OCC deity culture

You can still completely destroy him; things are not going well, but don't give up and please report your finish :)

It's turn 251 now, I have internet and I am generating about 150 tourism vs Ghandi's 1000 culture each turn. I might be generating about 350 after National Center + Airport, which amounts to maybe 500 with all bonuses. Nowhere near enough.
So really the only option would be full-out war with planes, but his cities are too far apart so I couldn't even do that and none of the AI that I bribed to war him are doing anything ( as usual ).

I can also just vote myself world leader already lol. I have all but 3 CS and world ideology + world religion. But that's not the point.

Anyway, the game-changing mistakes:
1- Going for printing press instead of acoustics. The AI don't go for sistine the way they do leaning tower. I was going to get a turn 145 tower which is insanely late anyway, but I had a good shot and got unlucky. In the end it wouldn't have been nearly as good as Sistine Anyway. What really counts the most is PREVENTING THE AI FROM GETTING SISTINE and more slots for tourism. Ghandi getting sistine means +25% culture for him or some BS, which makes him a LOT harder to kill with culture.

It also stuck my in medieval for way too long and I had to waste culture all into patronage. I went 3 into patronage and had no CS allies. Brutal.

2- Wasting a bunch of faith on prophet by accident lost me the Eiffel Tower...

Smaller mistakes:

1- going for mausoleum early game and losing it. This prevented my city from growing for about 10 turns and that just snowballs from there

Next time also considering unlocking aesthetics instead of patronage. While patronage3 is mandatory, it doesn't start to be useful until turn like 170-180 typically, unless you've very lucky. In this game I had huge peaceful AIs who dumped all their gold into CS. I also lost my lvl 2 spy while trying to steal a tech so that was a brutal blow to using patronage.

Should I retry this same map?
So I'm giving a shot at this map too. Pretty tough with only one city...

So the game started off pretty well, I settled where Ironfighter settled to get the marble and two extra cattle. I went Scout, Monument, Shrine, Scout and got the second pantheon in Stone Circles thanks to the nearby religious CS. I was pretty lucky with the ruins : 2 extra pop, free Calendar, a scarcher and I think one culture. Stole two workers from Arabia, one from Kuala Lumpur and built one of my own, all between turns 25 and 30 for a pretty quick start. Seeing the odds were favorable and after a quick detour to Animal Husbandry I went straight to Masonry and got the Mausoleum as it's often doable, even on Deity. This gave me a ton of gold from early on and actually didn't set me back as much as I thought because I still managed to get NC on T64 while having a caravan leeching lots of science from my BFF Arabia. First time I'm able to rush buy a Water Mill in a city ^^ I also used all that money to maintain my alliances with the CSes (I got 5 with two barb quests using only my warrior and scarcher) and I had lots of cuture early on and I finished Tradition on turn 74. Then I got the Oracle on the next turn and opened Patronage. Hanging Gardens went even before I got to Mathematics. I got the third religion and took Tithe and Swords into Plowshares and later enhanced with Religious Texts and Religious Community. I tried to spread to the nearby CSes but Arabia eventually kicked me out so I'm not sure I took the best enhancer... Fun fact : Byzantium didn't found :D

As I was swimming in culture and CS alliances I tried a novel strategy with my SPs and went Philanthropy => Scholasticism => Consulates before entering the Rennaissance. From there on the CSes really carried me in science, making up to half of my BPT. All of this led me to get Education on T102 and as I was swimming in cash I easily bought the University immediately. I went straight to Accoustics because I was still pretty late in science and thought I wouldn't get the slightest shot at Globe Theater so I preferred assuring Sistine instead, which I got.

From there on, things got tougher... Netherlands got Louvre around T150 and that was a heartbreaker. India got Uffizi a few turns after I got to Architecture but I hadn't opened Aesthetics at this point anyway so it didn't really matter, I just built the Hermitage and put GWs there. At least I got Porcelain Tower for the extra GS even though I signed only one RA for the entire game. From there I teched straight to ST and Electricity and oxforded Radio to get the second ideology. Byzantium picked Order and I took Freedom because even with the Maritime CS alliances, I had growth problems for the entire game without HG. I rushed Eiffel Tower with a GE and went to Refrigeration to get a couple Archis for my museum and a Hotel for my 5 Châteaux.

