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Player Chosen SG

well still at work, could play in 5 hours at most...

I would like to finish the lighthouse though, but I really want to check the save game first to be sure, we could work then coast for some better commerce.

As I read from kossin unhappy citizens don't eat food when building workers/settlers, so maybe could be worth to grow beyond happy cap and start worker/settler -> whip into chariot to get some hammers out.

I am a bit concerned with commerce over that big distance. The writing is next tech for sure.
Oh, didn't know that about the citizens. No hurry for the game. I just know that I can't play tomorrow. We could work some coast but won't we want to work the hills when they become mines? I have the worker building a mine, it didn't chop first because the chop would have gone towards the wrong thing. I suppose we might as well finish lighthouse for the commerce option now that it is started, oh and the chop will go into the lighthouse. That's fine. That was the intention previously, when GLH was the goal. I just thought the hammers might be better spent on unit builds.

EDIT: For some reason I saved the game mid-turn before moving our archer to reveal the barb city, so remember to do that...I think everything else was organised the way it should be at that point but you will probably want to doulble check.
Another thing I forgot is that Mao has archers near the lowest barb city but I dont think he will succeed in taking it. Perhaps you can see this in the screenshot...I think it is 3 archers.
yeah I saw those archers in screenshot...

actually I think I will delay the turnset if you don't oblige for tomorrow, want to do something else today, but will look at the save and formulate PPP sorts of to discuss tomorrow.

btw consulted the game with lymond and he says scrap or build 500 chariots and own mao :-D
hmm sorry for no PPP... i went and played 10 turns and worse even I didn't made good notices about the gameplay...

I let grow the capital into unhappy, then switched to settler and whipped it after mine chop and 2 turns.

then whipped some workers too with overflow into units or LH in capital.

T76 and Ragnar goes WHEOORN and I stop. It's clear he will go after us. I just settled the fish+silver spot and right now i don't want to continue with this game...
let's make another SG with bigger team and proper plans (even on my side).


Spoiler :

I struggle to see how we could hope to get close to tech' parity on this map given that it seems far too late to shoot at The Pyramids. Two AIs in WHEOOHRN and being the only non-Jewish tribe doesn't augur well, although we're not touching borders with either.

Well done though vranasm and sadmachines on your turnsets.
Well done though vranasm and sadmachines on your turnsets.

I am really disappointed with myself though. Don't like how the map turned out, especially that GLH is missed, but that Ragnar scum usually ruins my games anyway.

Btw yesterday I looked into Glance before posting save and saw that he has with Mao that peaceweight diplo +4, there was never chance they will war each other I suppose. I can see Mao going for Churchill, but Ragnar was definitely against us. So was my mistake to suppose they will war each other based on land target from beginning, should have checked the glance earlier.

But I take lymond's word about "asstastic" map as granted and call it "gods were not forgiving"...

Are you up for some other game? I would like some SG before SGOTM 13 lands...
Yeah ... absolutely. :)

I picked a tough leader though. Wouldn't matter on the map we drew, but if we're going for an Immortal win again then I'd maybe look elsewhere ... Inca, Rome, The Netherlands, that sort of thing.

I must confess though that I do like variant rules to spice SGs up a bit.
well I never won Immortal map, but I have to admit I didn't really tried yet, almost always stop around 1kAD with small tech lead :).

So spicing games with rules is for me much better on Emperor, where I am pretty comfortable.

I don't understand the love for Inca...played them like 1-2 times and don't miss them. That financial trait is too bounding in strategies.

I love Creative leaders though. My personal favorite is Hatty, but since I plan to start Let's play on YT with Hatty after finishing the last NC game, I would suggest another one.

What about Zara? Cre+Org... :-D tempting! and oromos... yummy

but of course if you start Inca game...go for it I will join :), I am here for fun and learning
Well, maybe we go with a 'Prester John' type theme on Emperor ... Zara must win by diplomatic, however if going for AP then only as a Christian? Vassals disabled, and other odds-and-sods variants as agreed to be thematic and preferable. Selected AI with random personalities (Shaka, Mansa, Saladin, Mehmed, Isabella, and Joao).

... or are you all taken by a 'just win' Immortal level game?
Ha....I like the plug on my quote, V

I'll join in the fun if you'd like. Immortal game sounds cool. It may gear us up for the next SGOTM.

One thought is to try out one of the older SGOTMs and use the same rules. I've only played the last two. However, I think most were played at Emperor or lower. If they provide a WB file like the GOTMs we could change it.

I'll check back or PM me V if yall get the other one up. Glad to see Cam aboard.
... or are you all taken by a 'just win' Immortal level game?

I would like to win Immortal game, but when done in team it's not just mine victory at all, so that should not be the aim because it's too selfish.
I just noted that my experience on Immortal is limited and could be detrimental in discussions.

I vote for something that will make people fun and will be interesting for them. In that sense I have no objections to anything you will come up with if it's at least reasonable (like for example I would not like if we are forced to get into war with every AI).

I rethought the leaders you mentioned... Dutches are good compromise... Financial and Creative and if we get water map it could be a lot of fun (but would not roll specifically for water map).

welcome aboard lymond :)
I played on in single player and made some silly mistakes but...
Ragnar + Mao ganged up on Churchill. I joined in at the request/demand of Ragnar. Managed to build the Great Library and take the top barb city but not the bottom. Put out cities in the dot mapped spots. Very slow crawl to currency. Ragnar is now friendly and Mao is pleased. Churchill vassal to Mao with only one city. We have two lots of iron. The Oracle didn't go until 875BC and it was something like 200AD when the Pyramids were built!
It still isn't the strongest game ever but it is looking better. Anyway, I know no-one else wants to play anymore but I will play on just to see how it turns out.
Nice one! I was thinking of attempting to World Builder the map to see if I could do it as a OCC, seeing the start was so nice, but I'm not sure if it would work as I'm not all that experienced at toying with maps.

I've kicked off a new succession game just to keep things moving. I took vranasm's suggestion of Zara on board only to notice that the interest is now with Willem! Anyway, I've dropped the difficulty down to Emperor and thrown in a variant: PCSG2: Lalibela's Eleven Churches, and I've maintained the roster, although if anyone isn't interested, that's fine. Lymond gets a spot. :)
Well - 'third time lucky', but got an OCC win. 2005AD on Immortal!

First attempt I got 'dogpiled on' in the Medieval Era, second attempt I was destined to lose a space race (I even popped a Gold resource in my bfc in the early game), but finally I got there with a really messy win ...

The start reworked as an OCC

One turn to go
Only just noticed this. I'll have a go on your OCC version at the weekend. I dont have much experience on occ so it might end badly.
I look forward to seeing how you go! :)

There's as much 'bad' as 'good' with this game as an OCC. The traits are 'so-so', there's a lot of water if you SIP, and you've already got an idea of just some of the neighbours on the basis of the initial SG. Without wanting to divulge too much, on the 'plus side'; I do think that the high sea levels work tremendously in your favour with this set-up.
I have seen the rest of the map. I finished the original game ages ago. I can't remember all the details but I think I can recall the shape and size of the land areas. Did you SIP?
Oh, of course you did! Sorry.

I did SIP, but it's arguably the second best spot. The best spot (I suspect) is 'non-riverside', which has its own problems as a result.
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