NotW XXXVII - The Party [Game Thread]

"If what the detective is telling us is true, I want to have a look at the other runic item if Joooray passes on. I'm sure he wouldn't mind, wouldya hun?"
The courtisane winks at the bloodthirsty orc seductively before continuing.
"Seriously, though, I need to find some sort of incantation written down - it might be in runes - which has something to do with a curse-thingamabob. If anyone's seen summat the like, I'd be grateful if they let me have a quick look."
"If what the detective is telling us is true, I want to have a look at the other runic item if Joooray passes on. I'm sure he wouldn't mind, wouldya hun?"
The courtisane winks at the bloodthirsty orc seductively before continuing.
"Seriously, though, I need to find some sort of incantation written down - it might be in runes - which has something to do with a curse-thingamabob. If anyone's seen summat the like, I'd be grateful if they let me have a quick look."

You wish, witch.
Careful with this one, evil person, no good.

Me no killing people, no wanting to die. Me just want to be left alone.

Also give item to mage (Winston).
So, you threaten me, I vote you, you ignore and try to get a lurker lynched? :rolleyes: You're looking tastier by the minute, you know.

Yes, Autolycus does look delicious, and so does DaveShack. Shall I get the seasoning?

Winston can have the knife if he can actually figure out more about it, otherwise, I'll vote it to Renata.


Catharsis: 3 (Catharsis, Diamondeye, LightFang)
classical hero: 3 (classical hero, robbiecon, Autolycus)
Winston Hughes: 3 (Winston Hughes, Joooray, choxorn)
Renata: 2 (Renata, RRRaskolnikov)
Camikaze: 1 (Camikaze)
DrumStudent: 1 (DrumStudent)

dcmort93: 3 (Darth Caesar, DaveShack, landlubber)
Joooray: 3 (Diamondeye, RRRaskolnikov, J-Man)
DarthCaesar: 2 (Catharsis, classical hero)
Autolycus: 2 (Takhisis, choxorn)
Renata: 2 (LightFang, Joooray)
DaveShack: 1 (dcmort)
classical hero: 1 (DrumStudent)
The13thRonin: 1 (Autolycus)
Abstain: 1 (Duke Blackstone)
Winston can have the knife, not likely it will go to me. And I don't think classical_hero is the werewolf actually. Joooray is an orc/werewolf, and I don't like orcs/werewolves. They grunt too much, and eat too many people, instead of laughing at a jester like me!

OOC: How do you do a strikethrough?
Me no want to die, me no grunting either, me very silent.
Me do basic math, me do think renata and dcmort will safe me maybe.
I'm not of the opinion that we should be letting Jooray live. An orc with a weapon does not sound in any way safe. Winston seems a safe bet for the Intricate Knife (although I have reservations about trusting a goblin!).
No apparent prompting, eh, Camikaze? Killing an inedible orc at a goblin's lead doesn't make that much sense…

Evening Three

- - -
And so Takhisis the Cute bear cub was covered in grease, much to the amusement of all the others.
"Come on guys!" Cried out the Greasy bear. "I am tired of running away, none of you have managed to catch me yet. Let's play something else!"​
The other guest took little notice, they took the opportunity to surround the poor cub and closed in for the capture. The Dashing Swordsman dived first, his hands clutch some fur but his grip soon slipped and he topped over head first. There was a great laughter amougst the guests.
"Thats it, I am not even going to bother to run any more" Panted the Bear-Cub "I am too tired"

"Thanks just not on" replied Joooray the Orc with a smile.​
There was something odd about the look on his face. Whether it was because he was pleased from the hunt or something more sinister the other guest couldn't tell. They drew back when Orc withdrew a large Axe.
"Perhaps we should make this game a little more fun" Sneered the Orc "If I catch you with my Axe, I get to use your fur as a coat."

The Upper-Class twit interrupted "Eh? That's not on, old chap. Why don't you just put that thing away before someone gets hurt?"​
The Orc's attention turned towards the twit. All eyes were on his Axe which swayed ominously in his claw like hand.
"What's the matter, we have the chance to have some real fun and you are scared of spilling a little blood? I am surprised perhaps the Intricate Knife is not yours after all."​
He stepped towards the Twit menacingly. But Darth Caesar the Dashing Swordsman stepped in between the two. He put his hand out to stop the Orc from advanceing further.
"Thats enough!" the Swordsman commanded

"Haha, you think you can stop me" Laughed the Orc "I will take your head swordsman! Sooner than you think."

"Not before I take yours." Laughed the Swordsman back. He had no fear of the Orc and his Large grin hinted at danger.