Ideologies changed the game drastically : BFF Arabia followed me into Freedom (and built SoL looong before I had Replaceable Parts...) but the other AI went Order and Autocraty (3 each) and stopped being friendly with me (the only AI I had never been friends with was India). I got double DoWed by India and the Netherlands with no consequences (they asked for white peace after a while). Everyone except Arabia has denounced me at least once. I got to the Internet around T270, still carried by my army of CSes and that got me to almost 400 TPT. Even though I have been the culture runaway the entire game (India just recently passed me with his 5 cities, 50 pop Delhi and 100 happiness) it is still not enough to overcome India and Brazil. I went to Radar and I'm now at 500 TPT, sitting on 6000 faith and it's still not enough. At least Brazil just went into revolution and had to pick Freedom thanks to World Ideology.

World-Congress-wise I became leader of it only at the third round of votes because Brazil founded it, built FP AND passed World Religion on the first vote (wasn't careful). I later abolished that and put my own religion instead (which is ridiculous because it only has one city which gets more external than interna pressure...). I could probably have won DV on the first vote on T251 and definitely on the second one on T273 but that wasn't the point, right ?

From the moment everyone had an ideology the game has become very violent and the losing sides are not the ones I'd like to be...

At this point, at T288, I'm in big trouble because :
  • Morocco and Sweden declared on me. Morocco just took Kuala Lumpur and will probably take Katmandu next turn. He has a hell of a carpet for me and THREE FREAKING ATOMIC BOMBS stationed in one of his border cities...
  • India will take over 200 turns to get popular with, he is building the GFW (I don't have the tech, can't steal it from him), he has started to build SS boosters and I think he has uranium...
  • Brazil has taken half of Byzantium's cities and he's gonna get Constantinople in a few turns I think

So I guess the game plan from now is to eliminate India from the game and hope the Ideology switch from Brazil plus my GMus will be enough to get him. I have started to build and buy artillery to upgrade into RA but if Morocco drops his 3 bombs on me it's pretty much game over...

I don't think I can still win this with culture but I'll try. If I fail I may retry the map, especially if someone succeeds because I have learnt a lot of things playing it and am actually enjoiing it :)
I think legendary start affects antiquity sites. I remember seeing a screenshot on reddit where someone played with a lot of civs on a duel map with legendary start, and the entire map was covered in antiquity sites.

It shouldnt affect number of antiquity sites if im correct. However moving your settler affect number of antuque you have near capital. Starting position rarely seems to have antique sites on working range

Edit: Can somebody confrim either of my assumption?

