OptNES III: Foundry of Nations

:clap::clap: Amazing job Optical! I would dare to call it the best Update 0 to date! All hail mighty writer Optical! :worship::worship:

:mwaha: Time to start planning the inevitable destruction of Asgarnia's enemies... :mwaha:
OCC: Some Diplomacy and Politics to start off the awesome NES.

From King Naysis of Asgarnia:

To Movadimn:

Greetings, Movadimn. Since the time I have spent in your splendid rural state, I have not stopped pondering on how the tremendous gifts that the Engineers of Avirria have bestowed upon us can be best used. I believe that I have thought of a way to not squander the opportunity.

If I am correct (For I was at the transaction), you traded the Engineers for the Aerocraft and Airship; both designs that I believe was your best strength and choice. Since your culture is one that generally would not use these engines for war, I believe a better alternative can be arranged. I propose a trade agreement between our two nations. One that would include the use of your engines to create a more structured and formal bond between our nations and allow both of our economies to grow from.

This is just my proposal, and if you do not see this trade fit, I bear no ill concious on your people. You are welcome and encouraged to offer a counter-proposal, if you so deem. Farewell Movadimn, may the wind under your wings be strong.

To Jedorra:

Greetings from the Asgarn Coast! How goes your war with your rivals? I hope it goes well. Since I arrived in Jedorra with the Engineers, I carefully thought about how to best use the engines that the Engineers have traded us. I have come up with a solution.

Since I imagine that your are currently building your engines and preparing for yet another clash (Hopefully victorious) with your rivals, I can expect that your army is also suffering the exhaustion of traversing the great expanses of the plains. To help you win your war, Asgarnia is willing to offer help in the terms of our engines. I would be willing to lend your forces some of my Terracraft engines as soon as I have extras (For I too need to prepare for war ;)). In exchange for the temporary use of my engines, I propose a Land Agreement between our two nations.
Spoiler :

The Green line along the river would indicate the future expanse of Asgarnian territory. The Brown line indicates the future expanse of your nation if you are victorious in your war. Neither of our nations may control beyond this drawn line unless so forth negotiated.

I believe that these terms will be satisfactory in return for your use of our engines. Please procure a counter-proposal if these terms are found unfavorable. Farewell for now.
Well then, since I don't have a clue what stats I use, I'm going declare a few projects we are planning in the Imperial State of Colomestrisa. I just don't know what EP I have to devote, but I can plan things.

Native Tower. It's obvious that steam power is new. We could tell from how their airship looked. So let's improve on this.

Military-Industrial-Technocract Complex: in order to protect the state, we need a stronger economy. This means industry. Industry is also effective at producing weapons. This increases the strength of our military. However, we need to find a way to keep the edge, and this means technological development. By completely integrating the three in a single complex, we can strengthen the military, which is effectively the state, develop the economy, and become a technological powerhouse. We have determined that steam engines will be central to this. The ability to move ships at such speeds and move the Tower could easily increase the rate of production at many textile mills, mines, farms, and so on. The transportation ability will greatly decrease shipping costs, for everything. Best of all, it makes it cheaper for the Generals to line their pockets, keeping their hunger for personal gain under control. It is clear though that they generate quite the stench. Theirfore, whatever we do, the industry must stay a good distance away from our cities, leading us into the next plan.

ealry Railroad and locomotive: We already know how to build rails, since our mines are filled with them. The tower is heavy, but we did notice one of the plans that they had was a land transport. It wasn't railed powered, so it would be slower than on rails. We realize though, since we plan to build our industry away from all residential centers, we need to mice people quickly. So we are heavily modifying the tower to be turned into a engine that can pull several coaches designed to move on rails at a Pratical speed. (OOC: we are developing a early locomotive...and yes, we are away that this is a lot of projects. THe High general wants to get us moving quickly, plus it stimulates the economy)

native Sea Transport: the tower breaks down, you can still use it as cover. The sea transport breaks down, you just lost up to 10 EP in one disaster., and at least 6 EP, if fully loaded with troops.

we also were half tempted to fire the guy who suggested we create a steam-powered musket reloader. However, he had some other very brilliant ideas. Ones we aren't going to work on yet.

