Possible coup in Turkey

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Who are they?

Looks like already tens of killed by now. Police HQ in Ankara reportedly on fire, explosion in parliament building (probably tank shell or airbomb).
USA expressed support of Erdogan government.

I doubt it's just tens.

Why a bomb in parliament building? Is the prime-minister or other government member there?
Live feed of Erdogans plane circling over Turkey (currently descending):


Many conflicting reports coming in, Turkish spokesman is claiming the attack has been repelled, parliament building was bombed from air, 3rd bomb hits the Turkish Grand National Assembly building, TRT (Turkish National TV) is back on air.
Erdogan is a piece of -- no, he is not a good one. It seems if half the country is willing to be in the streets to demonstrate the military does not have control, then the coup failed. A lot of people died in this and that's just one more kick to the foundations of Turkey. If I were European, I'd be horrified, not exhilarated.
Live feed of Erdogans plane circling over Turkey (currently descending):


Many conflicting reports coming in, Turkish spokesman is claiming the attack has been repelled, parliament building was bombed from air, 3rd bomb hits the Turkish Grand National Assembly building, TRT (Turkish National TV) is back on air.

Well then, if he is indeed returning it means the coup was defeated. May also explain why other governments are now abandoning the cautious stance they held.
The military involved in the coup are going down fighting? But the rest won't join or finally decided to side with the government? I wonder what kind of guarantees they extracted for it.
Well then, if he is indeed returning it means the coup was defeated. May also explain why other governments are now abandoning the cautious stance they held.
The military involved in the coup are going down fighting? But the rest won't join or finally decided to side with the government?

He indeed is landing. From my point of view there are two possibilities that could explain what happened:

a) erdo organized the coup himself to make his dictatorship even stronger (highly unlikely I believe)

b) there was an actual coup attempt which failed and only proved that erdo has accomplished his goal of taking away power from the military (a history of coups organized by the Turkish military in order to topple and stop dictators such as erdo from running rampant)
I'm not yet sure it failed. Where is he landing, Ankara, Istambul, or some air base?
I'm not yet sure it failed. Where is he landing, Ankara, Istambul, or some air base?

Istanbul Ataturk airport


State broadcaster TRT is back in government control, however reports now coming in that CNN Turkey is being taken over by the military.


Now the Turkish Armed Forces are reporting that they have control over the whole country on their official website. It's unavailable currently (due to high traffic probably)

I just dont think erdogan would wander back into any portion of the country if he wasnt very confident he was going to be in charge of the country
Looks like a repeat of the Ergenekon "coup" (more specifically, conspiracy; gov forces planted guns and then dug them up to claim the army was planning a coup), only this time massively upped. And the Ergenekon is known to have been staged to provide excuse for the gov to do purges.

How would any coup do the following:

-bomb the parliament building, which always is a symbol of a country, not a party (they would choose to bomb Erdo palace, if anything)
-not arrest any high ranking gov officials
-stage a coup when Ergo was safely outside the country...
-allow gov ministers to speak on tv

I mean, you wouldn't really do a coup without at least arranging the arrest of the government you aim to topple.
I do hope this doesn't slide into an outright civil war. Neither side is giving up, and the military even if it is split shows little wish to back the government - only the security services, intelligence and some police, seem to be doing the fighting.
Turkey has a huge military, if it splits and goes full civil war it'll be an absolute disaster.

I also don't believe this is a staged coup. Too many people put their lives on the line for it to be staged.

I just dont think erdogan would wander back into any portion of the country if he wasnt very confident he was going to be in charge of the country

Pushed by allies? Deceived by enemies who want to capture/kill him? Anything is possible the way things are looking...
I have been watching SkyNews for the last three hours - I'd say it's safe to assume that the coup has failed.

The rebelling military units apparently lost control over the state TV roughly 2 hours ago (after some gunfire was heard at the station).

As more and more people filled the streets, tanks were swarmed by civilians - in some cases soldiers fired warning shots, but were barely able to stand their ground. Jeering from the crowds made it pretty clear that they could not expect civilian support for their actions.

Several soldiers were apparently arrestested / escorted away by police, tanks and APCs retreated.

One theory I heard was that some medium-rank offcer(s?) staged the whole thing, giving false orders to the soldiers in their command chain, banking on the rest of the army to support the coup once it was set in motion (which obviously didn't happen). Though I'd not be shocked if Erdogan knew about the whole thing and allowed it to be set in motion (so it could fail).

The explosions at the parlament might have been air attacks against the tanks that had surrounded the building. The damage I saw on stream didn't look like a deliberate attack on the building.
I'm not surprised. No government that was sure it could snuff out a coup by force would ever call the population into the streets. That was a desperate last resort. The situation will remain unstable.
Jets are flying low in Istanbul

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