Turn1 - settle on same spot as ironfighter. Just to see.
Build: scout,scout,shrine,monument.
Turn19: I get first pantheon, stone circles...hum okay that's better than last time where that went like turn 10.
t21- Dow morrocco to get a caravan.
t22-clear camp to get cs worker
t24-dow arabia to steal worker
t27- steal worker from morrocco, make peace ( lol thanks )
t30- steal worker from arabia again, make peace
t35-GL gone, start work on mausoleum since no one I see is making it
t39-friend with sweden, sell marble, buy caravan
t43-friend with morocco and arabia. sold silver for 240 will buy library
t45-buy stone works
t46- HG gone, friend with netherlands
t50- mausoleum complete
t60-get philosophy. I have 850 gold in bank now yay.
t63-ghandi completes parthenon... IT BEGINS
t68-finish NC. No one is building oracle. I start oracle.
t73-found religion. Tithe + Religious art
t77-finally recapture my kuala lumpur worker that I gave to a camp for influence. I give them 500g for their gold quest, now ally with them at 120 influence. Good, Good.
t78- oracle done, tradition finished. start Hagia Sophia for free temple + prophet
t80-ghandi gets chichen
t82-ghandi gets petra. already no AI wants to DoW him
t83-unlock aesthetics ( experiment to see if it's better than patronage)
t85-natural golden age starts
t89-hagia sophia complete. enhance to Swords into Plowshares and Messiah. Bought water mill, stable, market. oversight should have bought sooner..damn. Start Borobudur since no one is making it :O :O
t93-clear a camp with scouts and free a worker to get allied with cape town. So worth. Adopt "Fine Arts" policy for nice culture boost.
t98- borobudur done, great phophet earned. RELIGION SPAM TIME.
t100- get RA with ghandi
t102-finished writer's guild
t105-get cultural centers
t106-ghandi gets alhambra...
t107-education, buy university, get RA with arabia
t108-get RA with morocco, netherlands. finish grand temple, start oxford.
t111- RA with sweden
t112- Morocco gives his largest city to Arabia.... wtf. Oxford and acoustics done, start 20 turn sistine...
t121-open rationalism, get RA with byzantium
t122-buy caravan
t123-buy workshop. forgot to check on spy, apparently you can't steal from a puppet city. Morocco gave his biggest city to arabia in peace deal. What an idiot.
t131-RA with ghandi triggers, renew it. Worth about 5 turns of science.
t133.sistine finally complete. buy caravan.
t138-finish ironworks,adopt "flourishing of the arts", buy opera house
t139-ra triggers, renewed
t142-finish hermitage, ra triggers, renewed
t143-arabia gets forbidden palace ghandi gets leaning tower (same exact turn as last game) I move spy as diplomat to his capital to buy world religion vote.
t145-finish artist guild
t146-ghandi gets globe theatre
t148-finish garden
t149-get seculiarism, buy arabia's world religion vote for 11gpt ( ouch )
t151-finished national epic
t155- FINALLY get spices for we love the king day number 2. Holy crap. Bought world religion vote from ghandi for 12 gpt.
t156- Get scientific theory, buy public school.
t157-finally get to theme oxford...wtf AI... wtf...
158-adopt humanism, buy bank
t161- I believe I signed about 12 RAs by now lol
t162- arabia is already digging for artifacts near by border...
t164 WORLD RELIGION FAILS. ARABIA VOTED AGAINST DESPITE BEING BRIBED. He voted 1 for, 7 against (wtf you can't even do that ). So if I understand correctly, the idiots made it so you buy ONE VOTE with a diplomat (at 11-12gpt no less). Morons, buying votes is therefore entirely useless. I wasted 23 gpt for nothing on a broken game mechanic. Thanks.

t167-get porcelain tower
t168-ghandi gets uffizi. buy caravan, buy great engineer.
t169-adopt free thought
t173-get radio, get order, adopt hero of the people + skyscrappers. Steal astronomy. Rush Eiffel.
t175-finish eiffel, steal navigation
t176-finish windmill
t177-sign RA with arabia and india
t178-start archaologists... 7 turns each ouch
t179-get industrialization, buy factory. Shaves 2 turns off archaologists.
t180-adopt worker's faculties ( science from factories)
t182-get biology, buy hospital
t186-buy caravan
t187-theme hermitage, pedro gets louvre
192- get refrigeration, buy hotel, adopt patronage
198-buy hydroplant
t199-museum done (3 archaologists made already, that's probably enough )
t206-finish broadcast tower
t-208- arabia denouces me. Everyone in the world has denounced him already though, but no one wants to war him. dicks.
t209-theodora gets broadway
t210-steal flight from arabia ( nice)
t212- got plastics, bought lab, adopt scholasticism with now 8 CS allies, sign RA with ghandi. Lost count of RAs signed now.
t214-finish stock exchange
t215-finish barracks
t217-finished heroic epic. world religion fails again despite my 15 votes now... NEXT TIME THOUGH. 4th time's a charm... At this point the AI is asking me to dow arabia nonstop, but none of them will take a bribe to do it alone. Still, I'll tourism arabia out no problem with game at this rate, he's got half the culture that ghandi had at this point last game.
t218-finished east india
t221-finished walls
t223-finished caravansary ( about time lol )
t226-finished musician's guild. Now ally with all 16 CS
t229-finish armory. I am tied for tech leader atm, good news.
t230-ghandi and byzantium dow Arabia. GOOD, GOOD. Ghandi now culture leader though. Ghandi denounces me for some reason.
t231- Brazil asks me to denounce Arabia. I do it. Everyone loves me now cept India and Arabia...the two score leaders...
t233-finish aestathics, pop artist for golden age as all slots are filled.
t234-finish great war bomber. buy medical lab.
t235-Tourism is at 104 with hotel, chateaux, sistine, eiffel tower.
t236-finish caravan. have trade + diplomat with arabia, open borders with india still... I pop a scientist to time techs and culture to get telecoms with rationalism finisher, then internet with RAs and other scientists... so it goes.