OOC: the dust coast is a time bomb. That's a lot of states...
OOC: the dust coast is a time bomb. That's a lot of states...

I agree. Sounds like the Middle East of Ath. All it needs is a temporary power change- Oh wait, the engines would count, wouldn't they? :lol:.
Anton/Arrow Gamer
Honestly, don't know RGB. Any color will be fine.
Location: The northwestern edge (in the mountains) of the southwestern continent around the Inner Seas.
Demonyms: Antonians, they speak the same language as those red islands in farther south (is that Avirra?)
Spoiler :

Government: Athenian Republic (randomly elected council and such). The wealthy merchants are the only members of society who vote, but civil rights are rather open.
Religion: Secular state
Engines: This could be a problem... I am an island nation, but there are no naval engines left...
I guess I'll take aerocraft and the tortoise
Conventional Soldiers: Musketmen, light cav and pikemen
History: The Antons are a group that were once subjugated by the Avirans. However, the new influx of steam engines and the lack of Aviran presence recently has caused them to break away. They make use of trade and industry to power their nation, instead of warfare. They originally were ruled by a king, until a rebellion overthrew them and instated the current republic.
The Antonians thrive off trade and mining, as well as cutting down trees. They are primarily focused on industry, and are already putting the engines to use as primitive railroads. They make use of a strong line of pikemen to hold down the line while their cavalry flank and the musketmen fire during warfare. but even with such effective tactics, they tend to avoid any battle.
Fantastic update, Optical. I will also wait till stats are up to do anything much here.
Anton/Arrow Gamer
Honestly, don't know RGB. Any color will be fine.
Location: The northwestern edge (in the mountains) of the southwestern continent around the Inner Seas.
Demonyms: Antonians, they speak the same language as those red islands in farther south (is that Avirra?)
Spoiler :

Government: Athenian Republic (randomly elected council and such). The wealthy merchants are the only members of society who vote, but civil rights are rather open.
Religion: Secular state
Engines: This could be a problem... I am an island nation, but there are no naval engines left...
I guess I'll take aerocraft and the tortoise
Conventional Soldiers: Musketmen, light cav and pikemen
History: The Antons are a group that were once subjugated by the Avirans. However, the new influx of steam engines and the lack of Aviran presence recently has caused them to break away. They make use of trade and industry to power their nation, instead of warfare. They originally were ruled by a king, until a rebellion overthrew them and instated the current republic.
The Antonians thrive off trade and mining, as well as cutting down trees. They are primarily focused on industry, and are already putting the engines to use as primitive railroads. They make use of a strong line of pikemen to hold down the line while their cavalry flank and the musketmen fire during warfare. but even with such effective tactics, they tend to avoid any battle.
No, the lighter blue state that's twice as large as the second largest nation is Avirans.
Sern walked through the city, intrigued by this foreign land. He was an Aviran, fleeing after committing an atrocious crime: not cheering during an execution. Disgusted by the barbaric ways of the so-called 'civilized' nations, he had left. The Avirans, wary of more traitors, had sent a party after him, wishing to end his threat. Electing to go west, his first stop had been in a small, tribal, town. Seeing the state of its inhabitants, which was rater poor, he was surprised when they told him of a large and prosperous city to the south.

Hoping to lose his trackers in the crowds, he had trekked for days in order to reach here, eluding his would-be captors the entire time. When he did finally make it to Antonia, as he found it was called, his relief was short lived. The guards at the gates refused him entrance, fearing a spy, and so he had barely managed to sneak in before his shadows caught up. Finally, he seemed to have lost them, and walked through the crowded streets.

He passed a copper refiner, a merchant peddling his wares, and a juggler without even noticing them, for something had caught his eye. An old crone was selling a novelty: a miniature steam airship that floated around. So it seems the traitors reached here, he thought. However, he pushed such thoughts out of his mind, and melted into the fray of the city. He walked and walked, until he chanced upon the Republican Shipyards. There, he witnessed the construction of Anton's first ever engine: a aerocraft reverse engineered from the plans bought off the traitors.

