PBEM Game Discussion, Tips and Introductions

Would anyone be interested in a Base Game Modern World - Naval War Scenario?

I want to create a game where there are 4-5 players and they have identical fleets, ports and resources and you need to battle for control of central island while also defending your home island.
Civ 2 had a wonderful battle of Atlantic scenario (mod)-- England would get -100 poorer for every Merchant ship German U-boats would sink. There would be only naval and air units in scenario, very cool playing even against AI. Perhaps we should create something like that...
I'll give this some serious consideration soon. I have quite a few ideas but my real desires comes from my love of Battleships
Perhaps we should create something like that...

Come to think of it, we might want to start a general thread in the PBEM forum for discussing ideas for new games. I know I got some.
While we are at it, maybe we could also open a thread to discuss PBEM ethics. Not obvious things like reloading to change combat results or explore several tiles in one turn with the same unit, but rather gray areas.
For example, if we presume that no other action was taken before or after, is it okay to move a Worker on an empty tile without uncovering any fogged tiles to check if there are any improvements prebuilt and if yes how far, then reloading and doing something different with it? One could argue that it is cheating, but on the other hand that is the same information one could get with the BUG mod.
To be honest I think all discussion should remain in this thread and try to keep the sub-forum clean.

As to ethics discussion, if you feel need to cheat, you really need to question why you are playing at all.
As to ethics discussion, if you feel need to cheat, you really need to question why you are playing at all.

You do realize that the point was to discuss what exactly constitutes cheating, right?
Yeah, something along these lines.
I think you can select the worker, drag over to any tile and the options for potential improvements will show up at the bottom BEFORE the worker moves. If I am remembering correctly without opening up the game.

Either way, I wouldn't call that cheating, but its also just as easy to use your eyes too. Not everything needs to be done super fast, kid. ;)
I think you can select the worker, drag over to any tile and the options for potential improvements will show up at the bottom BEFORE the worker moves. If I am remembering correctly without opening up the game.

You clearly didn't understand my question at all. Try again.
Shut your yap, kid! :mischief:

You can´t talk to me like that! I´ve got a high school degree! If I weren´t so lazy I could even be a productive member of society now!
I think this thread is good for ethical questions - there are some already on the last page.

Mr. Knoedel, why dont you just use the BUG mod then?
I mostly play mods anyway so it would be only for PBEMs really. Also if I get BUG I don't feel fulfilled because of all the greyed-out BUFFY (or was it BULL?) settings so I feel compelled to get that too, but that doesn't work because somehow my user name contains the 'ö' character so the mod can't access some of my files and completely messes up my interface and makes the game unplayable. Tried it several times already and never have I managed to make it work. :/
That's what you get for having a weird name...


My family will be out of town leaving me with an empty house, internet, and obviously lots of time for civ next week. I'm hoping to set up my annual 6 hours of mid-week live civ for one of the days next week if at all possible. My plan is to take off Thursday if necessary which gives me a huge block of time from Weds evening July 10 through Thurs afternoon July 11. If anyone is interested in planning a game, send me a PM or an email if you have it, or even respond on this thread.

If you've ever tried playing this game of ours online, you've noticed that literally every game available is simply "FFA Pangea" on quick speed and the fastest turn timer. The game is an ancient era rush game, it never lasts more than a couple hours and is absolutely no fun because there is no real diplomacy and everyone quits once someone has taken out a few players.

Imp. Knoedel got in on a game with me last year around this time, which was the motivation for the "Hub Always War" PBEM game we started. If we can get a few PBEM players, we should be able to organize a game that is a lot more true to a PBEM game - much slower turn timers, if any at all, normal game speed, different maps, etc. Obviously its a large time commitment, you have to be able to handle going 6 to 8 hours straight with short breaks to make it worth it. However if you can spare the time, I'm sure Knoedel my frenemy will join and hopefully we can get 4 (or more) of us together for a different gameplay experience, at least for one night.

The game setup will be decided by us PBEMers, we can do anything from mods to scenarios to simply a random map, to different challenges, etc. I'm open to anything! So let me know if you are interested.

My prime playing time would be approx. July 10 2013 GMT 2300 through July 11 2013 GMT 2200. I'm willing to be flexible with a good block of time anywhere in there. That's translated to east coast USA time, 7/10/13 6pm to 7/11/13 5pm.

I'm also available Monday July 8 2013, however only GMT 2300 to GMT 0500, aka July 8 2013 6pm to 12pm. However if both times work, we can start a game for a few hours Monday, save it, and come back for the Wednesday finale. I have plans on Tuesday.

Look forward to hearing from some players!
Maybe you should copy that post into Luthor's thread here.

I am definitively available. There is no way I would let another chance of owning you slip away. ;D
I knew you would be! :D We will discuss as it gets closer and hopefully when we have more players. Need to get a time straight first.

And I don't take live games nearly as seriously as PBEM games, I tend to have more fun with them... I will definitely be drinking some beers while I play, so dont be surprised when you beat me. Although you will be my enemy #1. I'd like to try something different, maybe a mod in a later age, or possibly some sort of survival against a super tough AI type of game? Just thinking out loud here.
My prime playing time would be approx. July 10 2013 GMT 2300 through July 11 2013 GMT 2200. I'm willing to be flexible with a good block of time anywhere in there. That's translated to east coast USA time, 7/10/13 6pm to 7/11/13 5pm.

I want to play, but that is my LEAST available time. :(
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