t237- Vote for my world religion.. and world fair. God damn it I CANNOT let them have world fair.
t238-world fair and world religion both fail. What a waste of my votes. I propose world religion again. Arabia proposes embrago india... ok well whatever hopefully it fails but I don't care as much.
t239- I get telecoms with rationalism finisher. Finish great war bomber.
t241- I sell musician's guild 1 turn before GM so I don't generate a GM as I'm so close to internet and national visitor center
t243-got internet. with RA and bulb, Tourism now 210 Game says 1400 turns to win over arabia now lol
t246- Finished National visitor center - tourism at 348
t249-musician's guild rebuilt. Now both slots worked.
t252-finished caravan
t253-got radar. bought airport. Tourism now at 418. 105 turns to kill India naturally.
t255-got rocketry. finished bomber.unworking most scientist slots now for other things.
t256-I tourism bomb india for close to 3500 tourism. Makes barely a dent BUT WE'LL GET THERE.
t257- Adopt Cultural Revolution policy. buy fighter. influencial with sweden and morroco
t259-finished mobil SAM. unworked musician guild slots so I don't make one before I pass world religion in 3 turns.
t262-World religion finally passed. Tourism up to 522. 53 turns to kill india naturally.
t263- GM born. Bought GM with faith ( forgot to last turn, mistake )
t264- fighter finished, GM buy with faith
t265-bought anotherGM. 1700 faith leftover. Uh I guess I'll make CN tower or something.
t266-bought GE to plan on denying CN tower to the AI.
t267-got satellites, rushed CN tower. YEAH THAT'S RIGHT I DON'T EVEN WANT HUBBLE.
t268-adopt dictatorship of the proletariat ( tourism boost to civs with less happiness. I'm at 54 so good luck guys)
t269-finished bomber. influencial with netherlands
t272- I can vote myself world leader with 40 votes but nah, I'm too cool for that.
t273-finished bomber. buy bomb shelter, castle. propose space station in congress in case that makes india give me open borders again
t274-sure enough ghandi now sells me expensive open borders. I tourism bomb him for 11k with 2 guys. 28 turns to get him...
t275- hit india again with a GM. They will die in 7. Brazil in 21, but I already sent a GM to them 10 turns ago. He's almost there now...
t278- I buy open border for 156gpt to pedro ( lol ) and bomb him with musician.
t279- 8 turns to get arabia, 3 for brazil. GM spawn, I send him to arabia who's right next to me.
t281- Arabia inexplicably gives me free open borders. I musician bomb him for the win.
t282- Victory! Also pedro finished Syndey Opera House. WHOOPS A LITTLE LATE THERE BUDDY.

Spoiler :

Mistakes of the game:
1- Getting borobudur was fairly useless. I got 2 city-state quests out of it basically. The extra faith per turn is nice but not really necessary.

2- You can't buy votes from the AI after industrial era ( or whenever it is that city-states count. For me it was the first time around but sometimes people just have 1-2 votes ). Anyway it seems you can only buy ONE vote, which is irrelevant as the AI has 15 anyway. I could have proposed scholars in residence instead. I also wasted 23 gpt and 10 turns of spying.


I used oxford for acoustics. My city was super crap at production and science so starting sistine 7 turns faster was pretty tempting. Might still just be better to pop oxford for architecture anyway. You really need Ironworks for your city to be doing anything.

Aesthetics before patronage seemed good. I started putting points into patronage around the time I started to get city-states anyway. At least aestathics gives you like 50% extra culture this whole time and more great writers/artists.

I have no idea when to build artist guild, but I think fairly late might be best.

Quite certain the best path is to take Radio before Refrigeration, since you're just 2 techs away after public schools. It would be a weird path to get refrigeration. Rushing Eiffel with engineer was mandatory for me, it was a 33 turn build. Yeah right.