Seeing such a sight brought a tear to his eye, and he approached the Shipyard. Once there, he asked to be escorted to the foreman.
"An Aviran, eh? Last time one of those appeared, I got a new project."
"Yessir. I would like to work on the ship?"
"And why would I possibly do something like that? Why would I be stupid enough to allow an Aviran Spy to work on my ship?"
"well, sir.. because there wasn't only eight traitors."

The next day, one more man was working on the Aerocraft.

OOC: Sern is going to be a recurring character in my stories.

Also, is my country going to get stats this turn?
I'll do stats now. The map is done and should be up in a minute, and I'll get a version with labelled countries up as well.
Spoiler map :

Spoiler labelled map, better quality up later :

Stats up as soon as they're finished.
"I heard you're an engineer."

"You heard right." Sern looked up from his welding, examining the steamer in front of him. He stood tall, over six feet, and wore a cloak out of place on the sweltering day. Seen himself was bare-chested, showing of muscles resulting from years of hard work at Avirra. "Who wants to know?"

"I come from Councillor Res, who wishes to meet with you."

"Yeah, yeah. In a minute." Serb had been expecting this summons for the entire three days since he had arrived. The council of seventy wished to formally make their acquaintance with him (as if they hadn't all met with him privately already.)

"I don't think you understand who is summoning you. The council is not to be delayed." The man was becoming agitated, and it soon became apparent he was not going away. Sern sighed in defeat, and turned off his torch.


"Sern Avirri, you are hereby summoned before the Council of Seventy," proclaimed the irritatingly self-righteous herald. Sern entered from the wing, and strode confidently before the council.

"G' morning." Upon hearing such a casual greeting, a ripple of laughter ran through the assembled councillors.

"Good morning, Sern. Now, if you would take a seat, we may begin," stated the eldest man present, who was seemingly baffled by the foreigners opening.

Sern complied, and slowly lowered himself into the chair. "Why am I here councillor, when I could be helping your country? It's not as if you arrogant bastards haven't wasted enough of my time with your 'secret' meetings."

"Well, uh, we..." Council meeting usually began slowly and ended slower, with carefully chosen words crafting sentences meant to be as unobtrusive as humanly possible, which is why the councillor was so completely lost for words. "Quite frany, we, uh, called you here today to ask you why you're here.

"Haven't I already made that clear enough? I'm here to help you." Sern was beginning to get exasperated by these pompous bureaucrats. "I've come into your country, on the run, no less and friggin' helped build an Engine! I mean, seriously, how more clear could I get?!?

"Well, maybe you're a... spy. That's it! Maybe you're a spy!" Councillor Res was clearly grasping at straws here, making things up on the fly.

"For what? You're poor, insignificant, little beggars. You should be happy I'm here helping you, not interrogating me! Seriously!" With those words, Sern stalked out if the court room.
Today. They're about a third done.
The Asgarnian Code

We the People of the Asgar river valley, have came together to form the perfect union.

Article I:

The Asgarnian Code, as it shall be written from now on, holds every truth and responsibility of this great culture. A Culture where nationalism runs deep in the veins of the people. A Culture where everyone feels the need and desire to pitch in, to make a perfect nation impossibly more correct. Laid out on this roll of cloth entails the details of how each and every personality in Asgarnia acts and reacts.

Article II:

Section I:

As per tradition of Asgarnian culture, all respectful families will have several if not more memorabilia or artifacts (flags, patriotic items, etc…) in their home(s). Every and all true Asgarnians will attempt to devote as much of their life to the glory and advancement of the country.

Section II:

In order to fully display the affection one has for their country, and therefore their culture and the Code, an individual should commit their lives to the country. Two of the most effective ways to show your gratitude and appreciation of the culture includes the studying of Education and to directly serve in the Armed Forces. For what is better than to advance your country, both in technology and on the battlefield?

OCC: A small transcript of the Asgarnian Code
Dude, chill out. you're not making any friends you know.

Optical is no doubt working as hard as he can. The stats will come when they're ready
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