Play the World first Screenshots!

Originally posted by sgrig
My guess is that:

-Viking Berserk is an amphibious swordsman
-Mongol Keshik is either a replacement for swordsman (with movement 2) or a replacement for Longbowman

To have the Berserk be amphib would cause a major game unbalance. While Vikings did land to attack, it was not usually in the amphib/marine landing way.
With the snow-covered terrain, is there any chance that "seasons" are being implimented? It would be a very good addition to scenarios, especially if (say) winter reduced movement points on open land by 1/2.

Would make things like a napoleonic or WWII scenario even more interesting.
Originally posted by SRN
Since i dont want to read the entire post, to find out if anyone has said something about this, here goes.

nice - :rolleyes:

looks really good - i can't wait
Sorry if this has been suggested - I haven't had time to read all posts...

How about Isreal?

UU of some kind of intelligence officer.
And a Danish and civ. Så kunne din mor lære at sutte ordentligt!
Originally posted by kring

To have the Berserk be amphib would cause a major game unbalance.

Not necessarily. How often in the Ancient Age are you attacking island cities? Not very, unless you're playing a 60% water/Archipelago. Also, if it is 2/1/1, it's usefulness runs out really quickly...
Thanks for the correction, ChrTh. I don't want to offend anyone. It seems that this is moot anyway since it looks like the Arabs will not be a civ.

(I'd prefer the latter; can you make it a game mod that it automatically ends in 2012? )

For those of you who are wondering, the Mayan calendar, which is extremely detailed, ends in the year 2012. A lot of scholars believe that this is to indicate the end of the world. Its certainly looking prophetic the way the world is going these days.
For the new buttons at the center-middle of the screen, could one of them (either the dot with the arrow around it or the sword) just be a Sentry command? Seems like a logical command to put out there with Fortify, Disband, etc.

Back to lurking now.....
Originally posted by zeeter
(I'd prefer the latter; can you make it a game mod that it automatically ends in 2012? )

For those of you who are wondering, the Mayan calendar, which is extremely detailed, ends in the year 2012. A lot of scholars believe that this is to indicate the end of the world. Its certainly looking prophetic the way the world is going these days.

For those of you who remember, in August of 1987 the 'world' united in the 'Harmonic Convergence', a new-age thing with the notion that since the Mayan world was about to end (25 years hence--in 2012), we needed to get into harmonic sync (or something like that) to avoid the coming catastrophe (correct me if I'm wrong here, but I believe that the Mayan 5th(?) Age was to end in Fire).

Also, isn't 2012 one of the years when the computers are going to crash? I think the 'C' clock hits 7 digits (and thus resets) then...I'm sure someone on this board knows the exact details.

Speaking of female about a HAWAIIAN Civ; it would function like the Polynesians (Canoe UU), and it would be in the North American 'zone', and it would have that Queen chick as its leader (I can't remember her name).
Originally posted by SRN

Since i dont want to read the entire post, to find out if anyone has said something about this, here goes. [B/]

Originally posted by SRN
Could someone answer my question plz?

why don't you just read the post? your questions are already answered there - and it would take less time then *****ing and whining - and would be alot less bothersome
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I am a new fan. Can anyone tell me the steps to set-up to play the Danes? And, would that be the same for the Spanish, Mongols, and the Vikings?
no arabs? damn. I think Koreans would be cool but not incans... i simply do not think of them as the great civilization like aztecs (or even mayans) were. and what about their UU? a mountaineer??

I believe Arabs headed by mohammad would be best since they fit the aspects of a great civilization (mass influence, sucess in war, relatively advanced knowledge etc). Turks are ok too... though... do we know if they'll be turks or ottomans? or seljuk turks?

or just turks ... ;-)


and i agree w/ whoever said it... Iraq would be 'fun'. really give the game a more realistic political dimension.

