catharsis said:

I'd like to ask for your support for the MetaMagic mana if I may. Here's why:

"Yes... I will give you the Mana you desire..."

I can see Bad Player has also claimed affinity to MetaMagic - I haven't spoken to him so can't speak positively or negatively to his trustworthiness. Point b) above is the reason why currently even if I fully trusted BP I'd still vote the mana to myself.

"Yes, he's uh, near death, and needs it to survive, or so he says.

I was wondering if, maybe, you could....

Generate another MetaMagic Mana and give it to him, thus satisfying the both of you, and I'd do what I can to ensure you got more Raw mana in the future...

But of course if that's not acceptable, I could just vote you the MetaMagic Mana and be done with it. After all, what has Bad Player done for me lately? Hahahahahaha......"

Let me know what you think.


"I think I should help you get the mana you seek. But there are ways of doing this which arouse no suspicion, and get you what you want without making you a target.

Which, by the way, if something were to happen, I would be..."

The Regent cannot even form the words.

"...most distressed.

My proposal- I could get Bad Player the MetaMagic, then ask him for a favor- which is to hand you the MetaMagic in secret, have you generate a second one, and hand him back the first.

Then, later, I vote you some Raw Mana.

That gets Bad Player his needed mana, gets you your needed Mana, gets you your second mana, and the Demons among us will have absolutely no idea as to what is happening.

Alternatively, I can try to vote you the mana directly. But, kind sir, it will look odd if I should give it to you and you have not asked for it.

If you agree with my plan, Do Not Even Ask For The Mana. Then, no one besides me will even know you wanted it.

If you don't agree, just vote it to yourself and I will follow, obediently, as I always would.

Please do not ask why I do this for you. Just continue being yourself in council chambers. Meanwhile, I will continue to be on the look out for ways I can serve you best.

Know that there may be times I cannot help you, and if such a day should come, it will be awful for me. Just forgive me, if such a day should come. That is all I require.

I continue to ask for nothing from you, good sir. Do not feel in my debt for any help I offer you, because I offer it willingly, without entanglements.

If there is anything else I can do to assist you, please do not hesitate to ask, in a loud, booming voice.... either in council chambers or, in my private offices here, or if it should be late at night, you know where the Regent's private chambers are.

I do not sleep. So, your company is always welcome, no matter the hour. I promise to keep things professional and listen to your requests with total seriousness, and offer whatever assistance I can.

Thank you for stopping by today, my gregarious friend. I hope I've been of help."

Talks with Ekolite:

Spoiler :
From : Askthepizzaguy
To : Ekolite
Date : 2013-10-20 03:46
Title : Re: NOTW
Ekolite said:
Askthepizzaguy said:
Bad Player said:
Pizza, could I ask you to organise a Sun attack on me tonight to see if I'm demon because otherwise Visorslash says he wants to vig me?

Bad Player, my friend.... I was just lynched by the council.

There isn't a soul who holds me in any esteem. I don't have command over those who have the sun mana.

I can BCC your message to the people who might hear you.

Be well, friends.

ATPG what exactly happens when you feed on another player? Do they get a message saying that they have lost strength?

"While my feed ability is not the same as everyone else's, since mine contains a demon finding investigation, the effects on other people are the same.

The person in question knows they have been attacked, and how much strength they've lost.

That much is consistent for all vampires.

Frozen claimed to feed on me on night three but as far as I know I have never been fed on.

Tell Visor and Catharsis of this. I also know.

Double check with both Sprig and Frozen in Ice, have FII double check with Sprig to make sure everything went through as intended.

Then, if the story still doesn't match, we bring it before the council tomorrow.

I believe Frozen in ice is one of the vig targets either tonight or soon, so....

If he did, it could even explain why there wasn't a kill on night three. Say he was taking a night off to try to pursue his PG (feed on three sheaim), leaving the kill to another demon, who perhaps missed the deadline of something, perhaps pointing to one of the semi-active players as another demon.

Possible, but not compelling. Still, Frozen in ice seems like a viable suspect for many other reasons.

Alternatively, there could be a player with a defender ability, and the demons targeted the protected player on night 3. You were looking for someone with the defender ability at one stage, did you ever have any luck finding one?

No one ever contacted me about it, and I never did get any further mana orbs.

I think most of us started with unique orbs or ones that were duplicated once. In order to get 3 mana of the same type, it's got to be converted from raw, which is dropped into the game periodically it seems, or created by metamagic mana from other less useful manas.

King Morgan seems to know something about the events of night 3, but I haven't been able to get anything out of him thus far.

King Morgan is about to be vigged. If he survives, I'm sure he will be more talkative."

Also I've seen somewhere a post saying that you think/thought I could be kenn's masonic partner? What makes you think this?

"I trust your motives completely, and you approached me in private about obtaining the sun mana.