Anyway fun challenge to attempt a no observatory game. It doesn't hurt that much up to Scientific Theory but after that it's brutal in the late-game to get internet. Probably delays it a good 20 turns.
It shouldnt affect number of antiquity sites if im correct. However moving your settler affect number of antuque you have near capital. Starting position rarely seems to have antique sites on working range

Edit: Can somebody confrim either of my assumption?

I know that legendary starts really don't guarantee sites at all in range of capital. Ironfighter's game doesn't have any for instance and most of my games don't have more than 1 or 2 per city. They just seems to be randomly scattered on the map. I don't know if the AI gets to see them before archaeology, I seem to recall someone saying the AI can see strategic resources before getting the tech ( like uranium ).
Too bad. I found the save too easy and stopped. There is mountain, lots of river farms, pantheon, lots of cultural states, nearby AI to farm workers from and cripple, and no real threat from anyone else. Also, all AIs went either Piety or Honor, so I was able to build Hanging Gardens.

I would like to see a OCC culture victory with no coast, no mountain, no pantheon, and a neighbour or two who can cursh you if you put a foot wrong.
Very nice poxpower ! Your strategy is probably better than mine because finishing Aesthetics early with France is actually a huge boost.

I'll try to finish my game but I obviously can't get a better finish time anymore...

Would a violent CV be considered as cheating ?
Very nice poxpower ! Your strategy is probably better than mine because finishing Aesthetics early with France is actually a huge boost.

I'll try to finish my game but I obviously can't get a better finish time anymore...
Would a violent CV be considered as cheating ?

I'd be even more impressed with a violent CV of this map lol.
I'd be even more impressed with a violent CV of this map lol.

Hmm, I wonder if OCC CB rush is a viable strategy... Because the map seems easy enough if you do something like : Arabia => Sweden => Morocco => Netherlands => India => Byzantium => Brazil

Except for Brazil you would, in an ideal game, fight each civ at an era where they don't have their UU (Netherlands' Sea Beggar doesn't count IMO).

I think I'll try, just for the fun of it ^^
Finnaly managed to find some time to finish this game.

I played this game purposely sub-optimal.

After I passed WR in WC (~170T) I started to think if France is good enough to win with WR and hotel only;
so after hotel tech I stopped RAs and teching and concentrated on GMs (only near end bought airport to cut few turns).

I think that my game kinda proved that France is second to best culture civ (it would be very hard for any other civ except Brazil to win CV on this map with hotel only),
especially in OCC but not only.


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I'm really curious why you think so?

The tech comes around the same time as all the good techs like university / workshop /ironworks / leaning tower / sistine and your city's population starts to get taxed working the writer's guild and university slots already.
Then on OCC you just get a ton of archaeologists out anyway and you have a lack of slots so you just make a bunch of useless artists in the end. In my game I just burned 2 of them for GA in the late-game, which gave me basically nothing as I didn't need money, production or culture, I needed science :p.

Usually I will make it after ironworks.

But in your game you did get the HG which is somewhat unusual so I guess that would help you a crazy amount with faster production and working more slots etc. I don't know how many turns it shaved off your game compared to mine, but you did finish like 25 turns faster anyway so probably you know what you're doing more than me :p
I also got sort of unlucky with world religion... It should have passed turn 164 in my game but I was just robbed of the votes because apparently you can't buy more than 1 vote? I dunno. I bought the guy with forbidden palace and another guy, but they both just gave me one pathetic vote out of the like 20 they had which screwed me over big time.

Then the next time they proposed world fair, which is a disaster for me if it passes so I couldn't let that happen and the AI loves to upvote that so I didn't take chances :(

I got internet turn 243 apparently, so if world religion had passed on turn 164 then I imagine I would have won a LOT faster than I did : ( boooooooo cheating AI lol
Ironfighter is right that you dont need Internet for a fast finish on this map, but that is because the start location is so great, not France, I think. Also, I played this map twice, once with HG, once without. Made all the difference. T245 with, T275 without. A whole 30 turns difference. Everything else nearly identical.

I think with the same map a similar result could be reached by many other civs. It might even be possible to test that theory by swapping the France civ for one of the others in the map.
I also got sort of unlucky with world religion... It should have passed turn 164 in my game but I was just robbed of the votes because apparently you can't buy more than 1 vote? I dunno. I bought the guy with forbidden palace and another guy, but they both just gave me one pathetic vote out of the like 20 they had which screwed me over big time.

