Open Spots in NES.

Any nation with NPC written over it, many very powerful!

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Ehm... hi =)
i kinda started a NES some days ago... and its kinda already started, but anyone wishing to fill in the last spaces in Mercenaries and Assasins should click the link =) oh and... if you want to join, hurry, cause were already on 11 pages, and i soon cant (even though there hasnt been that many applications recently) take more people. You were right abbadon ;) (ofcourse you were...)
I might sig that ;)
Hello gentlemen,

I am proud to announce that I started my very first game. Even though I have created my own forum for the game, it is heavily inspired by the NESing community of civfanatics and because of this reason, I hope this post is not out of place in this thread.

Dawn of Ages will start in the late stone age and then proceed to (hopefully) span across the ages, finally ending in the space age. The length of the turns will vary from 50 years, to several centuries, depending on the amount of warfare and player and GM discretion. Stats and rules will be kept to a minimum, giving players room to be creative and come up with interesting civilizations. The turn-around will also be a bit laidback, to allow the players to write many interesting stories and RPs about their civilization, for which you will reap the bonusses. I envision this game to be more about players nurturing their "babies" (civilizations) and jointly creating very entertaining world history, then it will be about "winning".

Please visit the website:
Read the rules and if interested: sign up!

The coming three weeks will be bussy weeks at college, so I won't launch the game right away, but after that period, I will have plenty of spare time, meaning that I will give everything I have to GM this game and make magic happen.

Cheers and hope to see you soon,
Why couldn't it run here?
I find a single thread for a game that relies heavily on player posts to be too chaotic for my taste. Plus: I'd like to be able to moderate my own game.
You have no signature or avatar.. have you been banned?
There is an entire world filled with nations for you: join FANES II - The Merchant and the Warrior!
Looking for an additional NyNES player. Will mod for stories.
People, ignore the part in my latest post about MaANES saying there is only a few spots left. I NEED MORE PLAYERS!
Now that i got everything up running there isnt much more to do, and the players get less and less time (1 dropped out permanently, 2 perhaps-permanently and 2 tempolarily. Come on in, anybody interested! I got betrayal, money and enough for everyone!
Perhaps you could start writing about what happens merely than say if the quest was successful or not?
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