I figured if Ken died, after I spent that last night in a quicktopic with him, and he was a mason, his partner would approach me and request his items.

If I am wrong, I apologize. I have made several errant assumptions.

All talk of business. Ekolite, this is probably my last night on this mortal realm.

No talk of pleasurable things?

life? love? the great mysteries?

As I lay here broken and bleeding, in a state near unrecoverable, I ask for company.

Non-innocent I may be, and for that, I am considered as evil as the Demons themselves. All I ever wanted was to help my love, and find and strengthen allies that could be of use to him.

I wanted to protect us all from the Demons, and I am in no state for that.

Neutral is hard, no one wants to be your ally. Everyone wants to keep their distance.

Rejected by my love, cast down by the council, and near death, I am in a very lonely place.

I will speak of business if that is what gets someone to talk to me. But there is so much more to life, such as it is."

His response:

Spoiler :

''I would grant you the company you seek, but it is clearly Catharsis's muscular frame which you desire, and not my own. Your desire to keep him safe, is touching, however I suspect there may be other things, which you would give higher precedent towards then this. Like many, I do not believe that you would sacrifice everything for the survival of one young ruffian.

I have heard it whispered in the corridors and passageways of this palace that on the third night I was attacked, but someone watched over me that night and perhaps even fought off my assailants. I have heard it said that there is someone who's goal it is for my survival, although for what possible reason this could be I have no idea as they have not seen fit to approach me with their desire.

It is my suspicion that you know something about this, and I even got to wondering, perhaps it is they who love me, and would do anything to protect me, and that feeling the pressure of the council gradually turning against you, you grasped upon this idea as a means to defend yourself from their accusations. You were neutral, ambivalent to the innocent cause, just so long as your one love was safe. And who better to choose then Catharsis, after all you had already made your attraction to this man very clear. Yet if this had always been your single goal, then I wonder if you would have dropped so many hints so early on, and especially I wonder why it is that you do not seem to possess any kind of ability that gives you a direct influence over the thing you claim to be your primary goal.

I cannot say if my suspicions are true, but if you know anything about the events of night 3, and could share it, it would do a lot to put my mind at rest. If it is true that I brushed close with death on the third night, then I would like to know who it was that saved me. I owe them my gratitude after all.''


The Regent was such a flirt.
A silver medal? Silver kills vampires.
A silver medal? Silver kills vampires.

So does love, Takhisis. So does love.

Give me a heart-shaped silver medal, and let me wear it proudly on my bare chest, as I lay deceased, bloodied and bloodless, heart no longer pulsing or yearning for impossible desires.

A fitting end for a vampire whose only crime was loving someone.

And murdering random people.


The adventurer thinks that maybe he should be shouting louder.
The Prespurian Regent gasps audibly and steadies himself.

"You can shout *even louder*?!? Be still, my frail heart. My dear gregarious adventurer, how I wish for you to.... express yourself, unbridled, like a wild animal of the forests, roaring with poise and dominance to spare. I would be a rapt audience for any such spectacle, I assure you."

This is probably my favorite moment in the game.

This is also probably the moment where I decided to eventually role claim what I claimed if I was ever in trouble. Not that it did much good for me, but still.

I might drop that role into one of my future games.
I always found it amusing that one of things the Regent finds attractive is loud shouting.

That's the oddest fetish I've ever heard of.

Spoiler :
Definitely worth a silver medal at least, roleplay wise. No?

Indeed! :goodjob:

Im glad you got really into your role (or really into catharsis's role as the case may be !!!)

I remember my first Notw when I was role playing about gazing at Winston hughes slender legs!!!
I would enjoy a good roll with Catharsis.

Whoops! I mean, I'd enjoy roleplaying with Catharsis.

Uh... I mean, I really be into Catharsis, as long as he was into me... Oh damn.

I really got into my pretend role that I pretended I had which involved pretending to have a pretend unrequited love affair with another colorful character.

Pretend! I was pretending! Hahahahaha.....
...maybe it's been too long since we had a female player.

I could always invite some women over from Giraffe boards to break up this sausage fest. The alternative could be much worse. And that is, someone has to wear a wig.
I remember my first Notw when I was role playing about gazing at Winston hughes slender legs!!!

Oh Sprig, we've all gazed longingly at Winston Hughes' long, slender legs, wanted to run our hands all over Catharsis' chiseled pectoral muscles, firmly tug on Zack's luxurious and silky beard, and every time Takhisis posted a picture of a kitty cat, we thought about stroking it with our hands.

Nothing unusual about any of this, I trust.
Eh, I suck at roleplaying. I didn't even talk like a pirate that much as Captain Zackbeard.

You're missing out. You could have been a gay vampire, like me. Then, if you sucked at it, insert obvious gay vampire joke here.
Don't you still have to post the final standings/victory amounts/other things like that? :p
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