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People of the Nile: An Egyptian Realpolitik

"...and see, that's another reason why war is so good!" said NinjaCow64 enthusiastically while selling a large group of furs to the merchant. "It improves the economy! If we were to declare war on animals and use developed more strictly organised hunting techniques then not only would be great training for our soldiers, it would give us more meat and furs than we could possibly count! It would be wonderful!" The shopkeeper nodded and gave NinjaCow64 some vegetables. NinjaCow64 smiled as walked out of the shop and into the greater marketplace, he had convinced another person of the benefits of war. This was a good day.

"Allah is my shepherd, I shall not want!" sang Chirstos as he dodged rotten fishheads being pelted at him.

"What in the name of Isis is a shepherd?" asked Robert as he was hurling fish.

"Beats me." said Ravus, who was passing the marketplace and going back to his Mud-Hut.

"What a fun looking game!" shouted NinjaCow64, while seriously misinterpreting the scene. "I'm on Chirstos' team!" This got a look of confusion from the crowd. NinjaCow64 then proceeded to pick up two fish heads off the floor. He proceeded to shove one of them on top of his head and twisted it around, making fish guts drip down his face. He then pegged the other one at Tambien, getting fish guts all over his clothes and furs.

"OH COME ON!" shouted Tambien "I JUST GOT THEM WASH...wait a second..." Tambien thought about NinjaCow64's misunderstanding of the situation.

"IT'S A GAME!" shouted Tambien, realising a way he could get even more furs out of this situation. "Everyone come play Dodgefish!"

"What in the name of Isis is a Dodgefish?" asked Robert, who was quite confused at this point.

"It's the FISH that YOU dodge MAN!" shouted NinjaCow64 as he pegged another fish head at Robert. The crowd, who were getting a bit bored of hurling fish heads at Chirstos, decided that it would be fun to hurl fish heads at each other. Everyone joined in, even the feuding immortals. What had started as a malevolent attempt to humiliate Chirstos turned into Egypt's first game of Dodgefish by a simple misunderstanding by Siwa's other resident madman. This game was more melancholy and much less organised than the usual game of Dodgefish. After all the rotted fish heads were all disintegrated, NinjaCow64 invited all the players to have a bath at the bathing hut, which he paid for with the large amount of animal pelts he had hunted.

"Today really is a good day" said NinjaCow64, as he was smiling and floating in the warm bath. Everything really was the best in Egypt.
And have one governor rule over a province? Yeeees.

I can't think of a time when a city should become unannexed.

What about when President overrides the governor's orders?

"I forgive each one of you who uses violence against me. I forgive. I will pray to Allah to forgive you. For I love and embrace my enemies. I preach love and peace. I preach tolerance. I preach forgiveness. May Allah forgive you. For you do not know what you are doing."


"Robert, I know that you are pure in heart. You can still be saved. Become my student. Accept the teachings of Allah. I pray to Allah every day and night to forgive you for your sins. Come with me. Become my student. I know that you are a good man. Do not be blinded by hatred and racism."
"What next, is he going to claim that he's my father?" Robert snidely commented to one of his huge ruffians who then let out a malevolent chuckle.

It was one day since the "Fish Incident" and Robert and his cronies were once again standing at the edge of the market square keeping an eye on the resident mad man. The only differences this time were firstly that Robert was feeling quite beautiful after the spa day that NinjaCow had payed for and secondly that today Christos had begun calling him out across the crowd.

Upon hearing Robert's name called the pair of ruffinas had both reached for there blades, but Robert raised a hand to calm them.

"My dear Christos, I would be delighted to hear what you have to say. Perhaps we can discuss this over in the Fraternity's Mud Hut. I'll put the kettle on and we can talk this over for a short while. Maybe you could stay in our hut for a few days, or a few weeks. Or however long it takes. I promise the guards will be much gentler this time."

Perhaps it was a transparent ruse, most would have been able to see that this was just a veiled invitation to jail but Robert hoped that the mad man was mad enough to play along.
"I am sorry, but I cannot come with you right now. I have to meet the Members of the Egyptian Party for Reconstruction and Justice. Maybe I will come later. However, I want to invite you to my hut. I hope that you will come and we will be able to discuss. I know that you are pure in heart. I pray to Allah for you."
Robert glanced over to Tambien dismissively before turning his attention back to Christos.

"I think I'll take you up on that offer," He said "Myself and a group of, lets call them mutual friends, will paying a visit to your hut this evening. There are things we need to discuss."