The Orc shrugged and clipped his axe to his belt. "Do as you wish! he said in a rather lazy tone. "If you want my head take it now"

"Ok then!" a voice behind him spoke.​
It was not the Swordsman nor the Twit but Diamondeye the Beautiful Courtesan that spoke. Her hand seized the axe and ripped it from the Orc's belt before he realized.
"It is clear..." she said in a clear and loud voice. "The this Orc is a Wolf, Just look at him. Look at his lust for blood. We cannot afford to have him loose!"​
The guests all murmured with agreement. The Drunken Pirate and the Stoned Knight jumped forward and grabbed the Orc by his arms. Despite his great strength he could not break free. The Courtesan looked at him and readied the Great axe.
"Just a word of caution" ventured the Dragon-Slayer "Swing vertically not horizontally. We wouldn't want any further mishaps."

"Quite right" agreed the Courtesan.​
However the Dashing Swordsman didn't agree. He jumped in the middle again but this time between the Orc and Courtesan.
"Whats wrong?" she asked "I thought you wanted him dead?"

The Swordsman spoke softly in reply. "You of all people know quite well the situation. Not only his life hangs in the balance."​
The Grotesque Freak ran at the Swordsman knocking him out of the way. "Quick now is your chance to kill the wolf" he cried in a hurry while struggling with the Swordsman on the ground. The Courtesan didn't hesitate. The blade swung down and drove through the Orcs shoulder down to his waist.
Spoiler :

Joooray the Bloodthirsty Orc has been Lynched

The Swordsman stopped struggling with the Freak. And eerie calmness was about him. He sat down on the floor cross legged not too far from the dead body of the Orc.
The Freak called out while pointing to the swordsman "This one tried to save the Orc. He must be a wolf too!"

"I agree" Said the Feisty Mimic "Courtesan, quick strike while you have the chance."

"There is no need, I am already dead." Spoke the Swordsman.​
Despite his soft voice his words carried clearly throughout the room. Some of the Guests gasped in shock as what looked the runes and strange writing appeared on the swordsman's body. It covered his arms and face and started to glow. The swordsman closed his eyes and took his last breath.

Spoiler :
Darth Caesar the Dashing Swordsman has perished.

"Well that was all very interesting" said the Laughing King. He was his bright self and not in the least bit bashful. "Let's hope one of them was a wolf. I would like everyone to be here in the morning."​

- - -

The Intricate Knife has been passed to Winston Hughes.

Winston Hughes: 5 (Winston Hughes, Joooray, choxorn, DrumStudent, Camikaze)
Catharsis: 3 (Catharsis, Diamondeye, LightFang)
classical hero: 3 (classical hero, robbiecon, Autolycus)
Renata: 2 (Renata, RRRaskolnikov)

Joooray: 7 (Diamondeye, RRRaskolnikov, J-Man, DrumStudent, Winston Hughes, Camikaze, dcmort93)
dcmort93: 4 (Darth Caesar, DaveShack, landlubber, Joooray, )
Darth Caesar: 2 (Catharsis, classical hero)
Autolycus: 2 (Takhisis, choxorn)
Renata: 1 (LightFang,)
The13thRonin: 1 (Autolycus)

- - -

Night ends in 24hrs. Please send in your night Orders.
I can't see the spoilers. Obviously, DC died, who else did?

EDIT: Nvr mind.
Morning Four

Its seems that the Guests had done as Lightfang, the Laughing King, had instructed. All were present and accounted for in the morning.
"Jolly Good" he declared "I hope this means that you will be able to tell me who the wolf is today?"​
He looked around the room, wondering if there was a reason why no one had died. Since one was not forthcoming right away, he moved on.
"It seems my slaves discovered some items belonging to the Orc and Swordsman, please lay claim to them if you wish."​

vote for the 'Bloody Axe' in Blue
vote for the 'Orc Bane' in Orange
vote for the 'Stained Parchment' in SeaGreen
"Also don't forget to suggest a game for today"​

- - -

Day will end in 48hrs.
Result Pm's will be out to you over the next hour or two.
I find it odd that DaveShack the blacksmith has only posted twice in the whole game. Highly lurktastic, that is; let's start getting rid of the werewolves' cover.

Let's play hopscotch!!
Tentatively… (I'm not sentient IC and neither am I OOC, it's 3 hours past Caturday midnight!)
Renata the upper class twit could get the parchment (I assume he's educated and can read through it!) and also an axe to defend himself. Maybe robbiecon the Dwarven druid could try to find out what Orc's bane is through his mystic powers…
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