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NOTW L: The Immortals [Game Thread]

OOC: My apologies for lack of activity this day phase. Papers have been hitting me hard.



That BSsssssssssssmith....I do not trusssssst him....he issssss a nasssssssty one....

Catharsssssssssissssss may have the body mana.....and choxssssssssorn may have the other.....

Exar listened carefully to accusations that were made and to the claims that echoed around the reception hall. He was very close to fetching his sword and running it through all those that were accused. But perhaps his sanity prevailed&#8230; It later became established that a clear figure stood out from all those accused. The Glevum Moroi stammered &#8220;What would I have to do with demons? I hate demons!&#8221; Exars Eyes bore into him. &#8220;The demons have little care for love and hate, you would do better than that to dissuade us&#8221; The Moroi now looked a little nervous his eyes shifted around the room to find support. When his eyes returned to his King, he found Exar towering above him and a split second later a fist making impact with face and the last thing he heard was the splintering of bones. Exar shook bits of brains off his hand and asked the Adjudicator to search the body. The Adjudicator found nothing of interest except an Orb of Entropy Mana.

Robbiecon was Lynched
Spoiler Alignment :
he was a Human Innocent.

Exar looked at the body with disgust. In his rage, he had been to swift, he should have allowed more time to hear Robbiecon out. But what is done is done. And with that he walked out of the reception hall.


Nintz (Seon, TheLastDays)
Choxorn (Nintz, Jarema)
PaulusIII (Catharsis)
Kill Fire (ATPG)
The Black Knigh (Autolycus)
King Morgan (The Black Knigh)
Secret Scribe (Kennigit)
Visorslash (KingMorgan)
Darth Caeser (Bad Player)
TheLastDays (Visorslash)
Robbiecon (spaceman98, Bsmith1068, Frozen In Ice, choxorn)
Frozen In Ice (Backwards Logic)
Bsmith1068 (Verarde)

Earth mana
Choxorn - (Choxorn, Frozen In Ice, The Black Knigh, Visorslash, Bsmith1068, johnhughthom, robbiecon)

Body mana
Catharsis (Catharsis, ATPG, Nintz, johnhughthom, topsecret, robbiecon, kill fire)
Kill Fire (The Black Knigh)
Bsmith1068 (Bsmith1068, Kennigit, Bad Player, Visorslash,)


Exar's Character Sheet
Name: Exar (NPC)
Role: Vampire King
Nation: Calabim
Race: Immortal

Alignment: Innocent
- Primary Victory Condition: Eliminate all threats.
- Secondary Victory Condition: Survive to the end game

8 (21)

Death Mana (+1 Strength)
Law Mana

1x Death Mana Adds additional Strength to Natural abilities (Passive)

- Death I Can Turn Raw Mana into Death Mana
- Death II Adds +1 health regeneration when complete lynch is performed (Requires 2 Death Mana)
- Death III Adds +2 health regeneration when complete lynch is performed (Requires 3 Death Mana)

Natural Abilities:
Complete Lynch - Causes 10 Damage to target and the Vampire King heals 2 strength.
Partial Lynch - Causes 5 Damage to target

Personal Objective:
Acquire 3 orbs of Death Mana.

Exar, the Immortal Vampire King, Son of the Calabim Emperor, Flauros, rules over the eastern part of the Calabim Empire. The land was conquered by himself and his armies in a distant past, forgotten by almost all save perhaps Exar himself. He is a well-respected leader and his immense power has kept the region stable and free from conflict.


Dawn breaks in [timer=10/9/2013 6:00 PM +13:00; Day has finished] [/timer] at 9 Oct 2013 6:00 PM (+13:00)

Night orders to me before dawn. P.S. Plum is a horrible colour, who decided to use that one? :S
I am sorry, but I can barely keep up with what others have posten. I don't feel I have enough time to do this game justice so I am Dropping Out.
[OOC: I forgot about this game and have no idea what's going on.]

[OOC: Either totally true or a mafia plot to throw us off.]
[OOC: There is no mafia in NotW unless it's set in Italy!]

Exar was once again woke at an unreasonable timey. He couldn't remember when he had ever been this tired. He felt like ripping the head of the servant that woke him. However he managed to restrain himself. The servant told him another body had been found. Resigned, he allowed himself to be lead tot he body. This time it was the priest. His body was all charred, though Exar could see that he was in the pose of a prayer when he was attacked.

Jerrema was Immolated
Spoiler Alignment :
he was a Elven Innocent.