Robert then turned round briskly and gave another disapproving glare at Tambien who was still snickering to himself.

Later than evening Robert, flanked by about 8 members of the Nile People's Fraternity, arrived at the doorstep of Christos Ismail. Robert took a moment to have two of the men skirt around the back of the building to cover the escape routes before proceeding to knock on the door. As soon as it opened two more of the men instantly grabbed Christos and dragged him in to one of the rooms forcing him to sit. Robert nodded to a few more of the Brothers to search the house while he stayed in the room to speak to the self proclaimed prophet.

"Christos..." He began "We're going to have that little chat now. I'm not going to hurt you unless you hurt me. I'm not going to put you back in jail, or take away your liberties. I'm not even going to force you to listen to what I have to say."

"Well then..." Christos interjected.

"But you're damned well going to listen!" Robert shouted. Christos instantly shut up, the two nearest guards had moved their hands to their weapons. "By Isis mother of Horus I have to save this nation from you." He calmed down a bit, composing himself before he began to pace up and down in front of the seated prophet. "This nation has three kinds of people Mr Ismail. It has the ordinary citizens, the staple of society; those that are democracy is set up to protect. Then," and he paused looking Christos in the eye "There are your kind. Those who seek to destabilise and to destroy the good people of Egypt. There are your kind that are a threat to our democracy, to our freedoms. People like you are dangerous."

Robert then moved to in front of Christos and sat down. "Its people like you that mean we have to have people like me."

He got up again and recommenced his pacing. "We need people to protect those who go to sleep innocently at night, someone to protect the idealists from men like you. Because, like it or not the world is a lot darker and more dangerous than the idealists think. That is what kind of man I am Christos, I'm a man who believes the ends justify the means, a man who will do whatever it takes to save his people. And I will save my people from you."

Robert turned for the last time to walk to the door signaling for his ruffians to follow. Just as they were leaving the doorway he turned to the sitting Christos and said "You tell these people you will save them. But who will save them from their savior?"

And with that he walked out taking his retinue with him. They slowly made their way back to the Nile People's Fraternity's hut in silence. At the entrance the men on guard let them enter through the doorway framed with the image of Isis stealing the Ra's names and powers with the poisoned snake. Once inside Robert went to the shrine in the building, dismissing the ruffians and sat alone for a while in front of the image of the mother-god.

"Help me protect them," He whispered "Help me to do whatever it takes." He brought an offering of fresh fruit and barley and placed them at the altar .
What about when President overrides the governor's orders?

That lowers presidential popularity in the city, so while the president can theoretically do that to all cities, he better hope he won the election by a large margin in the first place.

"I do not hurt anyone. I preach the truth, Robert. I preach love. I preach peace. I preach tolerance. I preach mercy. Look in my eyes. What do you see? Hate or Peace? Evil or Good? Hate or Love? I will not resist if you decide to kill me. But I shall not betray Allah. If I have to die for my faith, I am ready to sacriface myself to save the Egyptian people from their sins. If you decide to kill me, I want you to allow me to pray to Allah to forgive you for your sins."
OOC: Stop doing this and get to actual debating.
The LotCP condemns the "Fish Incident" saying "this is racist, close-minded and barely aside from religious warfare."
The 'GreekAnalyzer' claims this is religious warfare? Well good! We only want one religion to hold sway on the Nile: OURS! These incidents only prove the population's unconditional support of this ideal.
OOC: We only have 1 city, and in reality at this stage of the game with the tech we have, its probably a large town and not even a city. Which means a mob more or less represents the people.

IC: Are you blind and deaf? Even if not everyone in Egypt is here, that is only because the rest are off doing worthwhile things like finding us food! Nobody wants your religious freedom, because it is an insult to our Gods you heretic! We worship the gods of EGYPT here on the Nile! *Crowd Cheers*

"Arya, why do you preach hate, greed, violence, racism and war? I know, that deep in your heart, you are a good person. You have been fooled into preaching hatred. Come with me. I preach love. I preach peace. I preach mercy. I preach tolerance. I preach of the One and True God, Allah. Come with me. Become my student. Stop preaching hate. Start preaching love. Stop seeing only death. Start seeing life. Come with me."
Christos, we are kind of getting sidetracked with your constant preaching. It's cool, but this ain't an RPG. It's a realpolitik.

Wait, you are in this? Which party?
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