You get the base/member votes at the time of your deal; everyone starts with 1 vote and this increases in later eras. However, when the World Congress enters a new era, this doesn't change any existing deals. Keep an eye on when you'll enter a new era and consider waiting to buy their votes until they are worth more.
Ironfighter is right that you dont need Internet for a fast finish on this map, but that is because the start location is so great, not France, I think.
I think with the same map a similar result could be reached by many other civs. It might even be possible to test that theory by swapping the France civ for one of the others in the map.

Yes, please win with any other civ (except Brazil) with WR + hotel only (not that it's impossible, but will be very hard imo).

I really wonder why some people like to 'think' something instead of do proper calculations.

I did.

In last turn of my game 8 chateaux + France UA gave me 74T from 307T (1/4!).

If someone think 25% boost is negligible -ok, just remember that any other civ except Brazil and Polynesia (very land dependent) have nothing to boost tourism at all!
You get the base/member votes at the time of your deal; everyone starts with 1 vote and this increases in later eras. However, when the World Congress enters a new era, this doesn't change any existing deals. Keep an eye on when you'll enter a new era and consider waiting to buy their votes until they are worth more.

Well that's a weird loophole. Never had that happen before :p
Even then, I bought Arabia who had forbidden palace ( at least I believe it was that game) and he only gave me one vote out of his 8.

Yes, please win with any other civ (except Brazil) with WR + hotel only (not that it's impossible, but will be very hard imo).

I guess it would depend on the map. If you get a stupid petra start like my first france game, then babylon / korea could potentially rush to key techs fast enough that you get uffizi / louvre / globe theatre and fully theme/ fill all of it.

Let's see..
6-8x chateaux = 6-8 ( chateau gives +1 I believe from hotels and boosts? )
base Theming bonus:
sistine = 2
oxford =2
museum = 2

So that's all the bonus you get as france on a wonder-poor run.

So full louvre = +12
Uffizi = +6 ( assume no theme)
Globe = +6

So yeah I think you can compete if you get all those wonders with a petra game, or at least if you get Louvre...

I just don't know what rules you're setting here :p
Is it petra + observatory, or just no petra/observatory that you're comparing with France's unique ability?
1 château at flight is 3 culture so I think it's something like :
Tourism = 3 * (hotel + airport + NVC) * broadcast tower * Internet
= 3 * (0.5 + 0.5 + 1) * 4/3 * 2
= 16

If you have 8, you get to 128 TPT.

If you compare to the theming bonus bonus after finishing Aesthetics :
Oxford = 4
Sistine = 4
Uffizi / Hermitage = 6 (it seems unlikely to me you'll fill up both if you can get them)
Louvre = 8
Museum = 4

That's only 26 TPT extra compared to any other civ and I don't think it's affected by NVC and Internet either...

Uffizi theming bonus is pretty easy to get, why don't you count it in ?
Yes, please win with any other civ (except Brazil) with WR + hotel only (not that it's impossible, but will be very hard imo).

I really wonder why some people like to 'think' something instead of do proper calculations.

I did.

In last turn of my game 8 chateaux + France UA gave me 74T from 307T (1/4!).

If someone think 25% boost is negligible -ok, just remember that any other civ except Brazil and Polynesia (very land dependent) have nothing to boost tourism at all!

Yadda yadda yadda. All bow to the supeiror player. Of course I did calculations. I also didn't build any chateaux. I never do in a peaceful game.

First rule of CFC = don't share your opinion (even if you preface it with "I think...") if it happens to be different to the almighty IronfighterXXX! :D

Moderator Action: Please do not troll in future.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
I just don't know what rules you're setting here :p
Is it petra + observatory, or just no petra/observatory that you're comparing with France's unique ability?

I compared playing other civs on the same map (my France OCC) with the same starting location in response to consentient post.

BTW Your calculations are wrong - see Maxattack post.

I also didn't build any . I never do in a peaceful game.

What's wrong with building chateaux in peacefully game???

Don't use most powerful ability and tell that actually France is not any special for CV :crazyeye:
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