Number of Hero Units your allowed?


Sep 11, 2006
Sandy, OR
I read through a few of the various info threads however I can't seem to find any info related to how many Hero units your Civ is allowed to have. The reason I wonder is because I've managed to unlock the capability to build more hero's through technologies however I can't build them even when all of the requirements have been met. I think I have about 5 or 6 currently built. I suppose I could understand the desire to limit hero units however I think of them more like wonders if you can manage to pump them out before another Civ you have a serious tactical advantage much like resource denial tactics.
Heros are all World Units. There can be only one. Furthermore, once a Hero dies, he's not ever coming back. So if your opponent has already built a Hero, you can't get him. Also note that most Heros are either civ-specific or religion-specific. Beyond that, you can get as many as you can get your grubby little hands on.

That being said... 5 or 6? Out of curiosity, which ones?
Must be Mary, Baron, Two religious, and one civ hero. That's the limit, I think, unless you are Grigori (then you can't build religious, but your civ heros have no upper limit in theory) or Lanun, with one extra boat hero.

So you have probably managed to build as many as possible. Time to up the difficulty!
you can actually sacrifice a tier three life caster (divine?) to bring back a dead hero
That doesn't change the maximum amount of heroes you can have, it only resurrects your civilization's hero if he/she died.

Nikis' description seems pretty accurate, but I think you can also domatinate enemy heroes, so theoreticly it is possible to get more than 5 even when not playing Grigory/Lanun. But chances are slim you'll succesfully dominate a hero since they're usually highlevel..
Since when does the AI use that function... ever?

For that matter, since when does anyone use that function, ever?
Its a fair strategy in some spots for instance:

I want to spread my religion to a civ that I dosent have open borders with - I can then gift my religious maniacs to a third party and make him/her spread to those lands for me.

Another example: obsolete units far from home, that you dont have any use for and dont pose a big threat is good for boosting relations aswell.
Another example: obsolete units far from home, that you dont have any use for and dont pose a big threat is good for boosting relations aswell.
I wish this was true, but I've never seen any bonuses.
But I'll relate a quick story--I was playing raging Highlands, and got a sweet spot with a sea as basically a moat. My poor friend Cardith was losing cities, down to one, I think, so I gifted him a few weres.
Werewolves rule on raging barb games!
Just now getting back sorry about that. But yes I do have the Baron and Mary. I also have Maros, Trojan Horse, Althendair, and Bramus(I think that's the spelling). I'm playing Khazad in my current game. My new game with 0.16 will be Luchiurp. I really want to get a feel for the different civs before I dive to far into creatng an add-on.
(Arthendain and Bambur)

Also, the Trojan Horse really doesn't count as a 'hero'. It's a neat sneak attack, but it doesn't have heroic powers in and of itself.
Yes but it is classified as a Hero in the Civopedia and the fact that I can build only one. I knew I likely messed up the spelling since I'm at work and the game is at home. But your right the horse is a great sneak attack when you load it with heros. :D
gifting can be a usable stratagey on a team with girgori, calabim and sheiam

the grigori get an adventurer witch they make into an adept and pass it over to the calabim who gift it vampirisim and give it oodles and oodles of exp then send it over to the sheiam and have it made into a eater of dreams then pass it around all 3 civs and give it twincast and all sorts of mana promos and stuff and you get a extremely high leveled eater of dreams with twincast and tons of mana promos
I think that the civilopedia just classifies all World units as Heros. It might be interesting if there were a few world units of which you could build 2 or 3. Would it be possible for a religion specific Hero to have a backup religion that it wouldn't mind following? Or for some to abandon civs that change their alignment?

Imo, gift unit should not necessarily require being in the recipients territory. It could then be useful for helping an ally in a joint war in enemy territory. It should also give a diplomatic boost based on how useful gifted units were. If a gifted shield wall is the only thing that saves an AI civ from total annihilation, he could be forever in your debt.
^ Interesting idea with the gifting, but it's utterly impossible to code. You could code it so that it measures the gifted unit's strength against the total/average strength of the civ that you gift to... but a modifer that varies depending on subjective 'usefulness'? Impossible; at best it'd be a horrible nasty snarl of code that wouldn't result in more then +1-2 in practice yet would disproportionately slow gameplay as the AI sits back to compute just how useful X unit is every turn. Better by far to simply assign a modifier at the start and be done with it.
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