Exar collected a mana orb from the body and together with the orb from Exar's victim, they would go up for vote. He addressed his guests. "You haven't made much progress in finding the demons. I expect much better today!" The Sheaim Emissary and Ljosalfar Ambassador raised objections once more as to how fellow countrymen had been treated during the night. The Ljosalfar Ambassador was particularly cross. "This is the second time in a row. I have worked tirelessly to improve our situation. If our rights can not be respected it does not pose well for the future"


Exar's Character Sheet
Name: Exar (NPC)
Role: Vampire King
Nation: Calabim
Race: Immortal

Alignment: Innocent
- Primary Victory Condition: Eliminate all threats.
- Secondary Victory Condition: Survive to the end game

9 (21)

Death Mana (+1 Strength)
Law Mana

1x Death Mana Adds additional Strength to Natural abilities (Passive)

- Death I Can Turn Raw Mana into Death Mana
- Death II Adds +1 health regeneration when complete lynch is performed (Requires 2 Death Mana)
- Death III Adds +2 health regeneration when complete lynch is performed (Requires 3 Death Mana)

Natural Abilities:
Complete Lynch - Causes 10 Damage to target and the Vampire King heals 2 strength.
Partial Lynch - Causes 5 Damage to target

Personal Objective:
Acquire 3 orbs of Death Mana.

Exar, the Immortal Vampire King, Son of the Calabim Emperor, Flauros, rules over the eastern part of the Calabim Empire. The land was conquered by himself and his armies in a distant past, forgotten by almost all save perhaps Exar himself. He is a well-respected leader and his immense power has kept the region stable and free from conflict.


National Diplomacy

Sheaim state is 'Cautious'
Ljosalfar state is 'Cautious'
Amurite state is 'Neutral'

Items up for Vote

Claims for the 1x Death Mana in DimGray
Claims for the 1x Entropy Mana in Teal

Accusations in Bold

Night begins in [timer=10/11/2013 6:00 PM +13:00; Day has finished] [/timer] at 11 Oct 2013 6:00 PM (+13:00)
I welcome the return of the Sheaim Merchant and Emissary. May they provide wisdom beyond their years.

Death Mana to me
Entropy Mana for Kennigit

Backwards Logic lives up to his name. His attempt to lynch me yesterday and his backward warmonger logic is not good for the party.
[Teal]I, the magistrate,[/teal] would like the entropy mana, as I can use it to strengthen our search for the traitors among us!
I welcome the return of the Sheaim Merchant and Emissary. May they provide wisdom beyond their years.

Death Mana to me
Entropy Mana for Kennigit

Backwards Logic lives up to his name. His attempt to lynch me yesterday and his backward warmonger logic is not good for the party.


choxorn, for using terrible logic to associate himself with the last-second Robbiecon wagon. You're better than this.
Well Backwards Logic it seems you are unable to see the logic in Choxorn's and my accusations yesterday, and though I can't speak for my governor, I shall explain it from my point of view. It was nearing the end of the day yesterday and Exar had already declared he was going to take action against whoever had the most accusations against them. The three leading candidates were all terrible choices in my mind, I'll give you that, but I took action to choose what I thought would be the least terrible choice. Nintz was accused for simply being a bedwetter (the poor guy must be having serious confidence issues right now), and Choxorn was accused for being able to use death mana. Robbiecon's quietness was the biggest mark among three, so that's why chose him.
As the envoy of the great Sheaim Empire, I believe the mana should be granted to me. It would certainly do a great deal to better our opinion of your race, and perhaps we might even be tempted to show you a little mercy in the inevitable war that will consume your nation. Those who vote to entrust the mana to me shall be spared an eternity of agonising torture in the pit of Agares, those which do not will come to regret their foolish decision.

The choice is yours mortals.

I vote Ekolite/Ekolite
Well Backwards Logic it seems you are unable to see the logic in Choxorn's and my accusations yesterday, and though I can't speak for my governor, I shall explain it from my point of view. It was nearing the end of the day yesterday and Exar had already declared he was going to take action against whoever had the most accusations against them. The three leading candidates were all terrible choices in my mind, I'll give you that, but I took action to choose what I thought would be the least terrible choice. Nintz was accused for simply being a bedwetter (the poor guy must be having serious confidence issues right now), and Choxorn was accused for being able to use death mana. Robbiecon's quietness was the biggest mark among three, so that's why chose him.

You sure you weren't just trying to save choxorn? Because the wagon formed very late in the day with choxorn tied for the lead with two, and today I jump on choxorn for his bandwagoning and you immediately leap to his aid, accusing me and trying to spin things another way. Looks like a flinch. Nevermind the fact pretty much everyone is voting the same way, and you pick Robbiecon as your sacrificial offering, using spaceman's logic to cover up the fact you needed a new target on the fly. You see things from my point of view, right?
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