Iran is already included. (persia) iran up until 1930 was known as persia still and even today 90% of its inhabitants are of the persian ethnic group. only spotted locations in pakistan and afghanistan have people who could be considered persian (spreaking farsi being a requirement....)
For those of you who remember, in August of 1987 the 'world' united in the 'Harmonic Convergence', a new-age thing with the notion that since the Mayan world was about to end (25 years hence--in 2012), we needed to get into harmonic sync (or something like that) to avoid the coming catastrophe (correct me if I'm wrong here, but I believe that the Mayan 5th(?) Age was to end in Fire).

I love this topic! From what I've read, the world is speeding up at an exponential rate. We need time and space because of our inability to experience everything at once. However, the world is speeding up to the point where, in 2012, everything will happen.

Its like this. Were you ever in your car and for some reason, you slowed down. In a few seconds, the car in front of you or beside you does something stupid that would have caused an accident if you hadn't slowed down. You don't know why you did it, but something told you that you had better slow down. Its because you've already experienced this, but your timeline got eskewed and you knew enough to avert this disaster - either that or we are programmed to avoid these things.

There are certain events that will happen along the way to this big fire. In fact, this year, 2002,is the year for Lung Disease, according to the calendar. I can't remember all of them - I smoke, so I remembered that one (the frigg'n Mayans are telling me to quit smoking!).

Anyway, there are a lot of similarities to the Sumarian's. Many of the events in the calendar coincide with events that either happened with the Sumarians, or were predicted by the Sumarians. Only thing is, the Sumarians were in Asia (or near the middle east, I think), and the Mayans were in, what, Mexico?

Also, some of the architecture and artistry of the Mayans is similar to the Sumarians, not to mention that the Sumarians spoke of a thirteenth planet (not sure what happened to ten thru twelve) which is inhabited and is due to become visible again in the year 2007 (I think). They also mention the planet before Pluto. What is that, Neptune? I don't know, but they had the location perfect with respect to the other planets. The only thing is, there is no way that they could have seen this planet way back then. The Mayans made numerous references to these planets. But what this has to do with Civ 3, I don't know.
Harmonic convergence....fascinating....

Unique UUs, 5 versions of the Knight, one even has a nice doggy.... how quaint.....very interesting.

But lets cut the the REAL reason we need an XPack..... Landmarks! When is the last time any political action was taken for..... that kinda hilly place with the caves? Never! Military action was taken in the Bora Bora region..... and landmarks gives it a name. Civilizations clash because of land and resources because those things are important, important enough to have names! This is gonna be even more important in the scenarios and the MP games, because it will be a lot more fun, and a lot more real, if we are fighting over the Ural Pass instead of "that little mountain thingy in the upper left part of the map".

So let me know if its there.....thanks.
Zeeter, you might want to check this essay out:

Apparently the Time Wave Zero strikes on 12/21/12...same as when the Mayan Calendar ends.

I don't know about you, but I think I'm going to make plans for a barbecue that day.

EDIT: And here's a REALLY bizarre site...2012 is quite the major date
Originally posted by wotan321
Harmonic convergence....fascinating....

Unique UUs, 5 versions of the Knight, one even has a nice doggy.... how quaint.....very interesting.

We could have knights with a potato gun as a variation.

But lets cut the the REAL reason we need an XPack..... Landmarks! When is the last time any political action was taken for..... that kinda hilly place with the caves? Never! Military action was taken in the Bora Bora region..... and landmarks gives it a name. Civilizations clash because of land and resources because those things are important, important enough to have names! This is gonna be even more important in the scenarios and the MP games, because it will be a lot more fun, and a lot more real, if we are fighting over the Ural Pass instead of "that little mountain thingy in the upper left part of the map".

So let me know if its there.....thanks.

And name them after what? We could use CFC member names like Wotan Mountains or Beammy Ocean.
Help! I am a new fan and am confused. I do not know how to work with mods and I do not know how to get the ability to play the Danes. Can someone help me?
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